2025 Volunteer Fair Adriano Dalle Rive 2025-01-12 05:00:00Z 0
Twelfth Night Christmas Tree Bonfire Adriano D. 2024-12-19 05:00:00Z 0
2024 Rotary Santa Claus Parade Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-11-02 04:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Lottery Calendar Fundraiser is Back!! Adriano D. 2024-10-19 04:00:00Z 0
Exclusive Rotary Club of Alliston Portugal Trip Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-09-25 04:00:00Z 0

50th Anniversary Potato Festival Parade

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The Alliston Potato Festival has been a family-focused event since 1973. Full of fun, history, and community! If you haven’t experienced it and the amazing organizations that help bring it to life, put it in your Calendar for 2024. It’s our Celebration Year and it is going to be the best festival yet!!

In 1972 Davis Willis planted the seed to host a festival celebrating community and the opportunity for all local organizations to work together.  Continuously supported by the Rotary and Alliston Lions from day 1, the motion sprouted and has evolved and continued to grow and become better year after year.

What’s cool about it is that it’s not just your usual festival. You’ve got your weekend covered, with a beer garden and awesome entertainment, to fun stuff like the baby show, petting zoo, and Trillium Ford Mustang showcase.
50th Anniversary Potato Festival Parade Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-08-06 04:00:00Z 0
Longtime Rotary Member - Ed Zelinski Tribute Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-07-10 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Alliston supports Mother based school in Bangladesh 2024-05-06 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Roadside Refuse Clean-up on May 6th Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-04-27 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Sponsored - Free Public Skate in Alliston Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-03-11 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary and the Banting Robotics Club

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Over the past two years, Rotary member Felix Kaechele has paid a weekly visit to the Banting Robotics Club, an after-hours robot-building workshop that gives a group of Banting Memorial High School students some real-world practical experience in STEM applications.
Rotary and the Banting Robotics Club Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-03-11 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Donation to My Sister's Place Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-02-24 05:00:00Z 0
Tottenham Free Skate sponsored by Rotary Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-02-22 05:00:00Z 0
Alliston Free Skate Sponsored by Rotary Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-02-22 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Fair 2024

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The Rotary Club of Alliston's 2nd Annual Volunteer Fair was held on
Saturday, 10 February at the Alliston Memorial Arena.
Volunteer Fair 2024 Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-02-19 05:00:00Z 0

Carnation delivery to long-term care homes

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To celebrate Valentine's Day, and to provide a touch of warmth and caring
to the residents of Alliston's long-term care homes, the Rotary Club of
Alliston delivered carnations to three homes the morning of Valentines Day
Carnation delivery to long-term care homes Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-02-19 05:00:00Z 0

Join us at Winterfest 2024

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❄️We’ll be at Winterfest on Saturday, 3 February at the New Tecumseth Recreation Centre from 11:30 AM and 4:00 PM. Come out and say hi.  The Rotary club will have a table inside the arena lobby.
Join us at Winterfest 2024 Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-02-01 05:00:00Z 0
Rotarian Profile - Andrew Adriano Dalle Rive 2024-02-01 05:00:00Z 0
Alliston Rotary brings clean water to a family in Laos Adriano 2023-12-16 05:00:00Z 0

Club Awards

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President Brian Carmichael handed out Club Awards to Rotarians at the Clubs annual Christmas Party.
Club Awards Adriano 2023-12-16 05:00:00Z 0
Daily Lottery Calendars Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-11-23 05:00:00Z 0
Giving Tuesday is November 28, 2023 2023-11-15 05:00:00Z 0
Letter from Parvin 2023-11-15 05:00:00Z 0
Country Music Concert - Jessica Sole Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-09-23 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellowship Awards

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Every year the Rotary Club of Alliston presented Paul Harris Fellowships to members and non-member who have provide great service to the club and the community.
Paul Harris Fellowship Awards Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-09-15 04:00:00Z 0
2023 Rotary Foundation Walk Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-09-06 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Alliston - Social BBQ Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-08-29 04:00:00Z 0

Abilities In Motion (AIM) Regatta 2023

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On 18 and 19 August, the volunteers from the Rotary Club of Alliston helped Andy Owens of Abilities in Motion stage AIM’s annual regatta.  Clients of AIM’s constituent organizations, such as CLASS, use adaptive paddling in canoes and kayaks to get much needed exercise and time outdoors.
Abilities In Motion (AIM) Regatta 2023 Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-08-29 04:00:00Z 0
Saturday’s Kid Zone at the Fairgrounds Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-08-17 04:00:00Z 0
The Alliston Potato Festival Parade Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-08-16 04:00:00Z 0

Letter from Parvin

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Rotary Club of Alliston sponsors a Mother based micro school in Bangladesh through the Amarok Society.
See below a letter from Parvin and photos of her, students and colleagues.
Letter from Parvin 2023-08-14 04:00:00Z 0

Country Music Concert

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The Rotary Club of Alliston, with the support of McDonalds, is sponsoring a country music concert for the community at the Gibson Centre for Community, Arts and Culture on Wednesday evening, 20 September.
Country Music Concert Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-07-26 04:00:00Z 0
New Member Induction Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-07-26 04:00:00Z 0
Winners of the 2023 Paul Harris Bursaries Adriano Dalle Rive 2023-07-15 04:00:00Z 0
New Story 2023-06-19 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Alliston and Lions Club New Signs 2023-06-17 04:00:00Z 0


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The 2023 Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium (RYLS) took place, May 11-14, 2023 at the Ganaraska Forest Centre! The 3-night experience , geared toward youth between the ages of 17-23 offerred an inspiring program including: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Reconciliation and Land Based Education, Hands-on Activities, Group Dynamics, Public Speaking, Outdoor Survival and GPS Geocache adventures along with campfires, friendship and tons of fun and learning!!! 
RYLS District Website 2023-06-04 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Calendar Sales help CLASS to purchase a Wheelchair Swing George Scott 2023-05-26 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Donates to CONTACT for Families in need George Scott 2023-05-26 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary donates to YMCA Day Camp at Earl Rowe Park George Scott 2023-05-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston sponsors school in Bangladesh

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Rotary Club of Alliston is proud to sponsor a school in Bangladesh for mothers. The mothers learn and then in turn teach their children and neighbours children. The Amarok Society is a Canadian charity and they are teaching Parvin (our sponsored Mother) and she is teaching children and helping others in her community. Please read her latest letter below. Visit the Amarok Society  for more information about their schools.
Rotary Club of Alliston sponsors school in Bangladesh 2023-04-25 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Alliston sponsorship of new van for the Good Shepherd Food Bank George Scott 2023-04-18 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Pitches in for Earth Week

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Rotary Club of Alliston, family, friends and volunteers from Banting Memorial High School and New Tecumseth community pitch in during Earth Week to pick up garbage along Highway 89.
Rotary Pitches in for Earth Week 2023-04-18 04:00:00Z 0

May is Youth Services Month

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Rotary Theme for May is Youth Services. Rotary Club of Alliston provides opportunities for youth leadership training(RYLA), scholarships for post secondary education students from Banting Memorial High School, Interact Club(Rotary for High School aged students) and sponsorship of services of MOBYSS(Mobile primary and mental health services to youth aged 12-25).
May is Youth Services Month 2023-04-18 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Sponsored Team in Grate Groan Up Spelling Bee 2023-04-17 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Alliston members to tour Museum on the Boyne 2023-03-18 04:00:00Z 0
Tour of the Good Shepherd Food Bank in Alliston 2023-03-14 04:00:00Z 0
March is Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Month for Rotary 2023-03-01 05:00:00Z 0

K-9 Training - Guest speaker Tony Pallotta

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Our guest speaker on May 8th was  Tony Pallotta, Working K9's Founder and Head Trainer. Tony started training dogs in 1993, with over 25 years of experience thus far, his knowledge and experience has made him a leader within his industry. Like most it is not uncommon he started out in obedience training and found within him the passion and desire to learn, absorb and to become more competent and proficient within.
K-9 Training - Guest speaker Tony Pallotta 2023-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Sends Aid to Türkiye and Syria

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A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck south-eastern Türkiye and Syria on the morning of Monday February 6th  followed by a second earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5. Over 45,000 people have been found dead after the devastating earthquakes.
Rotary Sends Aid to Türkiye and Syria 2023-02-21 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston helps MOBYSS 

Rotary Club of Alliston made a donation of $2000 to the Canadian Mental Health Association to support MOBYSS.
Rotarians and CMHA staff are pictured in front of MOBYSS at Banting Memorial High School.
MOBYSS is a mobile walk in health clinic for youth ages 12-25. The MOBYSS bus visits schools in South Simcoe and York Region. Youth can visit the bus and speak to medical and mental health care professionals in a safe and welcoming environment. The mobile walk-in clinic(bus) is staffed by a nurse practitioner, youth mental health worker and peer support specialist. All services are free and confidential. For more information please visit this link.
Rotary Club of Alliston helps MOBYSS 2023-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

 Flowers for Seniors on Valentine's Day

Rotary Club of Alliston brought some happiness and flowers to seniors in 3 local Long Term Care and Retirement Facilities in New Tecumseth.
Photos courtesy of John McFarland.
Rotarians and staff at Riverwood Seniors Living with flowers for residents on Valentine's Day
Rotarians, staff and residents at Aspira Kingsmere Retirement Living
Rotarians and staff at the Good Samaritan Senior's Complex
The Rotary Club of Alliston thanks Berns Flowers for their generous discount to help us to bring the flowers to our seniors.
Flowers for Seniors on Valentine's Day 2023-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Our Rotary Foundation

The speaker for our February 13 meeting(7pm at Gibson Centre) is our President Elect Brian Carmichael. He will take us on a journey to explore the growth of our Rotary Foundation from an initial donation of $26.50 to beIng the world leader and champion of the efforts to create a world that is totally free of Polio. Brian will also highlight the passion of Rotarians who have helped make a difference in the world. Rotarian Deb who brought literacy to Guatemala. Why Rotarian Doug lived for 6 months in a Zambian leper colony. Brian will also shed light on our own club's International involvement including the Ukraine where the Alliston Rotary Club has been a part of the over $15 million that has been raised to help the efforts of this country deal with the many challenges of the war.
Our Rotary Foundation 2023-02-01 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Sponsors Free Skating for March Break and Family Day 2023-01-30 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston's inaugural volunteer fair a great success

Posted by Rachael Tracey
On 25 January, 2023, the Rotary Club of Alliston hosted their first annual Volunteer Fair at the Alliston Memorial Arena, which was graciously donated to the Club free of charge. The Volunteer Fair was designed to showcase our community’s charitable and service organizations which depend on the participation of volunteers for staffing. Did it ever! With over 200 attendees and 17 organizations, it was buzzing all day long and you could feel the collaborative vibe in the air.  
17 organizations were present this year:
  • Abilities in Motion
  • Alliston & District Humane Society
  • Beeton Honey & Garden Festival
  • CLASS (Community Living Association of South Simcoe)
  • CONTACT Community Services
  • County of Simcoe Long Term Care
  • Good Shepherd Food Bank. 
  • Matthews House Hospice
  • New Tecumseth Public Library
  • Next Step – Literacy Council of South Simcoe
  • Procyon Wildlife
  • S.H.I.F.T. (Support and Hope for Individuals and Families Today) 
  • South Simcoe Arts Council
  • Special Olympics South Simcoe
  • Stevenson Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
  • Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation
  • The Gibson Centre for Community, Arts & Culture
It took a lot of effort to get this event off the ground and running smoothly! The planning committee consisted of Rotarians Brian Carmichael, Rachael Tracey and Colleen Kotnisz. Many thanks also to Rotarians Patricia Middlebrook, Bill Wray, Margaret Barber, and Felix Kaechele for volunteering at the event! 
Rotary Club of Alliston's inaugural volunteer fair a great success Rachael Tracey 2023-01-28 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Steps Up to Help Distribute Food

Posted by George Scott
Matthews House Hospice
Every week, Matthews House Hospice in Alliston receives generous food donations from Foodland in Beeton and Shelburne.  “We’re happy to share them with other charitable organizations around town,” said Marisa Vega, Food Services Coordinator at Matthews House.  “It’s just another way we can support the community.”
Marisa Vega at Matthews House

Matthews House asked the Rotary Club of Alliston for their help in identifying organizations who would welcome items which have recently passed their best-before dates or were frozen at source before their expiry.  The local food banks and several other charities cannot accept anything past its best-before date but Rotary contacted Random Acts of Kindness, which operates a service for the members of their Facebook page.  Headed by Nikki Melara, Random Acts of Kindness displays frozen and packaged items at locations in Loretto and Beeton and lets members choose what they need.  
“We know most of these items are perfectly good to eat or drink long after their stated expiry,” explained Eileen O’Connell, who operates one of the locations.  “The choice will be up to our members to make.  Besides, in order to reduce food waste, some countries are eliminating best-before dates for most products except milk, eggs and a few other fresh items.”  
The average Canadian wastes about 79 kilograms of food every year, according to a report by the United Nations Environment Programme.  That amounts to 2.94 million tonnes of annual household food waste across the nation.  Canadians, who prioritize food safety over food waste, throw away about $2,500 worth of edible products annually for an average family.
Rotary is helping by picking up a selection of juices, crackers, cookies, bread, buns and canned goods at Matthews House and delivering them to Random Acts of Kindness.  The service began on 20 January with George Scott, Chair of Rotary’s Community Service Committee, and will continue weekly with the help of other volunteers.  Scott added: “At a time when some local families are struggling with inflation and food insecurity, we’re pleased to be making a difference in the community by helping Matthews House share their supplies.”
Rotarian George Scott picking up food from Matthews House
Eileen O'Connell of Random Acts of Kindness receiving donated food for distribution
Rotary Steps Up to Help Distribute Food   George Scott 2023-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

Getting to Know Matthews House Hospice

Mathews House Hospice in Alliston(photo courtesy of Mathews House Hospice)
 Margaret Bachle, CEO Matthews House Hospice, was our guest speaker on Monday, February 27, 2023.
Margaret Bachle is the current Chief Executive officer at Matthews house.  She has been a volunteer and a Board member previously at Matthews House.  In her past she was the Vice President of Patient Care Services and the Chief Nursing Officer at Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga for 23 years.
For more information on Matthews House Hospice visit their website
Getting to Know Matthews House Hospice 2023-01-21 05:00:00Z 0

All Wheels Legacy Project in New Tecumseth

Proposed Design of All Wheels Legacy Project Riverdale Park in Alliston
PC Joseph Chamberlain was our guest speaker on January 9, 2023. PC Chamberlain was join by one of his student project representatives. They spoke to members and guests about the All Wheels Legacy Project in New Tecumseth.  
For more information on the project visit:  https://www.allwheelslegacyproject.com/
All Wheels Legacy Project in New Tecumseth 2023-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston donates $10,000 to SMHF

SMHF Director Dave Green, Rotary President Patricia Middlebrook, CEO of SMHF Mary Thomas and Rotarian Colleen Kotnisz
Rotary Club of Alliston donated $10,000 towards it's five year commitment of $50,000 for Stevenson Memorial Hospital Redevelopment. This forth installment cheque was presented this week by Rotary President Patricia Middlebrook to the CEO of the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation Mary Thomas.
Rotary Club of Alliston donates $10,000 to SMHF 2023-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer Fair - Alliston - January  21, 2023

 The Rotary Club of Alliston is pleased to announce the first-ever Volunteer Fair in support of community organizations in New Tecumseth and Simcoe County.  The Volunteer Fair is designed to showcase our community’s charitable and service organizations which depend on the participation of volunteers for staffing. 
On 21 January 2023, 15 tables will be set up in the Community Hall on the second floor of the Alliston Arena on Nelson Street, featuring representatives from select organizations.  Members of the community are invited to attend from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM to learn about the important services each organization provides and find out how they can play a role in helping others in their community.
“Our volunteers are crucial to our success as an organization,” explained Barbara Barta, Manager of Marketing and Communications at the Community Living Association of South Simcoe (CLASS).  “We couldn’t operate without them.  And so this Rotary Volunteer Fair is an important forum for us to tell our story and enlist new recruits.”
“We’re pleased to have CLASS join us on the 21st,” added Brian Carmichael, President-Elect of the Rotary Club of Alliston and the lead organizer for this event.  “Along with Matthews House, Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation, S.H.I.F.T and many others, there are so many charities and service organizations doing great work in our community.  We want to help them attract more people who will join their teams of dedicated volunteers in making a difference in their community.”  
Residents of New Tecumseth and the surrounding region are invited to drop in and learn about these important organizations which add so much to the quality of life we enjoy here.   Coffee and tea will be served and there is no charge to attend.
Organizations that will be at the Volunteer Fair:
Special Olympics Ontario-South Simcoe
New Tecumseth Public Library
Stevenson Memorial Hospital
Matthews House Hospice
Good Shepherd Food Bank
Gibson Centre for Community, Arts and Culture
Alliston and District Humane Society
Next Step Literacy- Literacy Council of South Simcoe 
Procyon Wildlife Centre
SHIFT(Support and Hope for Individuals and Families Today)
South Simcoe Arts Council
Abilities in Motion
For further information: 
Brian Carmichael, Event Chair 
Rotary Club of Alliston 
Volunteer Fair - Alliston - January 21, 2023 2023-01-03 05:00:00Z 0

Update - Karantina Hospital in Beirut

Back in December 2020 the Rotary Club of Alliston donated $1000 USD to this Global Grant Project.

The article below is an update that was written by Steve Rutledge and posted on the District 7070 website.

The Karantina Hospital in Beirut, severely damaged by the port explosion in August 2020, is pretty close to reopening next month, thanks to support from NGO's and Rotary Clubs throughout Canada and many other countries in the world. With the support from Rotary International, we were able to provide life saving equipment for the pediatric operating theatre along with beds, tables, lights etc. Yesterday, the green light was given for the operating theatre light. Soon young patients will arrive for free or low cost, life saving surgery. Thank You Rotary for all you do!  Read more to see some of the photos.....

Beirut Karantina Hospital Global Grant Initiative - THANK YOU TO THE ROTARY CLUBS IN ROTARY DISTRICT 7070

Thank you to Whitby-Sunrise Rotarian Steve Rutledge for leading the way for Rotary Clubs in District 7070 and all over Canada to make this possible.

We are thrilled to announce that $391,400 USD was raised for the Global Grant to replace critical Operating Theatre Equipment and electric beds for the pediatric/neonatal ward of the Karantina Hospital, Beirut's only public hospital.

28 Clubs from District 7070 participated, along with 32 Canadian Clubs across the country supported with approximately half of the funds.

In total, 155 Clubs around the world participated with Canada leading the way by a wide margin!

The application has now been locked, authorized and submitted for review by RI.

Thousands of people worldwide assisted in raising funds. Thank You for putting Service Above Self.

Update - Karantina Hospital in Beirut 2023-01-03 05:00:00Z 0

Christmas Card and Thank you from Amarok Society

Dear Rotary Club of Alliston members,
I just wanted to thank you again for having Gem speak to your club in November, and for your club's support of our organization over the years -- it means the world to us. And if any members would like to sign up to receive the first book of Gem's series for free, along with other immersive content to go along with it, they can do so by emailing me either at this email address or at tangentbookscanada@gmail.com.
Amarok Society
Teach Mothers to Teach the World
#300 - 10328 81st Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 1X2
(250) 305-4848
Christmas Card and Thank you from Amarok Society 2023-01-03 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston volunteers for Christmas Kettle

Rotarian Darlene Hunter was one of the 7 volunteers who raised $2551.10 for the Salvation Army's Christmas Kettle.
Thank you to all the volunteers and to Zehrs for offering the space in store.  Salvation Army was very glad of the Rotary Club of Alliston's help.
"Thank you to all the Rotarians who took time out of their Saturday to help raise much needed funds for the area".
Rotary Club of Alliston volunteers for Christmas Kettle 2022-12-20 05:00:00Z 0

Thank you Volunteers

George Scott and Marg Barber, members of the Rotary Club of Alliston, are two of the many volunteers that have helped make this fundraising campaign successful.
A huge Thank You to all our membership and and volunteers from the Community Living Association of South Simcoe(CLASS) and the community of New Tecumseth.
The 3rd annual Lottery Ticket/ Cash Calendar Fundraiser for CLASS and the Rotary Club of Alliston's Charitable Fund is complete.  
Together we sold 820 tickets and raised $16,400.00!!
The revenue will fulfill the Club's donation to CLASS for the platform wheelchair swing and the Rotary Club of Alliston's Charitable Fund. The Rotary Club of Alliston will use the funds to give back into organizations in our community.
The Rotary Club of Alliston members and volunteers from CLASS have been selling Calendars and Daily Cash Lottery Tickets for the last 6 weeks.
All proceeds go back into our community of New Tecumseth. These fundraising events could never happen without the volunteers and the hours they gladly give back to the community.
Thank you to all the local businesses and their staff for their help and support.
Rotarian Jan Clayson selling Calendar/Lottery Tickets in Canadian Tire, Alliston.
Thank you Volunteers 2022-12-14 05:00:00Z 0

Update - Help Bring Light , Warmth and Hope to Ukraine

We have had a great response from our community! Thanks to you we were able to send $30,000 to the Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine.  
This money will be used to provide for humanitarian aid.
Background information:
We recently received an email update of the situation in Rivne, Ukraine. Our friends in Ukraine are facing a very tough winter with heating and power disruptions on a regular basis. They are tired and struggling to meet all the requests for aid that are coming in to the club.  But they continue to work hard and help as they can.
During this season of giving, we are proud and thankful to our community to help bring light, warmth and hope to Rivne and other communities in Ukraine by providing funds to purchase medicine, generators and other supplies to assist the Ukrainian people this winter.
Update - Help Bring Light , Warmth and Hope to Ukraine 2022-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Santa visits Alliston - 2022

A big thank you to all the Rotarians and volunteers who helped bring Santa to town on November 19, 2022.  A special thanks to the Town of New Tecumseth staff, the OPP officers and the EMS staff who kept us all safe.  The participants in the parade did a great job with amazing displays of lights and sounds. 
Thank you to President Bill Wray for all his time putting together the parade. Bill and son Nate setting up the Parade Float markers on Saturday before the parade.
Thank you to the Rotary Interact members for carrying the Rotary Banner.
Photo by Punnapa Hartley
Winners for 2022 are…
  • Best Overall – Canadian Tire Alliston
  • WOW Factor – Sheldon Creek Dairy
  • Most Unique – Banting High School Robotics Team
  • Best Use of Traditional – Shelburne Memorials Limited
Thanks again.
Rotary Club of Alliston
Santa visits Alliston - 2022 2022-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Keep MOBYSS in Motion – Youth Mental Health Support in our Community

Catherine Matzig, Senior Director, Philanthropy, Canadian Mental Health Association York and South Simcoe spoke to Rotary Club of Alliston on Monday, January 9, 2023 at the Gibson Centre.  

Catherine Matzig spoke passionately about the Mental Health Services for youth in our community. In order to reach youth at the various schools in our area the MOBYSS Bus travels to schools to offer a variety of health services to young people aged 12-25.  For more information about MOBYSS, please visit their website. 
Keep MOBYSS in Motion – Youth Mental Health Support in our Community 2022-11-08 05:00:00Z 0

 Rotary 12th Night Bonfire Returns to Alliston

Rotary Club of Alliston 12th Night Bonfire on 7th of January, 2023.
The Rotary Club of Alliston with the help of our many partners hosted the 12th Night Bonfire. It was last held in January 2020, just before COVID shut down almost all of our community service activities. 
Thank you to the community for coming out for this event. We estimate that about 400 people attended. Our Rotary Club of Alliston thanks the Town of New Tecumseth for their support and the New Tecumseth Fire department for lighting the fire and keeping everyone safe. Thank you to Nu-Tek Electric, Cookstown for the lights and generator.
The Rotary Club of Palgrave loaned us the use of their chuckwagon to help serve hot dogs and hot chocolate. Hot Dogs are generously provided by Country Meat Cuts, Utopia and the Hot Chocolate was provided by the Tim Hortons, Dunham Drive, Alliston. Thank you to Alex MacKenzie for the loan of straw bales for seating.  
Special thanks to Rotarian George Scott for leading the event and to all the Rotary volunteers for your work to bring back the 12th Night Bonfire. 
Rotary Volunteers Colleen Kotnisz, Brad and Nancy O'Neill selling hot dogs and hot chocolate
Thank you to the New Tecumseth Firefighters
Rotary 12th Night Bonfire Returns to Alliston 2022-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Project in Laos

Rotarian Steve Rutledge spoke to the Rotary Club of Alliston with an update about the Rotary Global Grant Project in Beirut and to share the Adopt a Village Projects in Laos.
Steve Rutledge spent his career as co-owner of a mid sized computer company in Toronto.  Since retirement he has narrowed his focus on local and international community support.  Steve has served on several boards and committees in Port Hope including the Municipal Culture Committee, Parks, Rec and Culture Committee, Skatepark committee, Capitol Theatre Board of Directors and others.  He has received two civic awards, the latest for philanthropy and is a multiple Paul Harris award recipient for his efforts (Port Hope, Whitby Sunrise and Beirut Cosmopolitan) and awarded the Spirit of Rotary award in 2016.  In 2018, he received the Family and Community Service award from the Rotary Club of Courtice.  His most recent award was the Bob Scott Disease Prevention award from Rotary District 7070 in June 2020.
With his partner they created a number of large events including one they held in their home netting $61,000 for the Capitol theatre and another town event for 6000 people.
For the last 12 years Steve has ventured into Laos serving the rural villagers with the most basic of needs for sustained life.  Since 2009, Adopt A Village in Laos has completed over 65 villages with filtered water one family at a time, serving over 32,000 rural villagers, constructed 24 permanent water supplies, repaired numerous others, built over 40 banks of toilets, 12 school construction projects and continues to sponsor a host of primary, secondary and university students.
After the Beirut port explosion in 2020, Mr. Rutledge chaired the international sponsoring partner club committee (Whitby Sunrise club) and raised approximately $240,000 from 60 clubs towards a global grant to replace operating theatre equipment for Beirut’s only public hospital.  Steve is also co-Chair of the International Committee at Whitby Sunrise and sits on the District 7070 Water and Sanitation Committee.
For more information on the Water Filter program please click to get the brochure.
Rotary Project in Laos 2022-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

Letter from Parvin, October /22

Parvin with her Micro School Children in Bangladesh
The Rotary Club of Alliston supports Parvin from Bangladesh to attend school and to teach her own children as well as other children in her neighbourhood. 
The club is able to support education through the Amarok Society. For more information about the Amarok Society, please visit their Website
All are welcome to hear more about the Amarok Society at our club meeting on Monday, November 21st at 7pm at the Gibson Centre when our guest speaker will be Gem Munro, Co-Founder of the Amarok Society.
Please take a moment to read a letter from Parvin.
Parvin at her School learning with other Teaching Mothers
October 2022
Parvin, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dear members of the Rotary Club of Alliston,
I always feel happy to share with you about my family, school, micro-school and the present situation in my country. We are fine and hope you are well too. I feel happy by helping my neighbors when they come to me for any support. But I was not like this before; I used to go to people to get support like reading something for me, taking advice and such but nobody came to me as I was illiterate. When we were admitted to Amarok Mother School that time our teacher had to inspire us to talk, ask questions, and share opinions in the classroom but I felt ashamed to talk. But now I can talk logically and freely share my opinions in the classroom, I am confident and strong now. Our Mother School has made the changes by educating, training and awareness. 
My son Rahat studies in a science group. He is studying hard aiming for a good result in academic exams. I always take care of him, including other members of my family. Few days ago, I noticed that Rahat was not attentive in studies, coming back home late and noticed some other changes in him. I asked him but he didn’t say anything to me. The next day I went to his school five minutes before break hour. He didn’t see me but I was observing him from a distance. Suddenly I saw him going outside with some boys. I did not follow them but asked again when he returned home but the same result, he didn’t open up to me. Then I shared the issue with my friends Rohima, Tania, and Minara. They shared this matter with our school teacher Hasnur Apa. Our teacher advised us to arrange a few ’adolescent group meetings’ in our slum to build a good relationship with them, listen to them and share with the adolescent groups about their strengths, possible risks, dos & don’ts. We also invited some sensible parents to talk positively. We continued such small group discussion for the next 2 months and noticed that changes were coming to their behavior. I can see my son Rahat coming back home in time, playing with friends, and being attentive in studies.      
I have 20 hens and 15 ducks. I have kept them in two cages, during the night I put the cages inside of my room and take them out in the morning for the day time for feeding. You will be happy to know that 10 hens and 6 ducks are giving eggs. I am getting an average 15 eggs per day and sell them at a good price mostly from my home. I spend some of it on the education of my son and save some to buy a baby-goat for rearing. So, my husband is very happy for me. My younger son also takes care of them. I told you about my small vegetable garden but in the rainy season and because of water logging there are no vegetables. Because it is a low land area and my garden went under the water for a few days. The rainy season is almost over and I am preparing to sow new seeds in a couple of weeks to get winter vegetables. I hope this year more vegetables will grow as I have experienced in the past. 
Parvin in her Garden
My Micro school is going well. All five children are enjoying their studies. They are very interested in learning English because I use interactive materials & methods for my teaching. They are learning by singing, playing and drawing. 
Thanks for supporting me and developing my life.
Your lovingly,
Letter from Parvin, October /22 2022-10-23 04:00:00Z 0

 Rotary District 7070 Conference 2022

President Bill Wray, Patricia Middlebrook, Kim Wray and Colleen Kotnisz attended the Rotary District 7070 Conference at the Nottawasaga Inn
The Rotary District 7070 Conference was held October 14-16 this past weekend. Brian Carmichael volunteered at the House of Friendship during the weekend.
 Some conference Highlights from President Bill Wray:

Saturday morning
Victoria Nolan, became blind as an adult, raised two children with her husband, taught in the Toronto School Board for many years, channeled her disability into rowing, medal as a Paralympic athlete, since has gone on to author a book and has worked in media, her guide dog Alan was a big hit.
Cora McGuire-Cyrette, executive director of Ontario Native Women's Association, took us through their organizations journey during the pandemic servicing the indigenous population in Ontario.

Saturday afternoon
Dr. Bob Scott provided an update on the Polio eradication campaign, explained the new polio vaccine and discussed the recent polio findings in Israel, Britain and the case in the USA.
Dr. Lawrence Loh, served as the medical officer of health for the Region of Peel during the pandemic, recounted the decisions that were made and why to vaccinate Canadians.
Presentation from Rahul Singh of GlobalMedic, great presentation on water treatment options that they are sending to Ukraine and other 
disaster areas, also food packing options for foodbanks.
Saturday night entertainment
The Yes Men, comedian group of three men of Second City fame, their act uses input from the crowd to improvise their comedy.
Jay Douglas All-Star Band provided music, Jay Douglas is a 3 time Juno nominee.

Sunday morning
Professor Gordon McBean of University of Western Ontario took us through the scientific work being conducted in Canada and Internationally to battle climate change.
Panel discussion by Emmay Mah (Executive Director of Toronto Environmental Alliance), Stan Mathewson (Sustainable Orillia) and Darryl Gray (Director of Education and Training at Toronto and Region Conservation) on local action on climate change.
 Rotary District 7070 Conference 2022  2022-10-19 04:00:00Z 0

Remembrance Day Presentation 2022

Captain Rachael Tracey, Commanding Officer RCSCC(Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps) 53 Barrie (right) spoke to the Rotary Club of Alliston about Remembrance Day on Monday, November 7, 2022 at 7pm at the Gibson Centre.
LC Soloman Mooij (left) and MC Ethan Wickson (centre) both 3rd year cadets of RCSCC 53 Barrie were guests for the evening.
Captain Tracey's presentation was courtesy of the National Veterans' Week Speakers Program. Captain Tracey's presentation recognized the contribution of all Canadian Armed Forces veterans, past and present, who have served their country. Thank you to all members of the CAF past and present for your service.
Remembrance Day Presentation 2022 2022-10-17 04:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day - October 24, 2022 - thank you Rotary

Letter from the President:
As October 24, 2022, World Polio Day, approaches, I want to thank all of the Rotary Club members around the world, and in particular, to the 25,700 women and men of the 737 Rotary Clubs right here in Canada, and to the members of the Rotary Club of Alliston right here in Alliston, Ontario, that kept their promise to all of the children of the world when we decided, in 1985, to make Polio Eradication, our Number One Priority.
When Rotary and its partners launched the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1985, polio paralyzed 1,000 children every day. We’ve made great progress against the disease since then. Polio cases have dropped by 99.9 percent, from 350,000 cases in 1988 in 125 countries to 29 cases of wild poliovirus in 2022 in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Mozambique. And we remain committed to the end.
Since 1985, Rotary has contributed US$2.1 billion, and its members have logged countless volunteer hours to help immunize more than 3 billion children. If polio isn’t stopped now, the disease could stage a comeback, affecting an estimated 200,000 children every year.
To sustain this progress, and protect all children from polio, Rotary has committed to raising US $50 million per year in support of global polio eradication efforts. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will match Rotary’s commitment 2:1. 
Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who unite and take action to create lasting change in communities around the globe. For more than 110 years, Rotary’s people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to improve lives through service. From promoting literacy and peace to providing clean water and improving health care, Rotary members are always working to better the world.
Please visit https://www.endpolio.org/ to learn more about Rotary and the fight to eradicate polio.
Bill Wray
World Polio Day - October 24, 2022 - thank you Rotary 2022-10-16 04:00:00Z 0

Remembrance Day Program

Captain Rachael Tracey will be our guest speaker on Monday, November 7 at 7pm at the Gibson Centre, Alliston.
Guests are welcome. Captain Tracey will be joined by some of the Sea Cadets.
My name is Captain Rachael Tracey. I am a Reserve (part-time) member of the Canadian Armed Forces as Cadet Instructors Cadre Officer within the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service sub-component. I have been enrolled as an Officer since November 2011. I am currently the Commanding Officer of Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 53 Barrie (named after the HMCS Barrie, a WWII Flower Corvette funded by the citizens of Barrie). Before assuming Command this past June, I was the Corps Training Officer, responsible for planning and implementing the Corps yearly training schedule. Prior to moving to CFB Borden and joining RCSCC Barrie, I was an active member of  851 “Prince Edward” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Picton, ON (where I ran the gamut from Supply Officer to Admin Officer to Trg O and occasional Officer Commanding) and 608 “Duke of Edinburgh” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (where I was the Admin O and Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor). 608 was also where I first served in the Canadian Cadet Organization as a Cadet myself from 2003 until 2009, when I had a brief stint as an Officer in the Regular Forces (permanent full-time) component of the CAF.
In my civilian life, I am a full-time member of the Federal Public Service with the Department of National Defence, currently working at the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central) at CFB Borden. I am also the Founder of Youth Beyond Enterprises, the online resource for rural young entrepreneurs and young leaders, as well as a Director on Nottawasaga Futures’ Board of Directors.
Remembrance Day Program 2022-10-02 04:00:00Z 0

Amarok Society

Gem Munro, Co-Founder of the Amarok Society
Gem Munro of the Amarok Society was our speaker on November 21st at the Gibson Centre.
Gem Munro has devoted his life and career to improving educational opportunities for disadvantaged people across Canada and abroad.
Pursuit of this objective carried him into residence in unfortunate communities across most of Canada, before carrying him overseas.
He is presently a Director of Amarok Society, a registered Canadian charity that provides education programmes to the very poor in Bangladesh. As well, Gem is a bestselling author and artist whose new book, And Where the Wind Spun Them, follows the epic adventures of a resourceful girl and her courageous little brother who struggle, by wit and grit, to overcome the perils and extreme disadvantages of their lives. (Sale of his books is a major fundraiser for Amarok Society.) For their work, Gem and his wife, Dr Tanyss Munro, were recipients of Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals.
For more information please visit  https://www.amaroksociety.org/
Amarok Society 2022-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Building a Strong Seniors Care System

Philippa Welch was guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Alliston's club meeting on Monday, September 26 at the Gibson Centre.
Philippa Welch, MA,RN GNC(c), LNC
Vice President, Regional Operations 
Sienna Senior Living 
Philippa has enjoyed a career in long term care that has allowed her to fulfill a variety of positions and leadership roles in both clinical and operations roles.  Philippa is a Registered Nurse with an undergraduate degree in Sociology and Management from the University of Waterloo and a Masters Degree in Leadership from the Gordon Lang School of Economics. She also holds credentials as a Certified Administrator, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Canadian Nurses Association Certification in Gerontology, and Legal Nurse Consultant.  
In leadership roles, Philippa has led the successful opening, transition, and operations of many long term care facilities, including management relationships with municipal and hospital providers. She has over 30 years’ experience in senior’s care. Her roles have included leadership positions in long term care in municipal, charitable, and for profit environments and operating her own consulting business.  Through this experience, Philippa has developed a focused vision of person centred care and the role that long term care plays in the greater health system. 
Philippa is committed to promoting strategic health system integration that will promote effective operations and celebrate expert leadership in long term care and is an advocate of leadership development for all professionals contributing to this sector.  
Building a Strong Seniors Care System 2022-09-11 04:00:00Z 0

Community Living Association of South Simcoe

Heather Barzo and Barbie Barta gave an Overview of the Community Living Association of South Simcoe on Monday, Sept. 12 to our club members at the Gibson Centre. Rotary Club of Alliston has our upcoming Calendar and Daily Lottery ticket sales. One of the charitable organizations chosen this year is CLASS.
They are planning to purchase a wheelchair swing with the proceeds.
Heather Barzo
Heather Barzo has a Recreation Leadership Diploma and Developmental Service Worker Diploma.  She has worked for CLASS for 29 years.  She started frontline for 6 years in a few different group homes and then joining the Management team.  Currently Heather supervises the Community Participation programs for adults and youth.  We strive to support people to make connections in the community, gain employment, participate in many different recreational activities, and give back through volunteering.
Bio for Barbie Barta
Barbie Barta has a Business Management Degree with a major in marketing from Ryerson University. Barbie has worked in the non-profit charitable sector for over two decades in fundraising, event planning and marketing.

Barbie is the Marketing and Communications Manager for CLASS overseeing events, fundraising, newsletters, and social media.
Community Living Association of South Simcoe 2022-08-30 04:00:00Z 0
Alliston Potato Festival Parade 2022 2022-08-08 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary District 7070 Governor Iosif Ciosa 

The Rotary Club of Alliston welcomed our District 7070 Governor Iosif Ciosa at our club meeting at the Gibson Centre on Monday, August 29. Other guests were 4 members of the  Rotary Club of Kleinburg, Nobleton and Schomberg. DG Iosif Ciosa spoke about the Rotary year ahead for our district.  He introduced members to the Rotary Theme for the year "Imagine Rotary". DG Iosif talked about meeting Rotary International President Jennifer Jones. RI President Jennifer Jones is Canadian and is the first women president of Rotary International.

Rotary Club of Alliston President Bill Wray thanking District Governor Iosif Ciosa 

Photo by John McFarland

Iosif Ciosa, District 7070 Governor 2022-23

Iosif joined Rotary in 2012 at the suggestion of a former member who recognized in Iosif a commitment to, and a passion for, the values for which Rotary stands. In the years since, Iosif has truly embraced the “Service above Self” motto by serving in many capacities across Rotary.

In 2014, just two years after joining, he became the 64th President of the Rotary Club of Toronto Forest Hill. At the District Level, he has served on multiple committees and, as Assistant District Governor, supported the Rotary Clubs of Bay-Bloor, Toronto West, Parkdale-High Park-Humber and Toronto-Danforth.

In late 2015, the Rotary Club of Toronto Forest Hill presented Iosif with the Paul Harris Recognition. More recently, he served on the board of Boxing Ontario in the role of Director of Marketing. Currently, he is honoured to have been asked to serve as President of the Rotary Club of Etobicoke in the year the club is celebrating its 90th anniversary.

Iosif’s academic achievements include a Bachelor of Arts from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, a Masters in Diplomatic Studies from Leicester University in England and a Masters in Business Administration with a focus on International Business and Marketing from both the University of Nottingham in England and the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany.

In his professional life, Iosif is a dynamic and results-driven Business Development Consultant, agile in seizing opportunities that drive growth and revenues. He is an innovative thinker who identifies new and better ways to drive business growth while managing the delicate interplay among strategy, marketing, relationship management and sales.

Iosif lives in Etobicoke with his better half Maggie, a staunch supporter of his work with Rotary. Maggie has joined Iosif in numerous hands-on projects, including the Beaujolais Nouveau Fundraising Celebration (now in its 8th year), and Toronto Ribfest. Together, they enjoy cooking, travelling and long walks. For the past few years, they have made an annual pilgrimage to the home of Maggie’s parents in Poland.
Iosif is delighted to have been chosen to lead our District 7070 Family in the 2022-23 Rotary year.

Please enjoy reading DG Iosif Ciosa's August Newsletter below.

The above bio and newsletter are copied from Rotary District 7070 Website.
Rotary District 7070 Governor Iosif Ciosa 2022-08-03 04:00:00Z 0

Letter from Parvin in Dhaka, Bangladesh

The Rotary Club of Alliston sponsors a community based school for mothers in Bangladesh. The mothers in turn teach their children and other children in their community. Please see the latest photos and letter from Parvin our sponsored mother. The Rotary Club of Alliston is proud to support the Amarok Society in this important work. For more information about the Amarok Society please visit their Website.


Parvin in her garden.

July 2022

Parvin, Dhaka, Bangladesh 

Dear members of the Rotary Club of Alliston,

I am excited to write about myself and my family and other things. Hope, all of the Club members is well. My days are going busy with my daily activities. I have to take responsibility for my children. My younger son Rahat studies in science group. As a student of science group, he needs to work hard for his exams. Chemistry and Biology are little harder to him but he is working hard to overcome and complete his syllabus. I have to manage his tuition fees and other related cost for education.  I cannot teach him science but can guide him properly that he completes his homework.

There is a community library in Amarok School that is little far from our school. We had to go there physically to collect books from the library. Then we requested our teacher to develop a system that books are available for reading and don’t have to walk. Our teacher talked to that teacher of Amarok School and now the librarian comes to our school with new books and receives the previous book. We have found an interesting science book full of examples, experiments and colorful pictures. It is really a fun to read that book which makes me satisfying. I took the book at my home for my son. After reading the book, he became very happy. He said, “It’s so easy to understand through pictures and simple description by steps”. We have learnt about measurement, force, pressure, energy, population & environment and such other things from the book. Every lesson starts with a story related to the topic. After reading the science book my younger son and elder son jointly did a “Candle Experiment “. The experiment is really exciting for them and me. The experiment matched a lesson of his test book that would make it easier for his test. We need such type of easier science books for practical learning opportunity of micro-school children.

Parvin and other mothers making handicrafts to earn income.

Now I would like to share about mothers’ Income Generating Activities of our school. Some mothers are involved with different type of handicrafts works and earn money which they are able to help their family. Ranu is a new mother of our school, has come from Vola now lives in our slum. Her husband left her with 3 children. They are 4, 6 and 9 years old. Ranu had to suffer a lot in this situation. She was fallen in troubles to manage the house rent, food and others costs. Little earning from the odd job as housemaid was not enough for her. Then our friend Tania shared with us in school about her family. After hearing her sadness, Majeda proposed to help her and include her in the handicrafts group. The group make rubber band for mask with cotton and arrange training by a skillful mother of that group. Now she is doing this work and can earn additional money sitting home during her free time. Her elder daughter (Mim) helps her to do the work. Majeda teaches Mim. Now the family is having 3 meals a day and looking for a better opportunity.

You know I grow vegetables; besides gardening I have started a rearing chicken in boxes. I have saved some money from my vegetables selling. My elder son sells some vegetables in local market and bought some small chickens for rearing. Now they are growing up and will be saleable in 15 days. At present I have 10 chickens in my small farm. It takes 35 days to be matured and saleable. I could sell them by 150 taka per kg and expecting a profit of 1000 taka from the work.

Parvin feeding her chickens

My micro school is going well. The children are enjoying their lesson as I teach them with lots of activities and learning materials. When they sing a song along, it makes me so happy. Total 5 students in my micro school they are Rahat, Robiul, Moyna, Bristi and Fahim. Among them Rahat and Moyna are good at performing drama and role-play. Sometimes they do role play of a story-based to make fun and simplify learning with my guidance.

As you know there are six seasons in our country and this is the rainy season. In the rainy season we face communication and hygiene problem because our drainage system is not perfect. Every year waterlogging happens for a long time. In this year it starts earlier and already we are in deep trouble. We can’t go out freely to do our necessary work. We have to walk through dirty water with bad smell. Sometimes the toilet lids overflowed and mixed up with water. We can’t solve the problem but we can discuss the issue with our local Counsellor that he develops a good sewerage system before the next election otherwise we will not vote for him.

Thank you for your support to educate us, our children and our community.

With love,


Letter from Parvin in Dhaka, Bangladesh 2022-07-31 04:00:00Z 0

Bringing Hope and Help to Rivne,  Ukraine

On Monday August 8th, 2022 our Rotary Club were glad to hear from our partners in the Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine about the ongoing situation in their country.  Since March 2022, the Rotary Club of Alliston, with donations from members and the community has provided over $32,000 in Humanitarian Grants to the Rotary Club of Rivne. Our guest speakers were our Rotarian friends, Yulia Melianchuk - President of the RC of Rivne and Olha Novytska - Global Grant Lead - RC of Rivne. Rotary District 2232 Governor Vitalii Lesko provided a summary of how Rotary is helping across the country of Ukariane. All 3 guest speakers talked about the challenges they are facing and  how our donations have assisted them in providing humanitarian support to their community and country.
Food, bedding and emergency safety supplies...just a few of the items purchased with the humanitarian grant money.
Bios for our speakers:
Yulia Melianchuk - President of the Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine

Yulia Melianchuk is the current President of the Rotary Club of Rivne and has been a member since 2017. Yulia was club secretary in 2019-2020. Her first job was at Metro Cash & Carry in both Rivne and Lviv.  She is currently HR Manager at SoftServe, an IT company.  Yulia is also a former member of The Rotaract Club of Rivne.

Olha Novytska - Global Grant Lead - Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukaraine

Olha Novytska, immediate past president of The Rotary Club of Rivne, is the current treasurer for the club and the Chair of her District's Foundation Grant Subcommittee.  She has a PhD in Engineering and is Associate Professor at The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering.  Olha is a former member of The Rotaract Club of Rivne.
Bringing Hope and Help to Rivne, Ukraine 2022-07-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston volunteers at AIM Regatta

 The Abilities in Motion(AIM) Regatta July 22-23, 2022 was opened with a parade of canoes, kayaks and other adapted watercraft. Photo by Heather Barzo.
Everyone loves a parade....the AIM Regatta was on July 22 and 23 at Earl Rowe Park. The Rotary Club of Alliston members had a great weekend of volunteering to help with the Abilities in Motion Regatta. Rotary volunteers helped park cars, set up shade tents, cook hot dogs, serve lunch, move watercraft, fit life jackets and had fun lending a hand to the AIM volunteers.
Events for participants included paddling in the Big Canoe, a scavenger hunt, a tug of war between boats on the water and lots of fun paddling! Photo by Heather Barzo.
Rotary Volunteers Scott and Darlene Hunter with Dave Green at the boat launch. Photo by Sue Leach
Rotary Volunteers Brad and Nancy O'Neill parking cars and vans. Photo by Sue Leach
Rotary Volunteers Felix Kaechele and KerryAnne McFarland try out their paddling skills in the Big Canoe. Photo by John McFarland.
Smiles from participants and volunteers! Photo by Heather Barzo
...and more smiles. Photo by Heather Barzo
Thank you to Andy Owens and all the great volunteers from Abilities in Motion for inviting Rotary Club of Alliston to be part of your Regatta!!
To learn more about Abilities in Motion click here to visit their website.
Rotary Club of Alliston volunteers at AIM Regatta 2022-07-27 04:00:00Z 0

Lamp of Learning Award Winner

 Anne, Karli  and Shawn Stevenson
The Rotary Club of Alliston presents the Lamp of Learning Award each year to a graduating student from Banting Memorial High School that is university bound. The winner this year is Karli Stevenson who is pictured above with her parents. Karli won several awards(see below) at graduation ceremonies this June 2022.
Karli is attending University of Toronto in September. Congratulations Karli from Rotary Club of Alliston.
Lamp of Learning Award Winner 2022-07-10 04:00:00Z 0

Amelia Simms is awarded the Paul Harris Bursary by Rotary Club of Alliston

Amelia Simms is presented with Paul Harris Bursary by Rotarian Kelly McCague
Amelia has a strong volunteering pedigree and has had to overcome several
challenges, to excel academically.  She has worked
hard in school, in her part-time job, and throughout her life to succeed.
With plans to attend the University of Ottawa next year, she is a most
deserving recipient of the Rotary Club of Alliston's Paul Harris Bursary. 
The Paul Harris Bursary is a financial award given by Rotary Club of Alliston to a graduating high school student pursuing a post secondary education.
Amelia Simms is awarded the Paul Harris Bursary by Rotary Club of Alliston George Scott 2022-06-28 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Calendar/Lottery Fundraiser Thank you Letters

The Rotary Calendar/Lottery Fundraiser Recipients for 2022 were Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation and the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation.
Please see the Thank you letters below.
To Rotary Club of Alliston President Patricia Middlebrook
Dear Patricia,
Our sincere thanks to you and your Rotary colleagues for
the generous gift arising from your 2022 calendar project.
We appreciate also that you and John visited the site
to make the cheque presentation.
We are very grateful for, and motivated by, the continuing support 
of your club and members.
We are slowly getting back on track in the aftermath of COVID
although we have decided to stick with the pre-scheduled
visits protocol going forward.
We will hold our 9th Annual Symposium on Nov 2/22 but
will do this as a Virtual event.
Our 3 undergraduate Interns completed the data search earlier this month
and we will publish our Rural Diabetes Coalition Collective Capability
Report this week. We will send along a copy once released.
Sincere thanks again to you and all your Rotary colleagues.
Stay safe
Fighting Diabetes/Celebrating the co-discovery of insulin by a great Canadian
C. David Sadleir, Ph.D., P.Eng., President,
Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation,
P.O. Box 137
Alliston, Ontario, Canada L9R 1T9
Rotary Calendar/Lottery Fundraiser Thank you Letters 2022-06-28 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Adventure Playground Reopening

The Rotary Adventure Playground Reopening on June 2 at 4pm. John McFarland spoke on behalf of the Rotary Club of Alliston.
John was President at the time of the first playground being constructed in 2004-2005 for the club's 50 Anniversary project.
The park playground equipment and surface was replaced after 15 years with the a government infrastructure grant.
Thank you to the Town of New Tecumseth and their staff for making this possible. 
Rotary Adventure Playground sign 
Left to Right
Town of New Tecumseth Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture Daniel Burton, Deputy Mayor Richard Norcross, Rotarians John McFarland and Ed Zelinski,
Mayor Rick Milne
Rotary Adventure Playground Reopening 2022-06-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Calendar/Lottery Fund Raiser helps Local Charities

The Rotary Club of Alliston is pleased to be making donations to two local charities. The Rotary Club of Alliston sold combined Rotary Calendars and Lottery Tickets this past fall.  The club chose these  charities to benefit from sales of the calendars. A huge thank you to Eric Jagger for his leadership on this project and to all those who sold and bought Rotary Calendars.
The Rotary Club of Alliston is pleased to present to the Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation(SFBLF) a donation to help in the operation of this jewel of history, the Banting Homestead in New Tecumseth. From right to left Kathy MacFarlane - Secretary of SFBLF, Patricia Middlebrook- President of Rotary, David Sadleir - President of SFBLF and John McFarland Rotary Club of Alliston fundraising chair.
The Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation was the second recipient of funds raised from Calendar/Lottery sales.
From left to right Melody McLean, Director of Development and Campaign Manager SMHF and Marg Barber, Director on SMHF Board, representing the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation and Rotary President Patricia Middlebrook and John McFarland Rotary Club of Alliston fundraising chairperson.
Rotary Calendar/Lottery Fund Raiser helps Local Charities 2022-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

Invitation to Rotary Club of Shelburne Event

This invitation came today from Sandra Gallaugher of Rotary Club of Shelburne. Our club has hosted them in the past for a meeting and they have hosted us.
Sounds like a fun event.
Hi Everyone, 
This week feels like summer, so start planning your summer events.  All outdoors at Fiddle Park in Shelburne on Sunday June 26 at 3:00pm.
  $60.00 a car
Please pass this information along to friends, Rotarians etc.
All proceeds to Shelburne Rotary Club and 100% is given back to community needs. 
Sandra Gallaugher
Drive-in/walk in concert in Fiddle Park starring Leisa Way & the Wayward Wind Band performing the best of the last 50 years of Rock n Roll.


A musical journey through the history of Rock ‘n Roll

Way-To-Go Productions keeps Rock ‘n Roll and the Classic Rock flame burning in this high energy show that will mesmerize audiences with the electrifying sounds of the hottest rock stars in history.Experience the sounds of Buddy Holly, The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis, Linda Ronstadt, The Beach Boys, Chuck Berry, Led Zeppelin, Freddie Mercury & Queen, The Rolling Stones, Tina Turner, Bob Dylan, The Eagles, Steppenwolf, Pat Benetar, Fleetwood Mac, Bill Haley & The Comets, Joan Jett, Bob Seger, The Guess Who, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carly Simon, Eric Clapton & Cream, Deep Purple, Jimi Hendrix, Carole King, Billy Joel, The Police, Kiss, Jefferson Airplane, Blondie, Chubby Checker, The Isely Brothers, Grand Funk Railroad, The Spencer Davis Group, Aretha Franklin, The Beach Boys, The Who, Procol Harum, The Doobie Brothers – and more!

NOTE: The carload ticket allows you to drive your car into the park to watch/listen from your vehicle (you can sit outside your too). An Admit One ticket allows ticket holder to park car at gate and walk in with lawn chairs to enjoy the show.

Invitation to Rotary Club of Shelburne Event 2022-05-31 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you to Rotary Club of Alliston

Rotary Club of Alliston has sponsored Parvin(shown above) to attend Mother's School in Bangladesh and teach her own children and neighbourhood children in her home.
Please see the thank you below from the Amarok Society. For more information about the Amarok Society please see links in letter below.
Dear Dave,
We would like to thank you and your Rotary Club of Alliston for your generous support of our initiatives in the developing world. Through your continued sponsorship of Parvin, you are bringing opportunity to the lives of children who want to learn, and women who want to make a difference in their communities. You have opened doors for them to a brighter, self-directed future.
Please pass along to your club our deep gratitude, and that of Parvin and the children whose lives you are transforming.
Amarok Society
Teach Mothers to Teach the World
#300 - 10328 81st Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 1X2
(250) 305-4848 & (604) 726-3373 
Thank you to Rotary Club of Alliston 2022-05-30 04:00:00Z 0

Highway Clean Up on May 2

Rotarians Kelly McCague, Brian Carmichael and President Patricia Middlebrook(left to right)
On May 2 the Rotary Club of Alliston, members of the Rotary Interact and Rotaract Clubs and friends cleaned up the garbage along both sides of Highway 89 from the Nottawasaga River to the east side of Alliston. The club has cleaned up this stretch of Highway 89 for many years. A huge thank you to Rotarian George Scott for organizing.
Rotarian Felix Kaecheille, Green Party Candidate Allan Kuhn and Rotarian Eric Jagger
Highway Clean Up on May 2 2022-05-23 04:00:00Z 0

Ukraine Update  - You can help!

The Rotary Club of Alliston has been a project partner with the Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine for over 10 years. When Russia invaded Ukraine we asked “How can we help?” In March of 2022 The Rotary Club of Alliston sent $15,000 to the Rotary Club of Rivne to support the humanitarian crisis created by the war.  
Rivne is situated midway between Kyiv, the capital city, and Lviv near the Polish border.  Rivne is on the route that people are using to flee the country and many refugees are passing through the community.  Our friends in Rivne have reported that the money donated is being used to provide medicine and clothing to people who are fleeing the war zone.  As part of a previous project 3d printers were purchased to produce teaching aid for visually impaired and blind child.  These have now been re-purposed to create much need medical equipment such tourniquet buckles and winders.
Our partners anticipate that more humanitarian aide will be needed.  You can assist our friends in the Ukraine by making a donation to the Rotary Club of Alliston. 
Here's how:
  1. We accept cash or a cheque donations. Make cheques out to the Rotary Club of Alliston.  Please mark as Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine.
  2. Drop the cheque off at the Grant Thornton Office  (formerly KD Wray office -  22 Paris Street, PO Box 51 Alliston ON Canada) in an envelope marked:  Rotary Club of Alliston Attn:  Bill Wray.
  3. The club will provide a charitable receipt for your donation when the regular 2022 club charitable tax receipts are issued later in the year.
We will accumulate any donations and then send another transfer to Ukraine. The deadline for donations is May 16, 2022.
Rotarians exploring Rivne, Ukraine on our first visit in 2017
The local theater in Rivne, Ukraine
Ukraine Update - You can help! 2022-04-28 04:00:00Z 0

Letter from Parvin in Bangladesh

Parvin with the children in her micro school in Bangladesh
The Rotary Club of Alliston is proud to support the work of the Amarok Society. We sponsor Parvin, a young mother to go to school. Parvin attends an Amarok Society school for mothers and in turn she teaches her own children as well as other children in the neighbourhood. Please see her letter of March 2022 below describing her experiences.
Dhaka, Bangladesh 
Dear members of the Rotary Club of Alliston,

It’s always my pleasure to write to you. Please take my love and regards. My life is going well with my Amarok friends and neighbors. You would be happy to hear that, we write Journals in school. Our teacher has given us a separate notebook to practice writing journals capturing the change of our lives including main events of our daily life. I write short paragraph but wish to write long in the future. We are so happy that all schools in Bangladesh are opened now. The children are happy to go to school regularly. However, the children we teach at our Micro School did not stop their learning we continued our little school except the days of extreme Covid-19 infection. I am happy to teach them. 
The children I teach are enjoying my lessons although one of my neighbors had permanently shifted house to the village where she lived before. Shuly a girl of that family used to study in my micro-school and was a very good student and attentive. She left Dhaka but I’ve requested her family to continue educating of Shuly and they have committed to me from their realization of importance of learning for Shuly. Her parents said, “We will continue her studies as now we understand the value of education especially for the girls”. I am so glad to hear it from them. I have replaced her with a boy child name Bijoy about 10 years old. They are very poor, used to live in a village. Few months ago, his father became paralyzed slowly so their family struggled to manage food and other needs. Finally, her mother moved to Dhaka to find a job. In Dhaka, his mother joined in a garment factory as a helper. He didn't get opportunity for learning in his childhood. Now, he is happy to get the opportunity. The other children of my Micro School are so happy to get him. They do a lot of fun playing together. I am happy to teach them.
You know I have a small vegetable garden. I have planted different types of vegetables in my garden like cucumber, eggplant, Tomato, Chili and many kinds of flowers. All the plants are just growing up and will be visual in a few weeks. My son Rahat helps me for my work. I am so proud of my son. 
I will write more about it in the next letter.
Thanks to you and Amarok Society for supporting us. 
With love,
Parvin at School in Dhaka, Bangladesh
For more information about the Amarok Society please visit their website 
Letter from Parvin in Bangladesh 2022-04-28 04:00:00Z 0

Dr. Jaco Scheeres:           Humanitarian: Experiences in Haiti, Guatemala and Africa to Chief of Staff at Stevenson Memorial Hospital


Dr. Jaco Scheeres spoke to the Rotary Club of Alliston on Monday, May 9 at 7pm. He spoke passionately about his humanitarian work and how it gives him strength.
Dr. Jaco Scheeres was born and raised in South Africa and moved to Canada in 1995. He established a busy family practice in Manitoba where he had a large obstetrical patient population. He completed five years of residency at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Scheeres developed an interest in Maternal-Fetal medicine and in 2002 was awarded for the best resident research paper in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the University of Manitoba. His work was recognized nationally by the Canadian Foundation for Women’s Health. His research was published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Canada. He is currently practicing in family medicine in Barrie and is a consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology at SMH. He is also an Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at McMaster University.
Dr. Scheeres joined the SMH Team as an obstetrician in 2015 and became Chief of Obstetrics in 2019. Under the leadership of Dr. Scheeres, with the help of dedicated nurses, midwives, respiratory therapists and physicians, the obstetrics department has continued to provide excellent care to the community and has almost doubled the number of deliveries per year since he joined SMH. As Chief of Staff, Dr. Scheeres provides medical leadership to SMH’s clinical departments and is responsible for ensuring the efficient management and high quality medical services that align with the hospital’s strategic plan.
Dr. Jaco Scheeres:           Humanitarian: Experiences in Haiti, Guatemala and Africa to Chief of Staff at Stevenson Memorial Hospital   2022-03-28 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston donates $15,000 Humanitarian Aid to Rivne, Ukraine

Celebrating our successes with our Rotary friends in Rivne, Ukraine
The Rotary Club of Alliston has been a project partner with the Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine for over 10 years. We started with small pilot projects that upgraded playground and rehabilitation equipment at orphanages and hospitals.  Over the last 5 years The Rotary Club of Rivne has worked very hard upgrading the facilities, programs and professional qualifications in the health care sector (visually impaired community and youth on the autism spectrum) through Rotary Global Grants.  Members of our club have visited Rivne and been the guests of the community 3 times prior to the COVID pandemic.  These Rotarians in Rivne are our friends.
When Russia invaded Ukraine we asked “How can we help?” They responded that funds were needed to purchase goods for humanitarian relief.  Rivne is situated midway between Kyiv, the capital city, and Lviv near the Polish border.  Rivne is on the route that people are using to flee the country.   The $15,000 provided to the Rotary Club of Rivne will purchase food, water, medicines and assist with transportation needs for the people of Rivne and to others fleeing the conflict. 
We know our friends and fellow Rotarians will make sure the money gets to where it is most needed in the community.
Some images of Ukraine as we experienced it prior to the war. (2017-2019)
Flying over Ukraine you quickly see the importance of agriculture.
A busy September morning in downtown Rivne.
Children enjoying upgraded playground equipment.
Rotary Club of Alliston donates $15,000 Humanitarian Aid to Rivne, Ukraine  2022-03-18 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston committed to the Redevelopment of Stevenson Memorial Hospital

Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation CEO Mary Thomas is presented with Cheque by Rotary President Patricia Middlebrook and Rotarian and SMHF Director Marg Barber(left to right).
The Rotary Club of Alliston is committed to donating $50,000  over five years to the Redevelopment of Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston.
The cheque presentation of $10,000  this week was the club's third installment on the donation.
Rotary Club of Alliston committed to the Redevelopment of Stevenson Memorial Hospital 2022-03-03 05:00:00Z 0

New Rotary Members Zoom Meeting

Register TODAY for the APR 7, 2022 - New Members Zoom Get-Together
Posted by Virginia O'Reilly, Chair, District 7070 Membership Committee
Are you a new Rotary or Rotaract member in the last two years?
Are you an older member who would like to learn even more about Rotary?
On Thursday April 7, 2022 from 7 to 8 pmthe Rotary District 7070 Membership Committee is hosting a fourth New Member Zoom get-together. There is lots of interesting info about our Rotary organization and often there is not enough time in a regular meeting to ensure that new members get to hear about it. So join us as we share more Rotary basics and not-so-basics. Bring any questions you might have!  The session will be of particular interest to members who have joined Rotary in the past two years.
For more information and to register go to https://rotary7070.org/event/membership---new-members---session-1/
New Rotary Members Zoom Meeting 2022-03-01 05:00:00Z 0

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene is Rotary Theme for March

Material in this story is taken from our District Website.
 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene is the Rotary theme in March.  Clean water and sanitation is a human right. When people, especially children, have access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, they lead healthier and more successful lives. We don’t just build wells and walk away. Rotary members integrate water, sanitation, and hygiene into education projects. When children learn about disease transmission and practice good hygiene, they miss less school. And they can take those lessons home to their families, expanding our impact.
Clean water is a basic need for human beings. When people, especially children, have access to clean water, they live healthier and more productive lives. However, at least 3,000 children die each day from diseases caused by unsafe water, which is what motivates our members to build wells, install rainwater harvesting systems, and teach community members how to maintain new infrastructure.
While very few people die of thirst, millions die from preventable waterborne diseases, providing the impetus for our members to also improve sanitation facilities in undeveloped countries. Members start by providing toilets and latrines that flush into a sewer or safe enclosure and then add education programs to promote hand-washing and other good hygiene habits.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene is Rotary Theme for March 2022-03-01 05:00:00Z 0

Supporting our Friends of Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine

Rotary Club of Rivne welcomed members of Rotary Club of Alliston in 2017
Our two clubs have worked together on 2 Global Grants and met via Zoom just a few weeks ago to discuss a 3rd Global Grant.
Please keep our friends in Rivne and their families in your thoughts and hearts.
Supporting our Friends of Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine 2022-03-01 05:00:00Z 0
Thank you from Valentine's Day Flowers 2022-02-28 05:00:00Z 0

Interact Club of Alliston Raises Money for Coldest Night of the Year

Ian Mason, Philip Mason and Felix Kaechele ready to walk for Coldest Night of the Year Fundraiser 
The Rotary Interact Club of Alliston raised $2065.00 for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser in Alliston. The walk was held on Saturday, February 26th.
Participants were Interact Club members Nadisha Hutchinson and Philip Mason,  Ian Mason(father of Philip Mason) and  Rotarians Felix Kaechele and Eric Jagger.  The money raised will go to SHIFT(Support and Hope for Families Today).
Congratulations to the Interact Club!!
Interact Club of Alliston Raises Money for Coldest Night of the Year 2022-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

Valentine's Day Flowers for Seniors

Rotarian John McFarland delivering flowers for residents at Kingsmere Retirement Residence
The Rotary Club of Alliston purchased and delivered flowers for Valentine's Day to the residents of the 3 retirement and long term care facilities in Alliston. This is the second year that the club has provided flowers to the seniors in our community. We hope to bring a smile and hopefully a little joy to each of the residents.
The Rotary Club thanks Bern's Flowers and Gifts for their discount and assistance.
Rotarian John McFarland delivers flowers for residents of Good Samaritan Seniors Complex
Valentine's Day Flowers for Seniors 2022-02-13 05:00:00Z 0

Happy 117 th Birthday Rotary and Peace Building and Conflict Prevention

February 23, 2022 is Rotary’s 117th Birthday. That day is also called World Understanding and Peace Day. On February 23, 1905, little did Paul Harris and his three friends realize what they were starting when they met in room 711 of the Unity Building in Chicago. We have come a long way, since then, but we still have a long way to go to achieve goodwill, peace, and understanding among all people of the world.
February is a chance for every club to pause, plan and promote our Fourth Avenue of Service – Our continued goal for goodwill, peace, and understanding among all people of the world, as we also celebrate February as Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month.
Happy 117 th Birthday Rotary and Peace Building and Conflict Prevention 2022-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Your Future in Lucrative Skilled Trades

Steacy Hinton SMCDSB OYAP Consultant and John McFarland, Master Electrician and owner of Nu-Tek Electric spoke to students, parents and members of the Rotary Club of Alliston on Monday, February 14, 2022 about Apprenticeships.
For information about the Apprenticeship Program please visit the OYAP website below. 
Your Future in Lucrative Skilled Trades 2022-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Good or Bad- Let's Talk Behaviour

Sarah Kaechele (M.Sc., KPA-CTP, SA Pro Trainer)
Sarah Kaechele was our guest speaker on April 11th. 
For more information about her award winning business, please list her website.
Sarah is the founder of Cued Canines - Dog Training & Behaviour, based in Alliston, ON, Canada.
She started her formal education in the animal science field in 2009 and holds a master’s degree in Animal Sciences from the University of Hohenheim. She has worked with a variety of species including cows, pigs, chickens, horses, goats, and sheep. Throughout her professional career, her work has been focused on animal behaviour and improving welfare in a sustainable way.
In 2020, Sarah graduated from the Dog Trainer Professional Program at the Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training and Behavior, one of the leading institutions in the field of animal training. She is also an approved SA Pro trainer and specializes to help dogs with separation anxiety.
As a skilled clicker trainer and behaviour consultant, she uses evidence-based positive reinforcement training methods. Sarah strongly believes that the human-animal bond should be a partnership based on empathy and respect. She is here to help dog guardians better understand their dog’s needs and form the best possible connection with their canine companion.
Good or Bad- Let's Talk Behaviour 2022-01-31 05:00:00Z 0
Zone 28 &32 Rotary Foundation Gala - February 23, 2022 2022-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

Ontario Nature on April 25, 2022 at 7pm

Barbara MacKenzie-Wynia (she/her) – Ontario Nature’s Regional Nature Network Coordinator
Barbara joined Ontario Nature in 2006 with a focus on Northern, Huronia and Lake Ontario North regions. She is a partner with Krystawyn Environmental Consulting, and owns BMW and Associates. Barbara was the director of communications with Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority for more than 20 years. As a proud farmer’s daughter, she continues to enjoy working with the rural and farming community in building bridges, trust and capacity. Barbara lives in Clearview Township where she enjoys gardening, traveling, and camping with her husband and red fox lab Cedar.  
Presentation Description:
Join Barbara to learn about one of Ontario’s oldest charitable environmental organizations.
Ontario Nature is celebrating its 91th anniversary in 2022 and proud of its long history and accomplishments of protecting wild species and wild spaces.  This essential work is done through conservation, education and public engagement. 
Ontario Nature represent more than 30,000 members and supporters, and more than 155 member groups from across Ontario involved in significant conservation efforts in their own local communities.
One thing, that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, is that Nature is more important to all of us!  Barbara will share information on how we can all become the Voice of Nature.
For more information please visit the website   https://ontarionature.org/
Ontario Nature on April 25, 2022 at 7pm 2022-01-21 05:00:00Z 0

Hammers and Saws- tools helping the peoples ofDRC tell stories

John VanderMeer was our guest speaker on Monday, February 28.
John spoke passionately about the people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He is planning on returning to the DRC in May and hope to take the Technological "tools" with him. 
John's Bio
My name is John VanderMeer and I was born and raised in Alliston.  After school, I moved to the Oshawa area to work with Ontario Hydro at two of their nuclear power stations. Met my wife Marian there and we have been blessed with 6 children, 3 boys followed by 3 girls.
In 1993, after 12 years working with Hydro, I left to join Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL International.   For the next 5 years, Marian and I busied ourselves with the needed training and preparations to move our family to eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).   When we left Canada, the DRC had once again plunged into warfare, making it not safe to live in the country.  So, we temporarily worked out of Nairobi, Kenya, for two years.   We then moved and worked from Arua, Uganda, a town near the DRC border for about 8 years.  Finally, we moved to Isiro, DRC, for about 6 years.  We continue to support the work in the DRC, but now remotely, from our home in Whitby, Ontario, making yearly trips back, barring travel restrictions from the Covid pandemic.   
Using my technical training, I was able to provide technical support in areas such as solar power, radio communications, computer support and internet connectivity.  This often involved being dropped into small villages within the forest by small Cessna planes or using a 4x4 on some very bad roads.   I have since transitioned to providing support to the different language communities in the area of media.  This includes building apps for smart phones, dubbing films into local languages, audio recording, some video, training and finding hardware solutions.
One of the jobs for the May 2022 Congo trip will include leading an audio-recording training workshop to representatives from 8 different language communities. Discussing this workshop with my supervisor some months back, we explored different ideas to better enable the students to create local audio programs.   Because of limited funding, these students will be expected to share recording and editing hardware among themselves, despite the fact that they live far apart.  This is not good.   It would be like asking carpenters in different towns to share the same hammer and Saw, then wonder why they were taking so long to build their houses.  I offered to try raise the needed funds in Canada so to purchase the needed hardware to take back.  
Hammers and Saws- tools helping the peoples ofDRC tell stories 2022-01-17 05:00:00Z 0

January is Vocational Service Month

January is Vocational Service Month on the Rotary calendar. Vocational Service is at the heart of Rotary, which was founded on the classification system of membership. Business and professional life are the bedrock of Rotary, and Vocational Service is a major force in promoting honour, integrity, and trustworthiness in business.

The Four-Way Test
From the earliest days of the organization, Rotarians were concerned with promoting high ethical standards in their professional lives. One of the world's most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics is The 4-Way Test, which was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (who later served as RI president) when he was asked to take charge of a company that was facing bankruptcy. This 24-word test for employees to follow in their business and professional lives became the guide for sales, production, advertising, and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of the company is credited to this simple philosophy. The 4-Way Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways.

Rotary’s current code of ethical conduct – The Four-Way Test – is a four-part ethical guideline that helped Herb Taylor rescue a beleaguered business. The code’s four points are simple and direct .....

“Of all the things we think, say or do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?”

The Four-Way Test was officially adopted by Rotary in 1943 and has been translated into the languages of over 100 countries. It appears on highway billboards, in schoolrooms and on the walls of businesses, in labour contracts, courtrooms and halls of government. It’s even on the moon, in the form of a Four-Way Test pin planted on the surface by astronaut Buzz Aldrin!

January is Vocational Service Month 2022-01-02 05:00:00Z 0

12th Night Burning of the Green 2022 - Cancelled

Usually this week Rotarians and community volunteers are out on the streets of Alliston gathering Christmas trees for our 12th Night Bonfire.  Due to safety concerns and health restrictions related to COVID -19 the Rotary Club of Alliston has again had to cancel this celebration of the New Year, 2022.  We hope we can host this great family event next year in 2023.  
12th Night Bonfire - 2019
12th Night Burning of the Green 2022 - Cancelled 2022-01-02 05:00:00Z 0

Teaching Adaptive Paddling with Abilities In Motion 

Andy Owens paddling at Earl Rowe Provincial Park 
Andy Owens spoke to the Rotary Club on Monday, January 10th via Zoom. He shared his passion for volunteering with AIM. For more information about AIM and how you can get involved please visit their website link below.
 Bio of Andy Owens
Locally raised in Alliston since 1956, Andy has taught both elementary and high school students from 1977 – 2009.  Very active in teaching canoeing skills to students and leading canoe trips since 1990.  Upon retirement in 2009, he became associated with Abilities in Motion and have coordinated many adaptive paddling opportunities at Earl Rowe P.P. for persons with disabilities.
Teaching Adaptive Paddling with Abilities In Motion 2021-12-31 05:00:00Z 0
Christmas Card from Parvin 2021-12-26 05:00:00Z 0

Royal LePage RCR donation to Rotary Club of Alliston

Kelly McCague of Royal LePage RCR Realty presents cheque for $1000 to Rotary President Bill Wray
The generous donations by Royal LePage RCR Realty from 2020 and 2021 will be used towards a bench in a park in New Tecumseth. 
Thank you to all the wonderful staff at Royal LePage RCR Realty!
Royal LePage RCR donation to Rotary Club of Alliston 2021-12-26 05:00:00Z 0

Healing With Horses

Fotini Chandrika Walton 
Fotini Chandrika Walton was guest speaker to the Rotary Club of Alliston via Zoom on Monday, January 24, 2022 at 7pm. Please visit her websites for more information about her programs.
Author of ‘The Sacred Horse’ (coming soon!)
Instagram: @redbarnwellnessfarm
& @awakenwithhorses 
“Horses lead the way to a whole new world!”
Bio for Fotini Chandrika Walton:

Fotini Chandrika has spent the past decade as devoted Steward and Listener of her four Horses, Spirit, Malachi, Penny and Isa, who are her teachers and partners in their Equine Guided Wellness practice. She is a born empath and has lived in the wonder of sacred communion with the Animal Kingdom and at home in the Natural world since her earliest memories. Fotini is the Founder of Awaken With Horses International, where she is wholeheartedly devoted to the mission of the Horses as they lead the way to a better world for both Horse and Human. Together with the Herd, Fotini shares a unique modality, Horse Wisdom Yoga® which offers intuitively guided, creative, private sessions, small group retreats and various training opportunities at Red Barn Wellness Farm in Loretto, Ontario, Canada.  Fotini strongly believes in the importance of reciprocal wellbeing between both Horse and Human. Through her support programs for Horse Stewards and Equine Guided Professionals, Fotini shares two decades of personal and professional experience in the study of, holistic care for and thriving partnership with Horse as teacher and partner with equine enthusiasts from around the world. For more information, please visit www.AwakenWIthHorses.com or @awakenwithhorses on Instagram. .  *Horse Wisdom Yoga® is not yoga on horseback. All activities take place on the ground. No Horse experience necessary*

See this great video clip from CTV news 

Healing With Horses 2021-12-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Run 4 Youth Event Recipients and Sponsors

Rotary Club of Alliston is pleased to announce that the Run 4 Youth Event raised $11,639.25, half for each of Youth Haven and New Path. These 2 organizations help the youth and their families of our region.  
The club is very grateful for the generous support of the sponsors and participants for the Run 4 Youth event held July-September 2021. At our November 22 club meeting the representatives from both organizations spoke to members about the services their organizations provide to youth in our community. Please see details below and links to these organizations websites.
Dominika Zapolnik is the Communications Manager at New Path Youth & Family Services

Dominika is a passionate community builder and not-for-profit communicator. Her current work involves strategic communication, fundraising, and advocacy work for New Path Youth and Family Services and New Path Foundation, child and youth mental health leaders in Simcoe County, Ontario. She is also the Communications Specialist for the South Georgian Bay Ontario Health Team, focusing on the co-design of health and social service care with community members and partners of the OHT in the region. She is a graduate of the Ryerson University School of Journalism and, more recently, a graduate of the MA in Professional Communication program at Royal Roads University. She resides in Midhurst with her partner, Michael, her two amazing children, Ruby-Anne and Logan, and three rescue pups.
Kyle Murray, Manager of Clinical Services at New Path Youth & Family Services

Kyle is a strong advocate for timely, accessible infant, child, and youth mental health services and supports several New Path Youth & Family Services initiatives. Kyle currently oversees several programs, including Brief Services, Early Years, Intake, and the Call-In Clinic. Kyle is a graduate of York University’s Master of Social Work program. Kyle resides in Shelburne, Ontario, with his partner Abigail and two daughters Everlyn and Eisley. They can often be found hiking the Bruce trail with their two dogs.
The New Path Youth & Family website is: www.newpath.ca
We are also on social media: 
Facebook @NewPathYFS
Twitter @NewPathYFS
Youth Haven
Louise Jones is the Director of Fund Development for Youth Haven.
Louise has been in this role since April 2020. Prior to that, she was the Fund Development Manager for the Child Advocacy Centre Simcoe Muskoka. In addition to her role at Youth Haven, Louise is an avid photographer. Her most recent work is with GoodLife Magazine as their food photographer, capturing photos of restaurants within the County of Simcoe.Louise loves the outdoors, fishing, golfing, hiking and cottaging. As well, she enjoys travelling. Louise is a member of the Rotary Club of Barrie, and has volunteered with the Barrie Minor Baseball Association, COPE Service Dogs, the Barrie Photo Club, Seasons Centre for Grieving Children, Family Connexions, among others. She believes strongly in giving back to the community.
Rotary Run 4 Youth Event Recipients and Sponsors 2021-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Amarok Society Sponsored School

October 2021 -Parvin with students in  Bangladesh     
Rotary Club of Alliston  sponsors Parvin, a mother,  to teach 5 children in her community in Bangladesh.  The program by the Amarok Society teaches mothers and in turn the mothers teach their children and other children in their community. These children would not have the opportunity to attend school without this program.
 Here is the letter from our club's sponsored mother, Parvin.     
Dear members of the Rotary Club of Alliston,
Hope you all are fine with your family. I am also well here with my family and neighborhood children. All five children I teach are doing well in their study. We have got new Bengali & math books. There are different types of learning method, games and activities in the books. So many practical examples, good stories related to our life, livelihood, problematic math and such. We like the books. More importantly some of the stories of the books are written by mothers of Amarok School and pictures drawn by the children of micro-school and our grads. Sometimes I take books to teach in my Micro School. I love them teaching, there are some topics difficult for me but I take help from my Amarok Teacher and sometimes send my students to her. In recent time I have developed some new games for them to make the lesson joyful. It is so fun and enjoyable session when I use new games in my Micro School. So that they are inspired to attend timely and learn very fast.
Our teacher always starts a new lesson with an ‘introduction’. Last week our teacher discussed about six seasons of our country. At the start she asked about the present conditions of last few weeks and asked what could be in a few weeks. We have six seasons in our country but we wanted to know the names of the seasons in English. Our teacher divided us into 6 groups and told each team to talk about the season to do a short role-play to express the season the group belonged without mentioning the name. It takes 3 days to complete the lesson. I belonged to a member of the Spring Team. We acted on that season and other enjoyed it and understood the characteristics of the season nicely. In such way, we all talked and acted on six seasons. This is an interesting method of learning and our teacher follows the role. Most importantly we learn teaching methods from our school and deliver when we teach children in our micro-schools.    
A new mother admitted in our school named Rohima who is 38 years old. She is a housemaid and her husband is a day labor. She has 3 daughters and 1 son. 2 daughters got married and live in another place and one of daughter lives with her aunt in village. One day she was going to her work place, she met a mother Kohinur who was coming to Amarok School with notebooks. After hearing about our school Rohima wanted to learn. The next day she admitted and learning besides her work. Now she is doing very well and very enthusiastic. When we do group work, she sits with me and she needs support in English. We are supporting her that she can improve her level and come to close to our level.
Now I’m going to share a story of one of my neighborhood children. The name of child is Nahid who is 7 years old. He studies in Micro School of Jhuma. He has a little sister, 4 years old. When Nahid was 3 years old, his mother left them and got married again and left them. After that his father also got married a woman. There are 5 members in his family including a grandmother. Although his grandma is 70 years old, she looks very strong now and she has to do the all-household work because Nahid’s step-mother is a housemaid so she is busy for the whole day. One day Nahid was walking in the backstreet of Nurerchala then suddenly he saw some 10 to 15 years old boys were doing something bad together in that alley. He tried to understand that what happen there but could not understand properly. After a while the boys left the place and he went there to see, he saw that a currency of 100 taka (1.5 $) had fallen on the ground. He picked it up and he fell into greediness. Nahid shared the incidents with her mother, then her mother with her friends in school and they discovered about the little boys smoked cigarettes and did some other bad things. Amarok mothers in a group identified the parents of the children, informed them and the bad practice has stopped finally.
The COVID situation is improving in our country. More people are getting COVID 19 vaccines. Already I received the first dose and I will go to the hospital for my second dose in the next week. I am always careful about health of my family members and my neighbors and go out with safety measures. Our Prime Minister has declared that by March 2022, 80% 18+ people will be under the vaccination. Till now below 18 years children are not entitled for the vaccines.
You know I have a small vegetable garden but there are no good vegetables now because of lot of rain. The vegetables are spoiled due to the waterlogging of the rain water. But the rain has almost gone and I’ll put new seeds in a couple of weeks to get winter vegetables. I hope this year more vegetables will grow as I have experience and use my learning from the past.
Let’s hope for my children that they can be educated and live a better life than me.     
Yours lovingly,
Amarok Society Sponsored School 2021-11-06 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Daily Cash Lottery/Community Calendar 2022

Rotary Daily Cash Lottery/Community Calendar 2022 - Now Available

The Rotary Club of Alliston had partnered with the Rotary Club of Barrie-Huronia and other Rotary Clubs and Group Sellers to sell the 2022 Daily Cash Lottery/Community Calendars. All proceeds going to local organizations, community projects, and charities. The lottery ticket comes with a beautiful community calendar so you can keep track of the daily draws! 

Tickets are just $20, with $25,000 in cash prizes to be won. All winners remain in the pool for multiple chances to win. Cheques will be mailed to the winners. 

➢ Six (6) draws of $1,000 

➢ Six (6) draws of $500 

➢ One (1) draw of $300 

➢ 12 draws of $100 

➢ 120 draws of $50 

➢ 196 draws of $25 

Buy your 2022 Rotary Cash Lottery Ticket/Community Calendar from your Rotary friends or at one of these locations: 

• Colleen Kotnisz's office/home,  19 Rogers Rd Alliston

• KD WRAY/ Grant Thornton office, 22 Paris St in downtown Alliston

• Canadian Tire, Alliston

• Trillium Ford, Alliston

Cash only please.

The 2022 Daily Cash Lottery supports these Community Service projects in the Alliston area.


The Rotary Club of Alliston

• The Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation 

• Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation


Rotary Daily Cash Lottery/Community Calendar 2022 2021-11-04 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Daily Cash Lottery

2022 Lottery Calendar 2022 is here!
I am attaching a sheet to explain  the details required to sell these Lottery Tickets/Calendar at $20 each. It is quite simple and the important part is to fill in the Ticket accurately and legibly. The entry information is input on a computer so that when your ticket purchaser's name is drawn, they can immediately receive their cheque.
To October 21st our club has had 41 winners! That is 8% of our units sold and even higher as there are still 10 weeks worth of winners to come.
There are 365 Draws!   365 Chances to WIN!
6 Draws of $500
1 Draw of $399
12 Draws of $200
24 Draws of $100
120 Draws of $50
196 Draws of $25
I will soon have an advertising sheet to help sell and to put up on your social media.
Can you sell some through your business?
Do you have people to gift a calendar?
A Christmas stocking stuffer?
Friends, family, neighbors?
If you have any questions or concerns, please ask me.
Lottery/Calendar 2022
Rotary Daily Cash Lottery Eric Jagger 2021-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

Santa Claus is Coming to Town - 2021

We are pleased to announce that the Rotary Club of Alliston and the Town of New Tecumseth will be hosting the Night Lit Santa Claus Parade on November 20, 2021 @ 6:00pm.
Thank you for the great community response the parade is at capacity. We are no longer accepting parade entry applications.
For everyones safety the Health Unit requires use of masks outdoors if you are not with the family unit
Route map and road closures for the parade.
Santa Claus is Coming to Town - 2021 2021-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary : War Time and Remembrance

The following articles on Rotary and WW1 and WW2 were found on the Rotary.org site.

Rotary during World War II

Posted by Sherry Howe 

on Dec 04, 2013


In the late 1930’s and early 1940’s Rotary International was finding its very existence threatened in Europe and on the other side of the world in Asia.

As the war officially erupted, entire countries fell to German and Japanese forces.  It was recorded in the book “A Century of Service-The Story of Rotary International  - the Story of Rotary International”that 484 clubs and more than 16,000 Rotarians were wiped off the rolls of Rotary during this time.

In Europe, Rotary records were seized by the Gestapo, Rotarians were imprisoned, and in Warsaw 12 members of the local Rotary clubs were taken from a meeting and summarily executed.  Some Rotary clubs burned every record of membership.  After Germany invaded France, French Rotarians continued to meet secretly.  From that Book, “A Century of Service,” this story was told by the French Rotarians.  “One day we were having our club lunch when a German officer, a General Shippert, came into the private dining room where we were sitting.  The last mouthful of food stuck in our mouths as we thought he was coming to arrest us.  But he was a Rotarian and a past Governor from Germany and said he has come to pay his respects to International President Maurice Duperrey.  We were so relieved!”

As was the case in Europe, after the Japanese invaded China and other Pacific Rim countries, Rotary members in the Far East were imprisoned.  In areas of the world controlled by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, it was difficult to be a member of Rotary; however, Rotarians, where and when they could, stood up to the challenge and Rotary membership made a robust recovery after the end of the war.

        -From Birmingham Rotary “Grams”

Rotary and WW 1

Click on the link below for this story.
Rotary : War Time and Remembrance 2021-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome to our Newest Rotary Member

Rotary Club of Alliston welcomes their newest Corporate membership of Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation.
Photo Left to right.
Melody McLean(SMHF) Rotarian Paul McCullough, Rotarian Patricia Middlebrook, Rotary President Bill Wray,
Margaret Barber(SMHF)
Welcome to our Newest Rotary Member 2021-10-21 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Lights up the Gibson Centre for World Polio Day

Rotary Club of Alliston Members and family Lights Up the Gibson Centre for World Polio Day 
World Polio Day was October 24, 2021.
Rotary Club of Alliston in cooperation with the Gibson Centre lit up the building on October 21 and 24  in recognition of Rotary's commitment to eradicate polio from the world.  World Polio Day was Sunday, October 24. Rotary Clubs all over the world raise awareness, funds, and support to end polio, a vaccine-preventable disease.
 “I am incredibly proud of the Rotarians, volunteers around the globe and our partner agencies who for 35 years have given so much to eradicate this disease.  We are so close with only two countries in the world still reporting cases. “  said 
 Rotary Club of Alliston President Bill Wray. 
In 1988, there were 350,000 cases of polio in 125 countries. Rotary and their partners have made great progress against the disease since then. In 2021, polio cases have been reported in  just 2 countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan. 
Rotary and its partners will continue to try and reach every child with the polio vaccine. Without full funding and political commitment, this paralyzing disease could return to polio-free countries, putting children everywhere at risk. 
Rotary has contributed more than $2.2 billion to ending polio since 1985.
Thank you to the Gibson Centre for their support!
 For more information download a Polio Factsheet click here.
Rotary Lights up the Gibson Centre for World Polio Day Sue Leach 2021-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

'Leveraging Rotary: A Story of International Cooperation in a Time of Crisis - The Beirut Port Explosion.

Photos of hospital in Beirut after the port explosion in 2020.
Rotarian Steve Rutledge spoke to the Rotary Club of Alliston on Monday, October 18 at 7pm to update us on a  Rotary Global Grant Project in Beirut and to share the Adopt a Village Program in Laos.
Rotary Club of Alliston is one of 60 Rotary Clubs that have contributed money towards a Global Grant to replace operating theatre equipment in the pediatric hospital in Beirut.
Steve Rutledge spent his career as co-owner of a mid sized computer company in Toronto.  Since retirement he has narrowed his focus on local and international community support.  Steve has served on several boards and committees in Port Hope including the Municipal Culture Committee, Parks, Rec and Culture Committee, Skatepark committee, Capitol Theatre Board of Directors and others.  He has received two civic awards, the latest for philanthropy and is a multiple Paul Harris award recipient for his efforts (Port Hope, Whitby Sunrise and Beirut Cosmopolitan) and awarded the Spirit of Rotary award in 2016.  In 2018, he received the Family and Community Service award from the Rotary Club of Courtice.  His most recent award was the Bob Scott Disease Prevention award from Rotary District 7070 in June 2020.
With his partner they created a number of large events including one they held in their home netting $61,000 for the Capitol theatre and another town event for 6000 people.
For the last 12 years Steve has ventured into Laos serving the rural villagers with the most basic of needs for sustained life.  Since 2009, Adopt A Village in Laos has completed over 65 villages with filtered water one family at a time, serving over 32,000 rural villagers, constructed 24 permanent water supplies, repaired numerous others, built over 40 banks of toilets, 12 school construction projects and continues to sponsor a host of primary, secondary and university students.
After the Beirut port explosion in 2020, Mr. Rutledge chaired the international sponsoring partner club committee (Whitby Sunrise club) and raised approximately $240,000 from 60 clubs towards a global grant to replace operating theatre equipment for Beirut’s only public hospital.  Steve is also co-Chair of the International Committee at Whitby Sunrise and sits on the District 7070 Water and Sanitation Committee.
For more information on the Water Filter program please click to get the brochure.
'Leveraging Rotary: A Story of International Cooperation in a Time of Crisis - The Beirut Port Explosion. 2021-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Women's Institute

Donna Jebb was our guest speaker on Monday October 4th. She spoke to the club members and guests about the Women's Institute.
Donna was born & raised in Alliston to Warren”Pat” & Shirley Gibson
Married to Barry Jebb for over 40 years. 
They farm in New Tecumseth. They have two children & 4 grandchildren.

Member of Tec We Gwill Women’s Institute for 40 years and held different positions in the branch, district & Simcoe Area for the WI.

Past Provincial board director for Federated Women’s  Institutes of Ontario (FWIO) & a member of Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) with that organization Donna has been a member of the UN committee for 6 years & currently second term of the Agriculture committee 
As well was a leader of  4H life skill club in South Simcoe (39 years volunteer)  & past president of that organization their two children were 4H members of the life skills along with the beef club. 
Past member of Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation, co-organized a wheel chair relay race to raise funds for Canadian paraplegic association in our area for 5 years (known now as Spinal Cord Injury of Ontario).
Donna and her mother Shirley were both past recipients of the Rotary Club of Alliston's Elgin Blakely Award for Citizen of the Year.
Women's Institute 2021-09-25 04:00:00Z 0

Community Trivia Night - Wednesday October 20, 2021 - 7:00 pm

A Community Trivia Contest, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Alliston in support of CONTACT Community Services, is being held on Wednesday, 20 October.  Anyone can play, as an individual, household or team, and the ticket is the same price -- just $25.  Gift cards valued at $100, $50 and $25 will be awarded as 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes.
The event starts at 7:00 PM, with a technical orientation and trouble-shooting session beginning at 6:30.  The 60 minutes of content will feature General Knowledge trivia, a Name That Tune round and a Game Show session, plus lots of laughter and audience interaction.  Hosted by Quiz Coconut, a provider of virtual events to clients such as Google, Disney and Pepsi, our event will use content that has been tried and tested on varied audiences of all ages and backgrounds.  No one will feel left out.
Get your tickets on EventBrite at the link on our accompanying graphic or use the QR code.  Upon registration, we'll send you a test link for Zoom and the Google answer form so you can be sure you're up and running well before the event.
Join in the fun and help support CONTACT, one of Simcoe County's most important community organizations.
Tickets are for sale online only at Eventbrite:  Click here to buy a ticket
Please invite family, friends, colleagues to join us for this fun, fundraiser.
To play you will need:
  1. To be able to join a Zoom meting (to see and hear the questions). 

    If possible, open with the Zoom desktop/phone app, as the browser has more limited functionality.

  2. Open a google document to answer the questions.   Test link for google form: https://forms.gle/6rSZMBUY4pkVUvkx5 . If this works on your computer you are ready to play.
You will get the zoom link and the google form link just before the event.
Community Trivia Night - Wednesday October 20, 2021 - 7:00 pm 2021-09-05 04:00:00Z 0

Storytelling for Community Engagement

Mary Lou Harrison in action.
Storytelling for Community Engagement - On September 27, Assistant Rotary Public Image Co-ordinator Mary Lou Harrison joined us for a Zoom conversation about attracting volunteers, new members, community partners, and additional participants in Rotary programs and activities through strategic storytelling and active listening. Thank you to Mary Lou sharing her time and talents with the club.
Mary Lou Harrison's Bio:
A strong advocate for the role of women in Rotary, Mary Lou constantly seeks to increase the diversity of Rotary’s membership and leadership to better serve our world.
She is proud to be a Charter Member of the LGBT Rotary and Friends Rotary Fellowship. Mary Lou is also a Charter Member of the Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise, a Past President of the Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise, and an active member of the Rotary Club of Toronto Sunrise. She is honoured to serve as an Assistant Rotary Public Image Co-ordinator (ARPIC) and looks forward to becoming the Rotary Public Image Co-ordinator for Zone 28 in the 2022-23 Rotary Year.
Her Rotary District 7070 roles have included District Governor 2018-19, Assistant Governor, Vocational Service Chair, and Co-Chair of RADAR (Rotary Action for the Development of AIDS Responses). She supports our Rotary Foundation as a Benefactor and a Rotary Direct Donor.
Currently, Mary Lou is the Director of Partnerships & Administration for St. Anne’s Anglican Church, a national historic site, arts venue, and active parish in downtown Toronto. Her work life has included positions within the Ontario government, her own catering and events management company, teaching cooking, freelance writing, and being the editor of a community newspaper. In addition, she has her own blog - coolnotcool.ca.
Both inside and outside of Rotary, Mary Lou seeks to be a changemaker.
Storytelling for Community Engagement 2021-09-01 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston Supports the Gibson Centre

And the winners are......

Congratulations to the winners of the Taste of the Town Raffle Draw.
Grand prize - Cindy Simpson
Pizza for a year - Peter Gordon
Pie for a year - Sally Sainsbury.

Sincere thanks to all those who purchased tickets. All funds go directly to the most urgent needs of the Gibson Centre to remain rich in heritage and alive with culture!

Gibson Centre

Rotarian Ed Zelinski(3rd from left) took part in the draw.

A special thanks go to Rotary Club of Alliston, our lead sponsor for this raffle. Your support means so much to arts and culture in our community.
The Rotary Club of Alliston donated $2500 to the Gibson Centre for Community, Arts and Culture for their annual Taste of the Town. Photos and text from the Gibson Centre Website.

Rotary Club of Alliston Supports the Gibson Centre 2021-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Volunteers at the 100th Anniversary Celebrations

Welcome Sign for the "Walk in the Footsteps of Banting" on August 20-22, 2021.
The weekend long event was a celebration at the Banting Homestead and Heritage Park for the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin.  Hosted by the Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation, the events included six presentation sessions in the Drive Shed, two on each day, followed by tours of the exhibits in the Reception building and the Farmhouse.  
Rotarians Eric Jagger and John McFarland volunteering on check in for guests.
Rotarians manned the front gate checking registrants in and providing them with a COVID questionnaire.  A pair of Lions members also volunteered and handled parking and way-finding, and two Banting Memorial High School students performed a variety of duties.  
Lion's Volunteers with David Sadleir in centre. 
Rotary President George Scott and Kait Perez Diaz
Rotary, along with the Alliston Lions Club, was also instrumental in the funding and reconstruction of the octagonal drive shed back in 2010.  It’s now a featured building and the primary learning centre for all the SFBLF’s educational programs on diabetes.  
Monument was unveiled to celebrate the 4 scientists who were responsible for the discovery of insulin 100 years ago.
Frederick Banting and his assistant Charles Best discovered insulin in 1921 with the help of Cullip, a chemist, and MacLeod, who ran the lab at U of T. Banting was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1923 and remains the youngest ever recipient 100 years later. 
Rotary Volunteers at the 100th Anniversary Celebrations 2021-08-24 04:00:00Z 0

Riverdale Park Clean Up

Rotarian Jan Clayson checking in and assigning volunteers their area for clean up in Riverdale Park on Saturday, August 21st.
Members of the Rotary Club of Alliston and Rotaract Club were part of the Great Lakes Cleanup, a US and Canadian initiative involving hundreds of Rotary clubs on both sides of the border, originally scheduled for Earth Day back in April (but postponed twice because of the Stay-at-Home order and its extension).
Amzy and Irby pitched in representing the Rotaract Club.

Volunteers spent three hours covering the entire park that borders the Boyne River and then sat down for a pizza lunch courtesy of Rotarian Jack Van’t Spyker.
Rotarians Bill, Sue and Dave
Rotarian Megan and daughter Riley ready to start collecting litter.
Riverdale Park Clean Up 2021-08-24 04:00:00Z 0

Big Screen Movie comes to Alliston - September 5, 2021

Join us Sunday, September 5th, 2021 at the Canadian Tire Parking Lot, located at 110 Young Street (Highway 89) in Alliston for our Big Screen Movie Event! It’s a pop-up fundraiser for families & we’re showing #SonicTheHedgehog! The gates open at 7:00 pm; On-screen pre-show at 8:15 pm; Feature movie at 8:30 pm.
Our 2 goals for this event are to help #MatthewsHouseHospice & to help local families connect with one another & make happy memories in a COVID-safe way.
Tickets are being sold online with admission being $30/car. 
Big Screen Movie comes to Alliston - September 5, 2021 2021-07-31 04:00:00Z 0

Tablets for Seniors at Simcoe Manor

Rotary Club of Alliston donated 8 New Tablets for use by residents of Simcoe Manor. Tablets were presented by Rotarians Jack Van't Spyker and Ed Zelinski (centre of photo) to staff at Simcoe Manor. Photo by John McFarland.
Residents of Simcoe manor enjoying the Rotary Tablets.
Tablets for Seniors at Simcoe Manor 2021-07-30 04:00:00Z 0

Meet Parvin our Amarok Mother

Parvin in "Mother's" School
Through the work of the Amarok Society the Rotary Club of Alliston is supporting the education of Parvin and 5 children in the slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh.  Parvin attends a "mother" school to learn to read, write and other life skills. She then returns home to teach 5 local children in her "micro" school. Her new education allows Parvin to earn a better living and to support other families in need in her community. In addition to teaching the children in her school Parvin is also using the techniques she learns to help neighbourhood adults become better readers.  She is empowered to make a difference in her community.
For more information about the Amarok Society please visit: https://www.amaroksociety.org
Playing a word game in "Micro" School
Meet Parvin our Amarok Mother 2021-07-21 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Bursary to Dayna Spence

The Rotary Club of Alliston awarded its Paul Harris Bursary to Dayna Spence, a graduating student at Banting Memorial High School in New Tecumseth.  Named after the founder of Rotary International, the award goes annually to the student who best exemplifies the qualities of scholastic achievement, exemplary leadership, community service through volunteerism, and financial need.  
Pictured with Dayna are her proud father Jeremy and mother Kelly, along with George Scott, club president.  George was ably assisted in the review of applicants by club member Captain Rachael Tracey of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Corps.  George added: "This $2,000 bursary is an important way Rotary can reward excellence and support our youth, who are our community's precious resource."  
Paul Harris Bursary to Dayna Spence 2021-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Year Review in Pictures '20-'21

A few pictures to celebrate the end of the 2020-2021 Rotary year.  Thanks to George Scott our president and all Rotarians who have stepped up during the last 12 months.
Year Review in Pictures '20-'21 2021-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Year End Zoom Celebration

Monday, June 28 was our year end celebration on Zoom. Unfortunately we could not get together in person.
It has been a challenging year but President George Scott has done an awesome job of leading the members  and helping us to help our community. The chairs of committees presented year end reports and Dave Green put together a slide show of the year’s activities.
George thanked the current board, chairs and members. He welcomed the incoming directors.
President George Scott shown here wearing his Past President’s Pin. 
Year End Zoom Celebration 2021-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Pitches In to Clean Up Parkland

Rotary President George Scott clearing underbrush and deadfall from parkland near Town Tennis Courts.
Paul McCollough, Nate and Bill Wray helping with the cleanup.
Rotarians have volunteered for 3 evenings at parkland in New Tecumseth. 
Rotary Pitches In to Clean Up Parkland 2021-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Flashback

Polo for Health (2001-2010) for Stevenson Memorial Hospital
Sweat Equity and Community Development, Kilema, Tanzania (2006-2015)
Rotary Flashback 2021-05-28 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you! to Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 53

Big thank you to Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 53 for an interesting and engaging presentation at our April 26th meeting about the benefits and experiences of being a Sea Cadets. Well done.
Thank you! to Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 53 2021-05-28 04:00:00Z 0
Welcome New Members of the Rotary Club of Alliston 2021-05-23 04:00:00Z 0

Help for youth with hearing loss in Rivne, Ukraine

Imagine being a child in a world that is silent or with limited sound. 
Members of the Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine identified a need to have the equipment to diagnose hearing impairment in their region. With the help of their Rotary partner clubs in Canada , United Kingdom and other charitable organizations in Canada the Rotary Club of Rivne was able to purchase diagnostic equipment for the region’s hospital. 
With the funds raised, five children received hearing aids to bring the gift of sound to their lives.
Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine and to all their partners. The Rotary Club of Rivne has just reported the project is now complete.
The Rotary Club of Alliston was grateful to be part of this worthy international project!
Help for youth with hearing loss in Rivne, Ukraine 2021-05-14 04:00:00Z 0

"Family Agent: A World War One Trench Watch"

Bob Burgar spoke to the club on Monday, June 14 via Zoom. Bob gave a great presentation with stories about his grandfather's WW1 Trench Watch. In researching the watch through documents and letters, he was able to discover many stories about his grandfather.
Bob Burgar was the senior archaeologist for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for twenty-five years. From 1982 to 2005, Bob was responsible for the TRCA’s archaeological unit. Some of the programmes’ notable accomplishments during that time was the development of the province’s first proponent funded archaeological resource management program of public lands, and the designation of the Humber River as a Canadian Heritage River. For three decades one of Bob’s tasks was to act as the senior archaeologist of Canada’s longest-running high school archaeological field school. It was through his experiences at the Boyd Archaeological Field school that he developed his love of teaching – so much so that Bob went back to school (in the evenings for two years at Trent University in Peterborough), obtained his BEd, retired from the Conservation Authority and started working for the York Region District School Board. After teaching for a decade at Aurora High School (his alma mater), Bob retired in 2015.  Bob has gone back to school in his retirement and is working on his PhD at York University, looking at the data collected during the field schools. Bob is an avid plastic modeler with an interest in WW2 aircraft and has had a long association with the 48thHighlanders of Canada as an Officer and a member of the Officer’s Association. Bob’s talk today is based on an essay he prepared for a course in his doctoral programme.
"Family Agent: A World War One Trench Watch" 2021-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Flashbacks

Polo for Health (2001-2010) for Stevenson Memorial Hospital
Sweat Equity and Community Development, Kilema, Tanzania (2006-2015)
Rotary Flashbacks 2021-04-28 04:00:00Z 0
Big Thank You to Herald Ad Sponsors - April 22, 2021  2021-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston Sponsored Mother

Introducing Parvin, a mother who the Rotary Club of Alliston is sponsoring through their donation to the Amarok Society to attend School and to teach 5 children in her neighbourhood in Bangladesh.
Introduction of Parvin
April 2021
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dear members of the The Rotary Club of Alliston,
I am Parvin, 28 years old. I'm a housewife but I am good at hand sewing on clothes and able to make beautiful design with my needles on covers. I have two sons and one daughter. My husband Fazlur Rahman is 40 years old. He is a carpenter, makes new furniture reshaping the old furniture. We live in a joint family with my husband, children and in-laws. My husband income is about 12,000 taka ($200) per month but not regular. Sometimes he has no work and seats idle. So, we have to suffer those days for our food and other needs. I have cleaned a space of unused land of our slum to plant some vegetables there. I spent my free time to take care of the little vegetable-garden. When I get vegetables, I eat some and share with my neighbors.
I never went to school in my childhood, so I was completely illiterate before I joined in Amarok Mother School. My father was a farmer. He used to live in a remote village of Kishoreganj district and we lived there nearby a river. Due to seasonal flood, often our houses, crops and lands were washed away in the monsoon. So, my father had to borrow money in interest to run our family. In such situation, finding no way out, we all moved to Dhaka 10 years ago and started living in Nurerchala slum of Dhaka.
When I was 15, I was married off as my parents wanted to reduce the food cost of the family. During marriage I thought my marriage will give me some freedom but it did not happen. I had to face many problems. I didn't understand how to manage a joint family, how to take care of babies, could not feed them properly being an early mother. My mother-in-law used to act badly with me when I made a mistake including some physical punishment. I had no freedom to talk and to provide my opinions. I did all household works without any appreciation.
One day I heard from my neighbor Nazma about Amarok Mother School for the illiterate women to learn and to teach little children. I went there with a woman, met the teacher and expressed my interest in learning and teaching children. Since then, I have been learning a lot from my school. Now I am able to read and write Bengali and English independently and I have started to teach 5 children at my home including my own children. They children I teach are;
Age (years)
Other learning support of my children
My own son
My own son
My own daughter
Also attends in Madrasa for religious learning
Also attends in a non-government school
After joining in Amarok Mother School, I can see changes in my life. Still my learning is not as good as many other mothers who are there for a longer time. With my basic learning I have got many health and social awareness sessions from my school which I practice in my family and share in the community who do not attend in our school. Last month I got a session about COVID-19 and it was very helpful for me and for the community people. I want to educate my children that they could find a better life in their future.
I would like to continue my education and teaching to children.
With love,
For information about the Amarok Society, please click on the link below.
Rotary Club of Alliston Sponsored Mother 2021-04-21 04:00:00Z 0

Building Community Through Ghost Stories

Professor Cael Cohen spoke to us on April 12th about the fascinating ghost story history of Tottenham.
Her topic.....Building Community Through Ghost Stories
Cael Cohen is an award-winning university professor, eLearning expert, philosopher, educational researcher, passionate oral storyteller, writer, painter, and bird watcher.  
If you would like to explore the ghost walk on your own, please visit the link below for the ghost walk.
Building Community Through Ghost Stories 2021-04-12 04:00:00Z 0

Hearing Testing in Rivne, Ukraine has begun

Children with hearing loss in Rivne, Ukraine are now getting the testing they require to equip them with hearing aides.  The Rotary Club of Rivne has report that the new audiometer/tympanometer is now installed and being used to test the hearing of children in the region.  Eight high priority cases were immediately identified and tested.  Funds from the project have now been used to provide much needed hearing aides for 5 of these individuals.  A big thanks to all the partners who helped make this happen. The Rotary Club of Alliston contributed $1000 to the purchase of the testing equipment and the hearing aides.
The audiometer being setup ready for hearing tests.
Hearing Testing in Rivne, Ukraine has begun 2021-03-28 04:00:00Z 0

Chasing Dreams - Turning a passion into a lifestyle & business

Beautiful Siberian Huskies, Awe-Inspiring Wilderness, Breathtaking Adventure.
 Tanya McCready, co-owner with husband Hank Debruin of Winterdance Dogsled Tours spoke to Rotary Club of Alliston on Zoom. 
21 years ago, Hank and Tanya quit their jobs and moved to Ontario's wilderness to build their dream of starting a business, a family and creating a lifestyle around their beloved Siberian Huskies.

Their business, Winterdance Dogsled Tours welcomes over 2000 guests from around the globe every winter. From day tours, to moonlit tours, to heli dogsledding, and recently, virtual dogsledding tours, they have stayed true to their dream and built Winterdance to what it is today.

Hank and their huskies have had many adventures from Maine to Alaska including competing in six 1000-mile races in Alaska and the Yukon. Out of the many lessons and countless stories from these races, a corporate presentation was born that focuses on building and leading great teams through challenging times.

Hank and Tanya also have a 2500 tree maple syrup farm and have co-written 2 books. Their latest book, Journey of 1000 Miles released just last Christmas has become an international best seller. This book is available for purchase on Amazon.

They share their lives with their 4 children, 150 huskies and 5 cats.

For more information please visit Winterdance Dogsled Tours by clicking on website
Chasing Dreams - Turning a passion into a lifestyle & business 2021-03-15 04:00:00Z 0
Janet Looks Back in her Rotary Moment 2021-03-11 05:00:00Z 0

Local Charities are the big winners in Rotary Calendar Fundraiser

Local Charities are the winners!
L to R....Rotary President George Scott, Rotarian John McFarland presents cheque to David Sadleir and Kait Perez Diaz of Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation,  Rotarian Eric Jagger
The Rotary Club of Alliston worked with the Rotary Club of Barrie Huronia and several other Rotary Clubs to sell Daily Cash Calendar/Lottery tickets for 2021. The proceeds of this fundraiser are donated to the chosen charities. The charities chosen for 2021 were Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation, Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation and Alliston Out of the Cold. The Rotary Club of Alliston donated $1740.00 to each of the 3 charities. The charities were asked to participate in the promoting and selling of the Daily Cash Calendar/Lottery Tickets. Thank you to all our members, Canadian Tire Alliston and the charities for helping us raise funds for such worthwhile local causes!!
L to R...Rotary President George Scott, Whitney Sallach, Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation receives cheque from Rotarians John McFarland and Eric Jagger of the Fundraising Committee.

L to R ....Rotary President George Scott, Rotarians Annabelle Song and John McFarland(chair of Fundraising) present cheque to Lisa Nicol and Jenifer Pergentile of Alliston Out of the Cold, Rotarian Eric Jagger
Local Charities are the big winners in Rotary Calendar Fundraiser 2021-03-06 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Alliston supports Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation

L to R..Rotary President George Scott presents $10,000 cheque to Whitney Sallach from Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation with Rotarians John McFarland and Eric Jagger
The Rotary Club of Alliston to proud to have made a commitment to the SMHF to donate $50,000 over 5 years in 2020. On March 5, 2021 Rotary President George Scott presented a cheque for the 2nd installment for $10,000 to Whitney Sallach from the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation. Please join us in supporting our local hospital.
Rotary Club of Alliston supports Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation 2021-03-06 05:00:00Z 0
Local Seniors Blessed by Flowers on Valentine’s Day  2021-02-18 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Car Scavenger Hunt Winners

Congratulations to all the winners of the Car Scavenger Hunts!
Team of Louise and Ralph Jones tied for first place on short course.
Team of Patricia and Gerry Middlebrook tied for first place on short course.
Team of Kelly and Glenna McCague were first place in the long course of the Car Scavenger Hunt.
Team of Carman Bruining and Colleen Kotnisz won the grand prize of first place for combined Car Scavenger Hunts!!
Rotary Car Scavenger Hunt Winners 2021-01-29 05:00:00Z 0

Eric's Rotary Moment

Rotary opens doors to connect members with leaders in our community and around the world.
Thanks Eric Jagger for sharing your Rotary Moment.
Eric's Rotary Moment 2021-01-27 05:00:00Z 0

Capt. Rachael Tracey Recognized

Capt. Rachael Tracey gave our Remembrance address back in Nov 2020 at her very first meeting as member of our club...she had been recognized for her contributions to The 2020 National Veterans’ Week Speakers Program in the letter below.
Letter of Appreciation to CAF Speakers for the 2020 National Veterans’ Week Speakers Program
January 2021
To Whom It May Concern,
As the Director of Outreach and Speechwriting (DOAS), I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation for the participation of Capt Rachael Tracey in the 2020 National Veterans’ Week Speakers Program.
This year, the NVWSP shifted to virtual presentations to ensure the health and safety of CAF members. I am happy to report that Canadians responded with overwhelming interest to this new course of action. We received 2,570 requests for the CAF speaker videos, with another 378 requests for virtual presentations, allowing us to reach more than 931,000 Canadians.
Without the willingness of current serving members such as Capt Tracey, who adapted in a virtual environment and who devoted time and energy to share their experiences, the program would not be as successful as it has been.
The positive feedback received from schools and community organizations is a true testament to the fact that Canadians appreciate hearing first-hand about the great work that our military members do on a daily basis.
Now more than ever, Canadians must know the importance of remembering CAF members who have served and who continue to serve, as well as those who have given their lives for our country. For this, I would like to express my gratitude for your dedication to the program.
Once again, please accept my sincere thanks for your excellent contribution to the 2020 National Veterans’ Week Speakers Program. It is our hope that you will participate again next year.
Elana Aptowitzer
A/Director, Outreach and Speechwriting
Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)
Department of National Defence
Thanks Rachael. Well done
Capt. Rachael Tracey Recognized 2021-01-22 05:00:00Z 0

Jack Van't Spyker's Rotary Moment

Rotary collaborates with other like-minded groups to make our community a better place to live. Thank you Jack for sharing your Rotary Moment.
Jack Van't Spyker's Rotary Moment 2021-01-13 05:00:00Z 0
Happy New Year! 2021-01-01 05:00:00Z 0

Calendar Fundraiser Results



The stubs are in and money is counted and the membership exceeded our goal of selling 500 tickets!

The total tickets sold are 524 tickets total revenue of $10,480.00. Congratulations to our membership! Half of the revenue $5,240.00 is from selling the calendars/lottery tickets will be divided up among the 3 charities named at the beginning of the fundraiser, Alliston Out of the Cold, Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation and Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation.

The club’s membership is to decide collectively on the percentage to each beneficiary with a motion. The motion needs to be conducted by January 15 2021 so the Rotary Club of Barrie-Huronia can complete the overall accounting. A motion has been sent to the board and a notice of motion will be sent to the membership which will open the motion up for discussion at the club level and the inclusion of all members who want to contribute in the discussion to the final allocation of the funds raised to the three beneficiaries named at the start to the fundraiser.

Ad revenue is split, half of the ad revenue is returned to the club that places the ad on the calendars.

One ad value of $250.00 was purchased so additional revenue is $125.00 was added to our total.

Total revenue raised from calendars/ lottery tickets $5,375.00

Recognition and our sincere thanks to:

Rotary Club of Barrie- Huronia. – Sue Carr and committee for sharing the idea and spearheading it.

Canadian Tire Alliston – member Megan White for organizing the selling of calendars/tickets at cash registers.

Colleen Kotnisz  member for having calendars available at her office.

Christine Brayford for having calendars at Flato Homes Sales office in Beeton.

The beneficiaries for their promotion of the fund raiser on their social media platforms, and selling of the calendars /lottery tickets.

The membership of the Rotary Club of Alliston  - Thank you all!

As a result of the campaign but not part of it was the generous donation from Flato homes of $2,000.00 specifically $1000.00 each to the Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation and Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation. This donation was made directly to the club charity account and then cheques were distributed to each organization. This donation was not associated with the Rotary Club of Barrie-Huronia.

Flato Homes did not forget Alliston Out of the Cold, they had already given a corporate donation of $10.000 to the organization prior to our campaign starting.



Next Fundraising meeting is January 14th at 7:00a.m. via Zoom. Please let John know if you would like to attend and are not on the committee and he will send you an invitation to the meeting.  


Thank you for your help

John McFarland  Fundraising, Committee Chairperson

Alliston Rotary Club



“COVID protocol, physical distance yourself, wear a mask if you can’t,wear a mask everywhere in public,wash your hands several times a day.”


Calendar Fundraiser Results 2021-01-01 05:00:00Z 0
Thank you card from Alliston Out Of the Cold 2021-01-01 05:00:00Z 0
Christmas and Thank you card from Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation 2021-01-01 05:00:00Z 0

Bill Wray's Rotary Moment

Rotary provides members opportunities to expand their skills while doing good in the community.  
Bill Wray's Rotary Moment 2020-12-30 05:00:00Z 0

Santa Comes to New Tecumseth

The Rotary Club of Alliston was pleased to help coordinate Santa's visit to the communities of New Tecumseth. Great work Emergency Service, New Tecumseth.
Santa Comes to New Tecumseth 2020-12-28 05:00:00Z 0

Christmas Party Winners

Big thank you to the social committee for hosting our first and hopefully only online Zoom Christmas Party.  Great to have Rotarians and family join us online for some silly activities. Photos from Christmas past, Trivia and "festive attire" combined for some fun.  
Trivia winners:  Marvellous McFarlands (they are making a habit of this)
Funniest Attire:  Tanya Wall - great Antlers.
Most Festive Attire:  Ralph Jones
Thank you to all Rotarians and Friends of Rotary for keeping us moving forward in this most unique year.
Christmas Party Winners 2020-12-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary and Flato Developments Support the Lion Christmas Hampers

Pictured above is Rotary President George Scott. To his left left, starting with two thumbs up, is Lion Scott Cooke, then Lion Ken Wright and Lion Stuart Millard. To his right is Lion George ‘Big Dutch’ Bik.
This is a cheque presentation by Rotary to the Alliston Lions Club for $1,000 -- a supplemental gift (to our usual annual support) sponsored by the generous people at Flato Developments.
 Now in its 40th year, the Hamper program will help to feed 180 needy families and seniors this year.
Great work Lions.
Rotary and Flato Developments Support the Lion Christmas Hampers 2020-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

Royal LePage RCR Realty donates $1000

A big Rotary thank you to Royal LePage RCR Realty for a $1000 donation towards the sponsorship of a bench on the future trail in Riverdale Park. President George receiving the donation from Kelly McCague.
Royal LePage RCR Realty donates $1000 2020-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Welcome Rotarian Annabelle Song

Welcome Annabelle Song our newest member of the Rotary Club of Alliston
My name is Annabelle Song. I'm working at Flato Developments as Public Relations, Sales and Marketing Manager. I worked in an ad agency for around 3 years in Toronto as Media Planner since 2017, and experiential marketing agencies in Beijing for over 5 years as Senior Account Manager before coming to Canada. I finished 2 bachelor degrees in China, one in Electrical Engineering, the other in Business Administration.
I came to Canada in 2014 for my Master Degree in International and Intercultural Communications in Victoria, BC, then move to Ontario after graduation. I'm also a volunteer of The Canadian Red Cross, participated several major responses in BC, AB and ON.
Welcome Rotarian Annabelle Song 2020-12-09 05:00:00Z 0

Interact Club Raises Funds for My Sister's Place Shelter

Raising Money For Local My Sister's Place Shelter, organized by Sydney Narain
Our local Interact Club, Rotary for young people between the ages of 13 and 18, has organized a fundraising campaign for our local shelter for women and children, My Sister's Place.
If you would like to help our young people provide assistance to this very worthy institution, please click on the link and donate what you can via the Go Fund Me page they have set up.
Thanks for anything you can contribute. Our young people will very much appreciate your support.
Interact Club Raises Funds for My Sister's Place Shelter 2020-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

John McFarland Receives PH2

The Rotary Club of Alliston is pleased to recognize John McFarland as Paul Harris Fellow 2. Paul Harris Fellowships recognize outstanding contributions to the Rotary Foundation which fund local and global grants for projects that improve communities.
Thank you John.
John McFarland Receives PH2 2020-11-30 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation and our club

Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine and Rotary Club of Alliston partnered on a Global Grant project to provide resource material to teach children in Ukraine that are blind and visually impaired.
Story by Joan Hayward and photos by Roger Hayward
Past District Governor Bob Wallace gave us a very good presentation about our international Rotary Foundation last Monday evening.  However, he didn't give some of the details specific to our club.
In the last Rotary year our club was credited for donations to the Annual Fund of about $140,000 US.  A large part of this money came from the estate of the late Rotarian Shirley Ford.  She designated her legacy to the Peace and Conflict Resolution Area of Focus.  We are very grateful for Shirley's consistent interest in and support of the programs of our Foundation.
Our club has led six global grants in the past ten years representing a value of about $271,000 US.  The base funding for these came from members of the teams working in both Tanzania and Ukraine, with added funding from other clubs in our District.  Four of the global grants in Tanzania focused mostly on maternal health in the greater rural region of Kilema on the slopes of Kilimanjaro with a population of about 250,000.  As the projects progressed, the number of mother and child deaths decreased appreciably, approaching the number in the developed world.
The two global grant projects in Ukraine most of you are familiar with, since our partner members in The Rotary Club of Rivne gave us an update on the latest project focused on the training and certification of health personnel in the early diagnosis of autism in children.  This will be followed by implementation of the training to diagnose autism in young children in the Province of Rivne.
The first global grant in Rivne was focused on providing each blind child in Ukraine with equipment to be able to read Braille and on providing training for teachers on how to use the equipment with the children.  The other part of this grant  was focused on creating jobs for the visually impaired in a sewing workshop and in a facility to manufacture toilet paper rolls.
Recording Studio at Rivne Regional Library Ukraine used to create audio books for blind and visually impaired.
Rotary Foundation and our club Joan Hayward 2020-11-29 05:00:00Z 0
Sue Leach - her Rotary Moment 2020-11-25 05:00:00Z 0

Speakers for January 25, 2021

Jenifer Pergentile, Executive Director - Alliston Out of the Cold

Jenifer considers herself a life-long resident of New Tecumseth, having grown up in Tottenham.  She and her husband settled in Alliston after a brief period of time in Hinton, Alberta where they first began their family.

Jenifer started in the social services field by working in youth centres and women's shelters and eventually settled into a career as an Addiction Counsellor, where she focused her practice primarily on prevention and education, working with youth in schools, adults in outpatient settings and legally mandated individuals.  In 2017, Jenifer joined the Planning Committee for the Alliston Out of the Cold program, as a consultant for shelter operations and to assist administratively in developing operational policies and procedures, in order to open the shelter in November of 2017. In early 2018,  during the first season of shelter operations, she was hired as the Program Director. Alliston Out of the Cold incorporated as a non-profit in 2019, at which point she transitioned to the role of Executive Director.  Since that time, the organization has grown to include 3 streams of programming.  As a relatively small organization, that operates predominantly on volunteer man--power, Jenifer wears many hats and oversees many aspects of the organization, both
administratively and operationally - all while juggling being a stay-at-home mom of 3, with 1 still at home full time!
Speakers for January 25, 2021 2020-11-24 05:00:00Z 0

Unstoppable Mothers- February 8, 2021

Dr. Tanyss Munro of the Amarok Society
Dr. Tanyss Munro has devoted her life and career to improving educational opportunities for disadvantaged people across Canada and abroad. She has achieved extraordinary success in this endeavour as teacher, principal, district director, senior advisor in the federal government and with First Nations government. She has been active in international education as a specialist with the Commonwealth of Learning and other international organizations and advises two international development organizations currently. In addition to co-founding Amarok Society, she has a long history of charitable and social activity. By adoption, she is a Wendat (Huron) Indian. She recently co-edited ‘Learning to Live Together: Using Distance Education for Community Peacebuilding”, a book of experiences from around the globe illustrating this new approach to peace building in communities.
Dr Munro talked about the experience of the communities in Bangladesh as they struggle to deal with the Global Pandemic.  Many new programs have been developed by their "teaching mothers" to assist in food security (soup kitchens a first for Bangladesh), children programs, and food banks (another first).  The education the mothers and their student receive has provide them with the skills to bring new resources to the community.  Graduates from the home schools are successfully moving into the formal school system.  Young girls especially benefit as they can now get better jobs and can avoid becoming a child bride.  These women are truly unstoppable with and education as their foundation.
Unstoppable Mothers- February 8, 2021 2020-11-23 05:00:00Z 0

Veseys Seeds and Rotary Tulip Project - February 22, 2021

John Barrett of Veseys Seeds, End Polio Now Tulip Project
John is a Charter member and Past President of the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty. He has served as Clerk of Session at Zion Presbyterian church, member of the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s National Finance Committee and is a past member of the Assembly Council and Moderator of the PEI Presbytery. Active in a number of community Boards and Advisory Groups, he has been involved at Veseys Seeds Ltd. for the past 23 years
Prior to joining Veseys Seeds Ltd in 1997, John spent many years as an entrepreneur having ownership and management responsibilities with Great Northern Knitters, Afton Lea Farms, Barrett Resources and the A. Littlewood Box Factory.
Presented a Paul Harris Fellowship by his Rotary Club in 1997 and again in 2008 and 2016, other awards include Executive Member of the Year Cycling PEI, Rotary District Award, Recognition Award RCMP, National Recognition Award from the Canadian Cancer Society , Special Volunteer Award PEI Division Cdn Cancer Society, Rotary Governor’s Citation and the Outstanding Leadership Award. Recently, John has received the prestigious “International Order of the Tulip” Award during the World Tulip Summit in Korea.
Today, John is one of three Directors of Veseys Seeds and is primarily responsible for sales, corporate image, design, customer service, marketing and the development of global strategic partnerships and company growth.
John talked about the history of the business and it evolution.  The seed business expanded into bulbs and continues to flourish in PEI.  The global pandemic has created a huge demand and Vesey' Seeds has seen 400 percent increase in year over year business with people really exploring home gardens.  
Veseys Seeds and Rotary Tulip Project - February 22, 2021 2020-11-21 05:00:00Z 0

Welcome Rachael Tracey Newest Member of Rotary Club of Alliston

Captain Rachel Tracey was inducted as a member of the Rotary Club of Alliston on November 9th, 2020. Welcome Rachael!
My name is Captain Rachael Tracey. I am a Reserve (part-time) member of the Canadian Armed Forces as Cadet Instructors Cadre Officer within the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service sub-component. I have been enrolled as an Officer since November 2011. I am currently the Commanding Officer of Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 53 Barrie (named after the HMCS Barrie, a WWII Flower Corvette funded by the citizens of Barrie). Before assuming Command this past June, I was the Corps Training Officer, responsible for planning and implementing the Corps yearly training schedule. Prior to moving to CFB Borden and joining RCSCC Barrie, I was an active member of  851 “Prince Edward” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Picton, ON (where I ran the gamut from Supply Officer to Admin Officer to Trg O and occasional Officer Commanding) and 608 “Duke of Edinburgh” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (where I was the Admin O and Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor). 608 was also where I first served in the Canadian Cadet Organization as a Cadet myself from 2003 until 2009, when I had a brief stint as an Officer in the Regular Forces (permanent full-time) component of the CAF.
In my civilian life, I am a full-time member of the Federal Public Service with the Department of National Defence, currently working at the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central) at CFB Borden. I am also the Founder of Youth Beyond Enterprises, the online resource for rural young entrepreneurs and young leaders, as well as a newly sworn-in Director on Nottawasaga Futures’ Board of Directors.
Welcome Rachael Tracey Newest Member of Rotary Club of Alliston 2020-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Fundraising Daily Cash Lottery and Calendar

Raising funds for community projects is tough right now...but there are many projects and organizations that need our support. This year in partnership with Rotary Clubs in Barrie, Orillia and Innisfil we will be selling Daily Cash Lottery Tickets and Community Calendars to raise funds.
The beneficiaries in our community will be: Alliston Out of the Cold; Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation; and the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation.
Calendars/Lottery Tickets are on sale now at Canadian Tire - Alliston.  Please note they are $20 CASH only. Please have full name, address and telephone number for filling out ticket stubs.
Tickets and Calendars can also be purchased from members of the Rotary Club of Alliston. These Calendars and Lottery tickets make great stocking stuffers or gifts for teachers, baby sitters, hair dresser, colleagues, friends, family....the list is endless.
If you want larger numbers of calendars you can pick your Calendars/Lottery Tickets up from John McFarland after 4:00p.m. on week days at his front door. Please wear a mask and social distance. Email ahead and John will have them all ready for you, john@nu-tekelectric.ca  or call 705-391-8556 (cell). You will need full names, full addresses and phone numbers for all recipients of the Lottery Tickets. The stubs and money must be turned in before December 18th.
Fundraising Daily Cash Lottery and Calendar 2020-11-08 05:00:00Z 0

Night Lit Santa Claus Parade 2020 - Cancelled

Usually at this time many "elves" are scurrying to create brilliant floats of light and music for the Santa Claus Parade in Alliston.  This year for health of the community and to comply with the health regulation associated with COVID-19 the Rotary Club has cancelled the Night Lit Santa Claus Parade in Alliston.  We are disappointed that we will not see families enjoying this event this year and we are hopeful that we can host the parade again in 2021.  
Be safe and all the best of the season from the Rotary Club of Alliston.
Night Lit Santa Claus Parade 2020 - Cancelled 2020-11-04 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Recognition

Congratulations to Ed Zelinski. Ed received a Paul Harris Fellow Level 2 Recognition Pin
Thank you to Ed for his dedicated service to The Rotary Club of Alliston and his financial support to the work of the Rotary Foundation.
Rotary Club members all over the world can make a personal donation of $1000 US to our own Rotary Foundation. 
For more information about the Rotary Foundation, please visit https://www.rotary.org/en/about-rotary/rotary-foundation
Paul Harris Fellow Recognition 2020-10-29 04:00:00Z 0

End Polio Now Week in New Tecumseth

October 23 - 30, 2020

In spite of the raging COVID pandemic world-wide, polio eradication is alive and well, thanks to Rotary International and our partners.  
In August, Nigeria was declared polio-free, after three years of no new wild polio virus cases.  This means that we have Kicked Polio Out of Africa!  In July, vaccinations resumed in Afghanistan and Pakistan and another wave will begin shortly in both countries.  The total number of wild polio cases so far in 2020 in the two countries combined is less than 150.  We have had so much success, in spite of so much political and civil unrest in all three countries over the years.  This is due, in part, to all those Rotarians and friends of Rotary in the health field putting in years of service and, in some cases, sacrificing their lives so that we may keep our promise to the children of the world to eradicate polio forever.
We Rotarians in Alliston are very proud of the dedication to polio awareness exhibited by our Mayor and Council.  The week of Oct. 23-30 has been designated Polio Awareness Week in New Tecumseth and the End Polio Now flag has been raised at the Town offices in Alliston.  We thank Mayor Rick Milne and our councilors for this proclamation.
End Polio Now Week in New Tecumseth 2020-10-27 04:00:00Z 0

Marvelous McFarlands are not trivial

On Friday October 16, 2020, twenty team competed in the first Rotary Club of Alliston Virtual Pub Trivia Night.  Once we conquered the technology, the teams competed through three rounds of question for bragging rights as the "most trivial".  After 1 hour of tough competition the Marvelous McFarlands were victorious.  Congratulations!  The quizmaster Ross did a great job with fun questions that were just tricky enough to keep everyone guessing.  Watch for another virtual pub night trivia coming to a computer near you.
The winning team, the Marvelous McFarlands.
Marvelous McFarlands are not trivial 2020-10-22 04:00:00Z 0

Twelfth Night Bonfire - January 2021 Cancelled

The Rotary of Club of Alliston is disappointed that COVID has interfered with so many important community events in 2020.
Every January for over 35 years we have celebrated the New Year with our Twelfth Night Burning of the Green Christmas tree bonfire. Hundreds of people every year have enjoyed the warmth of the fire while sipping hot chocolate and munching on a hot dog. Unfortunately a gathering of this size won't be permitted under the regulations currently in place and as such the Twelfth Night- Burning of the Green Bonfire in Riverdale Park will not take place in January 2021.
We hope we can host the event again in the future.
Stay Safe.
Twelfth Night Bonfire - January 2021 Cancelled 2020-10-20 04:00:00Z 0
George's Rotary Moment 2020-10-19 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians take Action in support of the Rotary Foundation

Usually this weekend Rotarians from all around the Greater Toronto Area (District 7070) get together to walk, talk and raise money for the Rotary Foundation. This money supports the “big” projects Rotarian do around the world. 2020 of course is different. This year our members did
"their own thing" ... we walked, rode bikes, and explored our community in support of the Rotary foundation.  We will update this story when we know our final fundraising total.
Rotarians take Action in support of the Rotary Foundation 2020-09-22 04:00:00Z 0

Community Health Walk Supports the Banting Legacy Foundation

Back in the spring Rotarians participated in a community health walk to raise funds and awareness of health organizations in our community. This week Rotarian Joan Hayward presented the proceeds from this walk, a cheque for over $1300, to the Banting Legacy Foundation to help support its education and awareness programs.
Joan Hayward presents the cheque to Kait Perez Diaz at the Banting Homestead.
Community Health Walk Supports the Banting Legacy Foundation 2020-09-22 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Virtual Pub Night Trivia - October 16, 2020


Rotary Club of Alliston
is bringing you a Pub Night like no other with the help of Ross Docherty of the wildly popular
Trivia By Ross
We’re calling it Rotary Virtual Pub Night Trivia and it takes place on October 16 from 7:30 to 8:30pm.
We're inviting you to an evening of Online trivia from your own home where you’ll compete in teams against your friends, colleagues, and community members. Ross will host the evening with all sorts of interesting and fun trivia questions via Zoom so you can interact with him and the rest of the teams.
You’ll also need a smart-phone to buzz in your answers in real time so Ross can keep track of who’s winning! Because there are prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (and bragging rights of course).
The cost is $20/household and the ticket link is available below. Once you’ve purchased your ticket, you will be emailed the Zoom link and password, as well as the instructions for the Speedquizzing Live app on your phone.
The trivia begins at 7:30pm on October 16 but you can sign into Zoom at 7pm if you’d like to ask Ross some questions about how things will work.
We look forward to seeing you all for a night of (virtual) fun in great Rotary fashion!
Buy you tickets here online: Online Tickets
Rotary Virtual Pub Night Trivia - October 16, 2020 2020-09-16 04:00:00Z 0
2020 Virtual Potato Festival Parade 2020-08-06 04:00:00Z 0
Walking for Community Health, 2020 2020-07-09 04:00:00Z 0

Walk for Community Health

Walk for Community Health
WHAT?             Ten members of The Rotary Club of Alliston will participate in a fund-raising walk in support of community health.
WHEN?             On Wednesday, July 8th, 2020
WHERE?           In and around the Briar Hill Community
WHY?               Of the funds raised, 25% will support Feed Ontario.
                        75% will come to The Rotary Club of Alliston to be used in our community for projects 
                        related to health.
WHO?              Your team members are:
                                    Sue Leach
                                    David Green
                                    Patricia Middlebrook
                                    Roger Hayward
                                    Joan Hayward
                                    George Scott
                                    Don Smith
                                    Eric Jagger
                                    Irene Byrne
                                    Tanya Wall
WHAT IS MY ROLE?       Please feel free to contact any of the team members to pledge.  A minimum of $25 would help us help our community to remain healthy.  
Walk for Community Health  2020-07-03 04:00:00Z 0

Empowering Our Youth

Meet Amzy and Irby Syed. They have known to our club since 2017.  They were amongst the first executives of the Interact, Rotary youth club and members of the New Tecumseth Youth Advisory Committee.  They were volunteers in our local hospital for a couple of years.  Amzy is also an active member of the Patient and Family Advisory Council at Brampton Civic Hospital. Irby has founded a technical support group to help seniors in one of local senior residences.  Amzy was part of local youths who went to New Brunswick to help building a house for the Tobique First Nation. Rotary Club of Alliston, had sent Amzy to the Rotary Youth Leadership Award camp in Spring of 2019.  They proudly carried the Alliston Rotary Club banner in the last Potato Festival. 
They have participated with many fundraising activities including: Canadian Cancer Society, MS Society of Canada, Native Canadian Centre of Toronto, The True North and the Friends of the North Misisway.   
They are involved with several students clubs in their university. They were elected by the senate on the Joint Committee on Honorary Degrees, and Science, Engineering & Architecture Council on Grade Appeal Committee at Laurentian University.  
Amzy is also elected as Marketing Advisor for the Medlife club. 
Recently, they appeared in the media for their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) invention to help our frontline healthcare workers.
They possess strong academic records. These two young duos have received numerous academic and community service awards. They were recognized in the Ontario Legislature by our MPP, Jim Wilson. To recognize their volunteer and community services, they were also inducted in the South Simcoe Hall of Fame in 2019. 
They will be our guest speakers in our meeting on Monday July 13 at 7pm.
Empowering Our Youth 2020-07-03 04:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Year in Pictures 2020-2021 2020-06-25 04:00:00Z 0

Cookies and Ice Cream


Rotary's Support for the Community During the Pandemic

Under the current difficult conditions, with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting so many individuals and businesses, the members of our club thought about what help we could provide for our community -- especially for our most vulnerable citizens.


Support for Health Care Workers - The Rotary Club of Alliston recently purchased 450 ice cream treats and 450 individually wrapped cookies. Today Rotarians George Scott and Kelly McCague delivered these treats to the staff of four retirement facilities: Riverwood Senior Living, Good Samaritan Seniors Complex, Kingsmere Retirement Suites and Simcoe Village. Rather than hot meals that can only feed those on duty at the time, the ice cream and cookies can be stored onsite and served up over several days to ensure every staff member gets a treat. And these purchases help to support our local businesses at a challenging time.

Cookies and Ice Cream 2020-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Stronger Together Rotary and Lions

Teamwork goes a long way during these times, that’s why Rotary Club of Alliston partnered with the Alliston Lions Club to donate a combined $1500 to the The Good Shepherd Food Bank | Alliston.
Thank you Alliston Lions! 

Photo: Rotary Incoming President George Scott and Lion Jaime Karsch presenting the cheque to the Good Shephard Food Bank of Alliston Vice President Dave Bradbury.
Stronger Together Rotary and Lions 2020-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Hand Sanitizer Donation

Rotary President Elect George Scott delivers Hand Sanitizer on behalf of the Rotary Club of Alliston to Simcoe Manor, Riverwood Retirement Home, Good Samaritan Nursing Home, Matthew's House Hospice and Kingsmere Retirement Home. Heretic Distillery in Collingwood made the hand sanitizer and graciously donated half the cost.
Hand Sanitizer Donation 2020-05-04 04:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Alliston and COVID-19

Incoming President George Scott talks on Rogers cable about how the Rotary Club of Alliston is reaching out to the community during this time of uncertainty with COVID-19.
The Rotary Club of Alliston and COVID-19 2020-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you to our Essential Frontline Workers

Big thank your to the Circle Theatre @AllistonCircleTheatre for helping the Rotary Club express our gratitude to the essential workers in our community...thanks Kelly McCague for taking the lead on this tribute.
Thank you to our Essential Frontline Workers 2020-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Overcoming Adversity

Join us on May 11, 2020 on Zoom to hear Dan Carter talk about his incredible journey from homelessness to city hall.  An invitation will be going out to members shortly.  For non-Rotarians please contact Dave Green for a Zoom invite.
Elected in 2018, Mayor Dan Carter is serving his first term as Mayor of Oshawa after serving as a City and Regional Councillor from 2014 -2018. The Mayor is an ex-officio member of all City Standing Committees. At the Region of Durham, he currently serves as a member of the Health and Social Services Committee and President of the Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation. 
Active in community development initiatives Mayor Carter lends his time to many philanthropic endeavours and has a deep commitment to making a difference to those in need. 
Mayor Carter takes his role as Mayor of Oshawa to heart and feels blessed that he has been given the opportunity to serve and to help people in his community every day.
He is committed to leading in a way that will bring out the best in all of us and be the light that brings hope, optimism, and pride to this great city. 
Overcoming Adversity 2020-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

Brushamania Goes Virtual 

April is Oral Health Month in Canada. Celebrate with us. We have some great ways to keep the kids entertained this month and have fun at home while staying healthy.

Visit www.brushamania.ca to see the details and how you can get your kids involved.

Brushamania Goes Virtual 2020-04-17 04:00:00Z 0

Stevenson Needs Your Help


SMH Launches PPE Drive

Hospitals across the province are managing anticipated shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) across the health system, and Stevenson is no different. To support our need for PPE, we are organizing a PPE Drive to encourage businesses and individuals with personal protective equipment, like masks and gloves, to donate them to the Hospital.

We are grateful for the supplies that have already been donated by local individuals and businesses. We are not accepting any hand-made PPE at this time.

The demand for these items is critical, so we appreciate the support from our community.

We are still in need of more, in particular these critical items:
- Masks: Ear-loop ASTMF2100-11, Level 2 rating or higher
- Masks: N95 3M9105, 3M1870+, 3M8110S, 3M8210, NIOSH and CE
- Gowns: AAMI, Level 2 rating or greater
- Hand sanitizer: 70% or higher
- Gloves: Nitrile (all sizes) (must be powder free)

We will be accepting donations of unopened, unexpired PPE. Please note we are a latex-free facility.
If you have items to donate, please call us at (705) 220-0868  or email mmclean@smhosp.on.ca and include picture of product if possible.

We will validate the product to ensure it meets our needs and arrange for drop-off at our location.

Social distancing practices will be enforced during the drop off. All PPE will be inspected, assessed, cleaned and disinfected (where possible) prior to use.

Stevenson Needs Your Help 2020-04-16 04:00:00Z 0

Emergency food information Simcoe/Dufferin

Contact Information
Good Shepherd Food Bank (Alliston)
Provides emergency food to those in need
Clients will be served outside during COVID-19
96 Victoria St. W., Lower Level, Alliston
Monday 1-3pm, Thursday 2-4pm, 3rd Thursday of the month 6:30pm-7:30pm
Our Town Food Bank (Tottenham)
Provides emergency food to those in need
Food hampers will be provided instead of shopping due to COVID-19
(905) 936-6293
3 George St., Tottenham
Tuesday 7pm-8:30pm
Helping Hand Food Bank (Bradford)
Provides emergency food to those in need
Call to ask about picking up a package of food instead of shopping due to COVID-19
(905) 775-2824
123 Moore St., Bradford
Monday and Wednesday 1-2pm
Friday 6pm-7pm
Angus Food Bank
Provides emergency food to those in need
Call ahead for COVID-19 protocol
(705) 424-0204
8527 County Road 10, Angus
Wed and Fri, 1pm to 3pm
Dufferin Food Share
All food banks in Dufferin county are combining services during COVID-19 to continue to serve the Dufferin community who need emergency food
Salvation Army New Hope Church
690 Riddell Road, Orangeville
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday 10am-1pm
Wednesday 5pm-8pm
Thursday 10am-1pm
Friday 10am-1pm
Cookstown Greens
Fruits and vegetables (organic)
Call to place order and pick up
(705) 458-9077
Little Rock Honey Farm
Fruit, vegetables, baked goods, meats
Delivery Available
Facebook – Little Rock Honey Farm
Murphy’s Farm
Baked goods and supplies, vegetables, dairy, preserves
Call or place order online for pick up
(705) 435-4121
Lennox Farm
Farmer’s market to open in May
Rosemont General
Baked goods and supplies, beans, eggs, fruit, cheese, cleaning supplies, frozen food
Deliver, take-out and curbside pick up available
(705) 435-6575
Sheldon Creek Dairy
Dairy, baked goods, frozen meals, pantry items, snacks, meat, fruit, eggs
Order online or call and pick up
(705) 434-0404
Vince’s Market in Tottenham
Grocery store
Will deliver ($15 within 15 minutes, otherwise  $25, up to 15km) or store pick ($5), processing order takes 2-4 days
(289) 318-0500
Country Cut Meats
Meat – call to order, pay over the phone and they will prepare it and put it in your car
(705) 424-2447
Del Zotto Butcher
Meat – call to order and will deliver on orders over $100
Cookstown Foodland
Delivers to Cookstown and Alliston area
$7 delivery charge, minimum $50 order
Beeton Foodland
Free delivery available
Monday – Beeton and Loretto
Tuesday – Tottenham and Schomberg
Wednesday – Bradford
Thursday – Beeton and Alliston
Curbside pick up is available Monday-Thursday
Tottenham Foodland
Curbside pick-up and delivery available
Dash Delivery
Delivery service for restaurants
Tottenham Health Foods
Vitamins, supplements and more
Call in orders Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm
Curbside pick up
Pet Grocer
Pet food and other pet essentials
Order online or over the phone
Delivery available within 30 minutes from Alliston store or curbside pick up
Email: info@petgrocer.ca
Heart to Home Meals
Frozen Meals – Entrees, Soups and Desserts
Free Delivery
Frozen Meals on Wheels – New Tecumseth
Sobey’s in Orangeville
Grocery Store – call to place an order
Sobey’s has partnered with Comfort Keepers to provide delivery in the Dufferin area
(519) 941-1339 – Sobey’s
(519) 942-9101 – Comfort Keepers
Compiled April 6th, 2020
Emergency food information Simcoe/Dufferin 2020-04-12 04:00:00Z 0
COVID-19 Frontline workers - you are appreciated 2020-04-01 04:00:00Z 0

COVID -19 Local Information, New Tecumseth

The Rotary Club of Alliston wants to help in the community with information regarding essential services and businesses. We are compiling this information as it becomes available. The information is constantly changing please contact the business or location before heading as this information may already be out of date.  We will update the information as soon as we get any changes.  
Compiled Mar 27, 2020
Stevenson Memorial Hospital Assessment Centre (from a statement from SMH Mar 23, 2020)
Stevenson Memorial Hospital (SMH) has opened a COVID-19 Assessment Centre in the lower parking lot (staff/shipping & receiving entrance). To start, the Centre will run three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 4-8 p.m. We will evaluate hours of operation based on need from the community.
The purpose of the Assessment Centre is to screen patients who have symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19.
We are asking the public to use the Ministry of Health’s self-assessment tool to help determine if they need to come to the Assessment Centre.
We’re really trying to divert traffic away from our Emergency Department and main entrance, but provide a place for community members to be screened if they are experiencing symptoms. It’s important to note that not all patients will be tested at the Centre. Patients will be assessed by a physician who will determine if a test is needed.
The public is asked to not show up at the Assessment Centre asking to be solely tested for COVID-19. Testing is restricted to patients who meet government screening criteria.
The Assessment Centre will be staffed by SMH nurses and physicians, along with primary care physicians from the Alliston Family Health Team.
Patients arriving at the Assessment Centre will be asked to complete a self-assessment form.  Depending on symptoms, a nurse will determine if they should proceed for further assessment and testing or return home to self-monitor.  If it is determined upon further assessment that criteria for testing are met, a swab will be taken and sent for testing.  All patients will be provided with information and instructions on self-monitoring or isolation.
Patients requiring emergency care, care in the Obstetrics Unit or have other health care needs, should continue to come to the main entrance and will be screened in the OPP Community Safety trailer before entering the Hospital.
For up-to-date information on the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit:

Public Health
Government of Ontario
Zehrs Alliston
Hours for Seniors and vulnerable population  7am-8am
Hours  8am-8pm
Order food on line for pick up
Paid for by credit card
Book well in advance to use 4 designated parking spots for pick up of groceries.
Walmart Alliston 
Hours for Seniors and vulnerable 7-8am
Hours 8am-8pm 
Fresh Co Alliston
Hours for seniors and vulnerable sector 8-9am
Hours 8am-8pm
No online shopping
Beeton Foodland- Updated April 1, 2020
Hours for vulnerable Monday-Saturday 8-9am, Sunday 9-10am
Food Orders may be emailed beetonfoodlanddelivery@gmail.com or call 905-729-2513
Paid for by credit card
Free Delivery to Vulnerable sector of population
Monday- Beeton and Loretto
Tuesday- Tottenham and Schomberg
Wednesday- Bradford and Area
Thursday- Beeton and Alliston
Foodland Cookstown - Updated April 1
Hours are 8am-8pm
Phone in for food orders and delivery, first come first serve!
Call Monday 8am-4pm for a Tuesday delivery
Call Wednesday 8am-4pm for a Thursday delivery
Minimum food order is $50
Delivery charge 
Shoppers Drug Mart Alliston
Hours 8am-10pm
Refills can be done online.
Rexall Pharmacy Alliston
Hours are Mon.-Fri. 9am-8pm, Sat.-Sun. 9am-6pm
Orders from Pharmacy can be paid by credit card and delivered.
Wrays Drugstore
Hours are Mon.-Fri. 9am-8pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-3pm
COVID -19 Local Information, New Tecumseth 2020-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Pledges $50,000 to Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation

The Rotary Club of Alliston has made a momentous $50,000 pledge towards the Because of you, we can Campaign! 
“The Rotary Club of Alliston is proud to make this donation to the Foundation in support of the redevelopment of Stevenson Memorial Hospital,” says Sue Leach, President of The Rotary Club of Alliston. “We are very fortunate to have this hospital meeting the health care needs of our community.” 
This donation will transform care at Stevenson Memorial Hospital.
Rotary Pledges $50,000 to Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation 2020-03-13 04:00:00Z 0

Scams and frauds in our Community

Detective Harry Lawrenson is now the National Director of the Canadian D.A.R.E program, having educated over 22,000 students over his decades of service.
Harry gave us a great informative talk on scams and frauds ongoing in Canada yet originating in India and other countries. 
We heard about:
  1. Scam calls claiming to come from Service Canada stating that “Your SIN number has been fraudulently used”. The caller then attempts to have the person called give them their SIN number to confirm the number. Clearly we need to hang up when this call comes in.
  2. A call claiming to be from “Visa Canada” stating that they have seen “some unusual activity on your account” should throw you a red flag. The main reason being, we were told, is that it is the bank or credit union that is the issuer of credit cards and so a legitimate call would be coming from your bank, not from the parent network. Clearly, we need to hang up when this call comes in. 
  3. Many other scams are making the rounds, such as “Romance” scams on social media, Readers Digest or other publications telling you “you are a winner but need to pay the taxes,” and “house for rent” scams by a phoney landlord who doesn’t actually own the property.  Just hang up when you get those calls.
Harry left us with this key message, DO NOT GIVE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION OVER THE PHONE, and HANG UP when you get a suspicious call.  
He also reinforced that the “Days of a handshake closing a deal are gone,” and strongly advised to get a written agreement in all your business dealings. 
Scamming seniors is a common occurrence.  Having a Power of Attorney in the hands of an adult child set up is a great way to reduce the possibility of a senior family member being defrauded. 
On a successful note, Harry related a story of the RCMP travelling to Mumbai India, finding a three-storey building filled with close to 400 people in cubicles making scam calls to North America.  The good news? Two hundred arrests were made.
What can you do if you’re approached by a scammer? Report the calls to the police and help our finest do their jobs.  After all, they are here for us. 

To download a PDF copy of Bill Edward's notes on Harry Lawrenson's talk visit this link

Scams and frauds in our Community Bill Edwards 2020-02-23 05:00:00Z 0
FREE Family Skate! - Cancelled Marnie MacKay 2020-02-19 05:00:00Z 0

Honda Plant Tour

Rotary Club of Alliston and friends on Honda Plant Tour on Feb. 5, 2020
Honda Plant Tour 2020-02-05 05:00:00Z 0

Dictionary project

Grade 5 Students from Ernest Cumberland PS in Alliston receive Rotary Dictionaries.
Rotary Dictionary Covers front and back
The Rotary Club of Alliston visited two schools in Alliston to present Rotary Dictionaries this week. All grade 5 students at St. Paul's Catholic School and Ernest Cumberland Public School received their own dictionary to keep. The students had a chance to learn a little about how to use their dictionaries to read and write. Rotarians George Scott, Darlene Hunter and Sue Leach were all part of the presentation. Thanks to Joan Hayward and George Scott for organizing the project. We thanks the teachers and schools for their support in this local literacy project.
Dictionary project 2020-01-29 05:00:00Z 0

Hockey Equipment for Northern Fly in Communities

George, Sue and Dave at Cloverdale Mall in the middle of goalie equipment bound for northern fly in communities. 
Rotary Club of Palgrave and Etobicoke invited us to help sort equipment over 3 weekends.
Rotarians, friends and family were all welcome to help sort the equipment.
The Rotary Club of Alliston donated $500 towards transporting the equipment.
Hockey Equipment for Northern Fly in Communities 2020-01-29 05:00:00Z 0

12th Night Bonfire Celebration

Wow...What a great turnout for the 12th Night Bonfire Celebration - Burning of the Green on Friday, January 3, 2020.
The Rotary Club of Alliston has been holding this event for over 35 years. This year we had a crowd of about 600 people thanks to the warm weather and great publicity. The fire was lit at 6:30pm by the New Tecumseth Fire Service volunteers. Some of these firefighters came to our bonfire night as children with their parents. 
Thank you to Rafee from Country Meat Cuts.
Thank you to all the volunteers(Rotarians, Interact members, friends and family) who collected trees the day before and helped out at the event on Friday night! We had great coverage by CTV Barrie and New Tecumseth Times Newspaper. Special thanks goes to the New Tecumseth Fire Service for lighting up the fire and keeping us safe, Rotary Club of Palgrave for their Chuck Wagon and volunteers, Town of New Tecumseth for their support, Country Meat Cuts for providing the Hot Dogs and Hot Chocolate, Alan and Jane Ann Downey for their straw bales for seating, Nu-tek Electric for lighting and generator, George Scott and Dave Green for organizing the event. 
12th Night Bonfire Celebration Sue Leach 2020-01-11 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarians helps Out of the Cold Volunteers with Yard Clean-up

Posted by Sue Leach
Rotarians and Out of the Cold Volunteers pause for break from Yard Clean-Up at the Out of the Cold Shelter in Alliston. Missing from the photo is our photographer and President Elect George Scott.
Please see the thank you below from Out of the Cold Executive Director Jenifer Pergentile.
Rotarians helps Out of the Cold Volunteers with Yard Clean-up Sue Leach 2019-12-12 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Supports Race Against Drugs

Posted on Nov 12, 2019
On the 5th and 6th of November, Alliston Community Policing and the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit held its 11th annual R.A.C.E. against Drugs rally for Grade 5 students in Alliston.  Over the two-day event, more than 700 kids from 16 schools were bussed in to the New Tecumseth Recreation Centre Field House, where they assembled into groups of 15-20 and made their way around 11 “pit stops” at eight-minute intervals.
Each pit stop was designed to educate them about various risks – alcohol, tobacco, vaping, prescription drugs, cannabis, illegal substances and even gambling – at a time in their young lives when they may first be exposed to peer pressure and other influences.  “HOW TO SAY NO” was the message presented at every pit stop,” explained Patricia Middlebrook, President of Alliston Community Policing and a long-time member of the Rotary Club of Alliston.
“Our aim is to build awareness of addictions and encourage them to delay first use as long as possible” added Cathy Eisner, a public health nurse with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit and Co-Chair of the R.A.C.E. committee with Patricia.  “The learning they get today will help them make more responsible choices in the future.”
Stop #1 on the layout was an artwork station, with a supply of plan brown LCBO liquor bags and colored markers.  The kids were invited to write messages, such as “Think of Me” and “Don’t Drink and Drive,” and add pictures to illustrate their feelings.  The finished bags are given to the LCBO to use during the annual RIDE program throughout the month of December.
Rotary Supports Race Against Drugs 2019-11-12 05:00:00Z 0

Helping the Blind in Ukraine

For the past four years The Rotary Club of Alliston and The Rotary Club of Rivne, Ukraine have been in partnership to make a difference in the community of Rivne and beyond.  The Ukrainian Rotarians have developed and implemented a project worth $90,000 Canadian.  This has been made possible through funding from Alliston and District Rotarians, The Rotary Foundation, and the Government of Canada.
As a group, handicapped children and adults in Ukraine have been neglected and many spend their lives in orphanages and hostels poorly funded by the Ukrainian government.  The fourth highest cause of death in Ukraine is being handicapped.  To address this issue Rotarians between our two countries have just finished a large project focused on the blind and visually-impaired.   
First, the project has focused on providing educational aids and training for educators so that children between two and ten years of age across the region can be taught Braille using newly-developed resources which will allow these children to enter an integrated school system similar to what we are used to in Canada.  A new sound studio, where CDs are produced, and a new library that will distribute these have also been funded.  
Second, the project, for visually-impaired adults ages 20 plus, creates jobs.  Workers in the textile area have been trained on new sewing and embroidery machines, making uniforms for workers employed in industry. 
Other newly-created jobs involve the making of toilet paper which is cut, packaged, and sold for profit. 
Alliston Rotarians are committed to the Rivne area of Ukraine primarily because of the commitment to help their fellow citizens.  Ukraine is the poorest European country and Rivne is a former large manufacturing centre that is struggling to revive a strong economy.  Rivne Rotarians are a dedicated group of professionals and industrialists who are trying to help their community.  Alliston Rotarians are proud to be in partnership with them.  
Helping the Blind in Ukraine 2019-10-23 04:00:00Z 0

Celebrating World Polio Day in Alliston

Posted on Oct 23, 2019
On Monday, October 21st His Worship Mayor Rick Milne declared World Polio Week in New Tecumseth and raised the End Polio Now flag in front of the municipal offices in Alliston. In an effort to raise awareness of the importance of continued efforts to vaccinate the children of the world, the flag will fly all week. Rotarians from the Alliston club were on hand to witness the ceremony and to show their support for the international partnerships that, since 1984, have been working together to eradicate this crippling, and sometimes fatal, disease. UNICEF, WHO, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, the Gates Foundation, and the government of Canada have all committed to working with Rotary International to keep the promise to the children of the world that polio will be defeated.

Polio remains endemic in two countries only, Afghanistan and Pakistan, where geography, civic distrust, and political unrest create difficult challenges in getting the precious vaccine to vulnerable children. Early in 2020 polio will have been eradicated in the continent of Africa, once Nigeria has been declared polio-free. This gives the partners hope that the millions of dollars and the thousands of volunteers' time and effort will not have been given in vain.

We ask that citizens of New Tecumseth remain committed to vaccinating their children and grandchildren and not to let apathy and disinformation question the wisdom of regular inoculation. Measles has come back; let's not have polio return as well.

Photos: The flag raising ceremony and the proclamation signed and presented by Mayor Rick Milne.

World Polio Day, Thursday, October 24th

World Polio Day is 24 October! Mark your calendar to tune in for Rotary International’s World Polio Day Online Global Update, streamed on Facebook in multiple time zones and languages around the world.  President Sue has sent out a separate note about this unique opportunity.
This year’s program will highlight the heroes of polio eradication, with stories from polio-endemic and recently impacted areas.  This is the link:
Celebrating World Polio Day in Alliston 2019-10-23 04:00:00Z 0

Great Show of Light and Sound

Posted on Oct 19, 2019
A big thanks to everyone for coming out and participating in the Rotary Club of Alliston Night Lit Santa Claus Parade.
Here are the winners:
  • Best Overall - Circle Theatre
  • WOW! – Alliston Community Christian School
  • Most Unique – Alliston Bassmasters
  • Best Use of Traditional – 1ST Everett Scout Group
Thanks to all the groups that entered the parade.
Great Show of Light and Sound 2019-10-19 04:00:00Z 0

Day 4 - Team Ukraine

Day 4 - Building the Rotary Family in Ukraine


The Rotary Club of Rivne is very committed to the growth of Rotary in Ukraine. Today we visited the town of Ostroh with Rotarians Olha and Eugene to talk with young people about Rotary and Rotoract.

Ostroh has a population of about 12,000 people and is situated 50km south of Rivne.  This is a university town centre around the National University Ostroh Academy.  The academy is one of the oldest tertiary learning centres in Eastern Europe having opened its doors in 1576. In it early years it was centre for language and publishing being source of the Ostroh bible.  This 1256 page book was the first complete bible printed in Cyrillic type. The original academy closed in 1636 but was reopened as a university in 1994.

We toured the campus learning about its history and famous people and the after lunch met with faculty and students to talk about Rotary and Rotoract.  Nine young people had many questions about the Rotary movement and how it functions.  The Rivne Rotarians and Rotoractors hope to establish a Rotoractor club on the campus in the near future.

We have had another great visit to Rivne.  The Rotary family here is dedicated to making their community a better place.  We greatly enjoyed the fellowship and their hospitality.  Tomorrow we say our goodbyes and drive back to Lviv for our flights home on Sunday.   
Day 4 - Team Ukraine 2019-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Day 3 - Building new Partnerships

Meeting the new Partners.


With the project for the visually impaired community of Rivne completed the Rotary Club of Rivne is now moving forward with a new global grant.  The new grant will address the diagnosis and treatment of people on the Autism Spectrum.   This is a serious issue in Ukraine as being handicapped is one of leading causes of death.


Four organizations in the community will partner in this project. Today we visited the partners at their facilities and then participated in a general meeting of the global grant team. The project has three key components: 

  1. New diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of Autism
  2. Training of staff in the use of the tools and treatments
  3. Construction of two sensory “dark” rooms for use by children with Autism.


The purchase of new diagnostic tools will allow earlier detection of autism.  Staff training will focus on the use of these tools and new treatment regimes. Additional training session will be held with parents and caregivers so that the treatment plans be implemented on a daily basis.


Our first stop of the morning was at the Children’s Rehabilitation Centre.  This centre works with children and youth with mental and physical challenge (up to 16 years of age).  This location will be a group training centre for the project and will have a room renovated into a  “dark” sensory room for treating children with autism.  This centre is a bright welcoming facility, with a variety of treatment approaches including, physical therapy, speech pathologist, art therapy, music therapy, massage, water therapy and more.  

Our second stop is the regional psychiatric hospital. This facility treats more serious cases of mental health treating both children and adults.  They have day and residential programs. This will be the key diagnostic centre for the global grant.  This facility is in need of funding to update the infrastructure.  Such renovations are well beyond the scope and scale of the project.

Our final stop is the Rivne Regional Children’s Hospital.  We have visited this location on previous trip to Rivne.  One of our clubs first projects with the Rotary Club of Rivne was the rehabilitation playground and equipment for this facility.  The hospital is undergoing renovations and we could see the improvement since our last visit.  This location will also receive diagnostic tools and staff training for the diagnosis and treatment of children with Autism.  One of the sensory “dark” rooms will be constructed at this location. At the end of our visit the key staff from each facility met with us and we talked about the co-ordination and implementation of the project.


The Rotary Club of Rivne have done a great job in connecting these partners and coordinating the start of the project.  The grant has been approved and will move forward once funds are transferred from Rotary International and our club to Rivne.  The project will result in better care and treatment of people with Autism in the Rivne Region.

Day 3 - Building new Partnerships 2019-09-13 04:00:00Z 0

Day 2 - Review the projects

Posted on Sep 12, 2019

Day 2 - Review the results of the project to assist visually impaired


Today we visited locations associated with the global grant projects that helped the visually impaired.  This grant is near completion and seeing the final parts of the project in place was inspiring.


NGO at the Regional Library

Our partners at the regional library were responsible for the education tools and materials for youth.  They have done a great job with 40 schools receiving the new learning aids and many teachers and parents being trained on how to integrate these tools into the regular learning environment.  They have already taken orders for more materials from 5 schools creating an income stream that will help them become more financially sustainable.

The recording studio has been completed and 10 books have been recorded and put on digital media.  The NGO and the library are updating their websites to make these resource available online.  Volunteers are lined up to read more books and enlarge the digital library.

Institute for the Blind

The programs and projects at the Institute for the Blind focussed on job creation and skill development.  The sewing workshop renovations are now complete and all the new equipment is up and running. Six women with visual impairments work producing uniforms and aprons for local businesses.  The new sewing machines allow for more workers and an expanded range fproducts.  The computerized embroidering machine enhances their product by allowing the addition of logos and company names to clothing items.

The toilet paper production equipment is fully installed and employs 4 men per shift.  This process converts large rolls of paper, into small rolls which are covered, cut and bagged for sale and distribution.  We were each gifted with our own bag of 8 rolls...wait until we have to claim that one at customs...”anything to declare?”

The Rotary Club of Rivne pull out all the stops and invited the media to Institute for our visit and the celebration of the completion of the project.  Four TV stations sent reporters and camera people to see the TP paper production and the sewing workshop.

We were thanked and entertained by the people at Institute with speeches and songs.


Concert and Dinner

Our day ended with our own personal concert at a local music hall...organ, piano and some beautiful operatic vocals.  We spent our evening with the Rivne Rotoractors at a restaurant serving Georgian foods.  The future of Rotary in this community is bright and enthusiastic with these thirty something young people leading the way.


Day 2 - Review the projects 2019-09-12 04:00:00Z 0

Day 1 - Team Ukraine - Rivne

Posted on Sep 10, 2019
Our journey began a with the 4 hour drive from Lviv to Rivne.  Roads were relatively quiet and the weather was wonderful allowing us to arrive ahead of schedule at 12:45 pm.  Our afternoon was an exploration of old projects and the start of new relationships.  
We were met at the Myr Hotel by members of the club, had lunch and then began our walking tour. 
First stop...the newly completed accessible playground in the Central Park of the city. It was officially opened just last weekend.  Funds from the Rotary Club of Alliston were used to purchase the equipment.  All the elements are wheelchair accessible.   It is already getting lots of use.
Second stop...the playground at the children rehab center.  This is a facility we helped fund and we were in attendance for the opening when we first visited Rivne in 2017.  Patricia Wright’s Toronto West club also helped fund this project.  She was thrilled to be able to see it and learn more about the facility.  We were pleased to see it is well used and well maintained.
Third stop...Pogliad Charity Fund headquarters. This group is a partner in the newly approved Global Grant addressing the diagnosis and treatment of people with Autism.  The staff at this facility will be key players in the education and training of parents and professionals who are living and treating people on the autism spectrum.  The facility was bright and filled with a positive energy.  The dedication of the staff and their enthusiasm was infectious.
We completed our day at the Maple Cafe enjoying a great meal and wonderful fellowship.
The site visits tomorrow will focus on the projects and programs associated with the global grant assist the visually impaired.
Day 1 - Team Ukraine - Rivne 2019-09-10 04:00:00Z 0
Eat, Bid, Laugh - By your tickets NOW! 2019-09-04 04:00:00Z 0
Thank you letter from Matthews House Hospice 2019-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

Virtual Reality fun on Canada Day

Posted on Jul 08, 2019
Rotarians provided a fun, virtual reality video to people of all ages at the New Tecumseth Canada Day Celebrations.  The video followed a young adult on her journey to help immunize children in a remote area of Uganda.  Rotarians enjoyed sharing our End Polio story with people celebrating Canada Day in Alliston.
Virtual Reality fun on Canada Day 2019-07-08 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor - Beth Selby Coming to Alliston

The new DG for District 7070 was in Alliston visiting the club on July 8th, 2019.  She spoke to the club about setting specific goals for the upcoming year and Rotary youth programs.
Here is Beth's bio...
Dr. Beth Selby, District 7070, District Governor 
Beth became a Rotarian in 2004 when she joined the Rotary Club of Belleville. Upon retirement in July 2008, she transferred to the Rotary Club of Cobourg.  She was President in 2015-2016 and an Assistant District Governor supporting the Rotary Clubs of Bowmanville, Oshawa, and Oshawa-Parkwood prior to becoming the 2019-2020 District Governor for District 7070.  In 2016, Beth was the co-recipient of the Les Faludy Leadership Award.  Although relatively new to Rotary, her involvement began in 1993 when she and her husband were Counsellors to an Inbound Youth Exchange student from Mexico. She refers to this experience as her ’Rotary Moment’.  
Beth has almost thirty years’ experience in public education.  She was a secondary school teacher, program consultant, secondary school vice-principal and principal, and superintendent of education. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Guelph and completed her three degrees in education at the University of Toronto.  Her Doctor of Education degree was conferred in 2005. She was a Faculty Advisor with Nipissing University supervising Teacher Candidates in both the Concurrent and Consecutive Bachelor of Education programs, and has also been a Supervisor of Teacher Interns with the University of New Brunswick.
Beth is very involved in her community of Cobourg, Ontario.  In addition to being the immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of Cobourg, she is the immediate Past Chair of the Northumberland Hills Hospital Board of Directors, and is in her eleventh year as a member of the Northumberland YMCA Board of Directors.
Beth and her husband, Rotarian Barry Vail, live in Baltimore just north of Cobourg with their miniature French Poodle, Clicquot.  Sons, Jason and his three children live in St. Catharines, and Matthew, his wife and their daughter live in Whitby. 
District Governor - Beth Selby Coming to Alliston 2019-06-26 04:00:00Z 0

Bolton Rotary Golf Tournament at Glen Eagle GC on 23 May

Despite the cold and wet weather, two of our Rotarians, Ed and George, took part in the Bolton Rotary Golf Tournament.
This is an annual tournament that has helped raise 1 Million $ + for both local and international causes.
Great job guys!
Pictured above are: George Scott, Ed Zelinski and Frank Frisen
Bolton Rotary Golf Tournament at Glen Eagle GC on 23 May 2019-06-07 04:00:00Z 0

Helping our Youth with Youth Haven

$1,841.45 was raised at the Flight To Do Right beer pairing event this year! The event was organized by the "newbie committee" of the Alliston Rotary Club, taking place at Redline Brewhouse with proceeds going to Youth Haven.

Below is a picture of Marnie MacKay (newbie committee member) presenting the cheque to the executive director, Lucy Gowers and board member, Ian MacLennan.


Helping our Youth with Youth Haven 2019-05-12 04:00:00Z 0

Highway Cleanup

Posted by Sue Leach on May 06, 2019
Rotarians worked hard cleaning up along Hwy89  of Alliston. Over 30 bags of garbage were collected as part of Pitch In week!  Way to go guys!
Highway Cleanup Sue Leach 2019-05-06 04:00:00Z 0

Alliston Union Brush-a-mania 2019 Contest Winner!

Rotarians Suzanne and Marnie MacKay, visited Alliston Union Public School to draw a winner from our colouring contest submissions.  
Colleen Kotnisz of CPK Accounting provided the electronic toothbrush as a prize for the winning artist.
For those who aren't familiar with the Brush-a-mania program, it is designed to promote oral health and awareness among young children from Jr. Kindergarden to Grade 6.
This year, over 70,000 students in Ontario registered to take part in the event.
Alliston Union Public School:  Ellayah, Grade 2
Alliston Union Brush-a-mania 2019 Contest Winner! 2019-04-25 04:00:00Z 0

Snapd feature for Beer Pairing Fundraiser

Our feature in Snapd showcasing the Flight to Do Right Beer Pairing fundraiser!
Snapd Write-up:

Flight to Do Right Beer Pairing Event

Recently joined Rotary Club of Alliston members Marnie MacKay, Suzanne MacKay and Tanya Wall (also known as the Newbie Committee) hosted a fundraising event at Redline Brewhouse in support of Youth Haven. The evening featured guided brewery tours of the facility before everyone sat down to enjoy a four-course meal paired with delicious craft beer. "We didn't want to decide on our own where the money should go," said Marnie MacKay. "We surveyed people within the community to see where they would like to see the funds go. Youth Haven is an amazing place that offers youth shelter, and a safe place to get their lives together."

See more pics of the event HERE!

Snapd feature for Beer Pairing Fundraiser 2019-04-05 04:00:00Z 0

Banting Students Presentation on D-Day history in Europe

Two students, Laura Nielson and Amanda Dick, gave an amazing presentation of their D-Day trip experience.  They were part of a group of 72 students from grades 10-12 in attendance from Banting Memorial High School. Dana Wright joined Laura and Amanda for the presentation.  She traveled with the students to Europe. 
The following is a thank you letter from Banting Memorial High School for Rotary's support of their trip to Europe.
Banting Memorial High School
203 Victoria Street East, Alliston, ON L9R 1G5 Tel: 705-435-6288 | ban.scdsb.on.ca
March 25, 2019
Dear Rotary Club of Alliston, 
On behalf of the Banting staff and students that participated in the D-Day trip, we would like to thank you for your generous donation in support of our adventure.  Your contribution helped 73 students experience key events in Canadian History and bring the lessons that we learn in our classes, come to life. The trip encouraged appreciation for the significant sacrifice that was made, on our behalf, by the thousands of brave men and women who have served and continue to serve, in Canada’s armed forces.  Additionally, our students gained through their exposure to cultures and histories different from their own.
Our travels took us to war memorials at Omaha, Dieppe and Juno beaches, Beaumont Hamel, and Vimy Ridge.  Students conducted ceremonies at both Juno Beach and Beny Sur Mer that were both meaningful and heartfelt.  We visited Tyne Cot Cemetery and the memorial at Menin Gate.  Students were impressed with the hardships soldiers faced during a tour of the Wellington Quarries in Arras. I have attached pictures of a few of these experiences.
In addition to the memorial experiences, students also had the benefit of touring the Palace of Versailles, medieval Bruges, Ghent and Brussels and spending three days in London. Several of our students fell particularly in love with the medieval centres in Belgium and along with the architecture and rich History, enjoyed the frites, Belgian waffles and endless chocolate.
To close, I would like to include a sample of the some of the reflections of our students themselves.  When asked to comment on the highlights of the trip, here are some of the responses:
“Honestly speaking, everything. It was such a unique experience, and I don't know what to choose as a top favourite place. I think the best part of the trip was being there, immersed in history and culture.”
“Being at vimy ridge, being able to see and listen to what the troops had to go through, and just getting to be in Europe”
“Every walking tour had so much information to give to students, and enhanced my experience of the places in which we stayed.”
“The overall experience I got from this trip was amazing! The London eye, Omaha/Juno Beach, and Brussels stick out in my mind though”
Thank you again for your contributions to this experience. The Banting community is enriched by the support it consistently receives from the wider community that embraces it.
Dana Wright, Chair Canadian and World Studies Department
Banting Students Presentation on D-Day history in Europe 2019-03-25 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary at Base Borden for Flakpanzer Restoration Project



The Rotary Club of Alliston members, family and friends attended a very interesting and educational presentation at Base Borden on Monday, April 29th.

John, Dave, Collin and John, four dedicated volunteers, shared what they have been spending their spare time doing every other Saturday at Base Borden's Museum.  They, along with other volunteers (including students) have been working hard to reconstruct a Flakpanzer IV "Wirbelwind" self-propelled anti-aircraft gun made in Germany in 1944.  

This event was suggested by Rotarian Jack Van’t Spyker and he had provided some interesting background information if you would like to learn more HERE.

If you haven't been to the museum, you should go!  

The hours are as follows:

Open daily except Mondays and the day after holiday weekends. Hours are Tuesday to Friday, from 9 am to 3 pm (closed for lunch 12-1) and Saturday and Sunday from 1 pm to 4 pm. Admission is Free; Guided Tours cost $2.00 per person. 

Rotary at Base Borden for Flakpanzer Restoration Project 2019-01-30 05:00:00Z 0

A Visit from Youth Haven

The Newbie Committee invited Lucy Gowers, Executive Director of Youth Haven, to speak about the many ways their organization supports youth experiencing homelessness in South Simcoe.
If you are looking to make a contribution to such a wonderful service, please visit their website to find out how you can help.
Also mark your calendars for the Flight to Do Right beer pairing event!
Have fun while supporting the many youth that require shelter in our community.  Proceeds will be going to Youth Haven.
A Visit from Youth Haven 2019-01-30 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Assists The Life Skills Program at Banting

David Green and Joan Hayward were greeted with great enthusiasm when they visited the Life Skill Class at Banting Memorial High School.  Student from the program were excited to learn that thanks to a donation from the Rotary Club of Alliston, they would be participating in a horse back riding program in April at the Hope Haven Therapeutic Riding Centre. The Rotary Club of Alliston provided $1500 to support the program.
Rotary Assists The Life Skills Program at Banting 2019-01-30 05:00:00Z 0

12th Night Bonfire - Jan 4, 2019 at Riverdale Park, Alliston

The Rotary Club of Alliston, the Firefighters of New Tecumseth and The Town of New Tecumseth had an impressive turnout at the Annual 12th Night Bonfire in Riverdale Park.

The massive bon fire was lit at 6:30pm and was viewed by hundreds as they feasted on hot dogs and hot chocolate.  

It was a hugely successful event thanks to all the volunteers, as well as, Country Meat Cuts for supplying the hot dogs and Tim Hortons in Angus for donating the hot chocolate. Also, a shout out goes to Sheldon Creek Dairy as for supplying bottles of chocolate milk to be handed out to all the children!




12th Night Bonfire - Jan 4, 2019 at Riverdale Park, Alliston 2019-01-03 05:00:00Z 0

Donations made to Alliston Out of the Cold

The Rotary Club of Alliston held its Christmas Party last night at the Gibson Centre. This year's recipient of donations is Alliston Out of the Cold. Jeni Pergentile, program director, is here with President Bill Wray accepting the donated items and money. Thanks to all who donated.
Donations made to Alliston Out of the Cold 2018-12-18 05:00:00Z 0

Ted Barris - Dam Busters receives an award

On Dec 6th, 2018 Ted Barris, who spoke recently at the Rotary Club of Alliston about his book Dam Busters: Canadian Airmen and the Secret Raid against Nazi Germany received the RCAF NORAD Trophy. Here is Ted's note to the Club:
Hi Bill and all the hard-working members of the Rotary Club of Alliston..
I send this note with my gratitude and because it's never too late to remember Canadian heroes.
On Thursday, Dec. 6, at a short ceremony in front of Canada's only airworthy Lancaster bomber, at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, in Hamilton, Ont., L/Col. Dean Black awarded the RCAF NORAD Trophy to me for my work researching/writing Dam Busters: Canadian Airmen and the Secret Raid against Nazi Germany - the book published by Patrick Crean Editions (HarperCollins).
It was humbling and inspiring to see my book honoured this way. Even more important, the NORAD Trophy pays tribute to the 30 forgotten Canadians who flew this incredible mission 75 years ago this year. It's never too late to recount their stories, nor to remember their service and sacrifice. We will remember them.
Again, my sincere thanks for inviting me and for your support for the Dam Busters' stories. 

Best... Ted Barris.
With Ted's help the Rotary Club of Alliston raised $550 for the Alliston Legion Raise the Roof project...Thanks to all those who attended.
Ted Barris - Dam Busters receives an award 2018-12-14 05:00:00Z 0

End Polio Now Week in New Tecumseth

Posted on Oct 21, 2018
The Rotary Club of Alliston and the Town of New Tecumseth celebrate End Polio Now Week in New Tecumseth, October 22-29, 2018.  As a symbol of the commitment to eradicate polio world-wide, a ceremony was held recently to read the proclamation and to raise the End Polio Now flag.
Polio is a virus that is transmitted through contact with human feces in contaminated food and water.  Tests are done to determine the level of the virus in water associated with sewage treatment plants, canals and sewers.  Immunization results when the virus is detected and when children show the early symptoms of the disease.
End Polio Now Week in New Tecumseth 2018-10-21 04:00:00Z 0

Day 2-3 Rivne ...update from the team in Ukraine

The Rotary Club of Rivne has made significant progress in towards the goals of the global grant.  


The 3D printing lab is up and running with hundred of piece of education equipment being produced.  The technical team is continually evaluating the products and introducing new innovations.

 What are they producing?  



Alphabet learning cube

Shape dominoes and boxes

Braille cube prototypes

Boxes of these items lined the walls in the lab ready for delivery to the schools.

Day 2-3 Rivne ...update from the team in Ukraine 2018-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

Day  1:  First Day in Rivne -  reviewing the ongoing Global Grant

Posted on Sep 25, 2018
Since visiting Rivne last September, the Rotary Clubs of Alliston and Rivne have been working hard to develop and now implement a global grant to help visually impaired people in Rivne.  The grant is complicated and has many parts but it can be simplified into two parts:
  1. Educatiom materials and support of education of blind and visually impaired students.
  2. Job creation for visually impaired adults.
Three hardy Rotarians, Dave Green, Bill Wray and Roger Hayward make up this years team.  We are in Rivne, Ukraine to audit the accomplishments of the global grant and talk with the Rivne Rotarians about their experience in implementing the grant and how they might move forward.
Day 1:  After a 4 hour drive we arrived in Rivne from Lviv.  
We were met by Ohla had lunch and were soon beginning our audit.  The first visit was to the Rivne Association of Blind facility. 
Day 1: First Day in Rivne - reviewing the ongoing Global Grant 2018-09-25 04:00:00Z 0

Update on the Alliston Community Gardens

Posted on Jul 16, 2018
Alliston Community Gardens on Elizabeth St.
The Rotary Club of Alliston helped the Women’s Institute clear the Alliston Community Gardens this past Autumn in preparation for planting in 2018.
The raised boxes sit on Town of New Tecumseth property and any resident of Alliston can use the boxes to grow vegetables for their families. The town cuts the grass and provides water for the gardens.
The Women’s Institute built the 29 boxes 3 years ago. All of the boxes are being used this season with a waiting list of 50 people. The Women’s Institute have plans to have more boxes built for 2019 season. Thanks to all the Rotarians who helped with this hands on project and thanks to Kelly McCague for the suggestion of some type of Garden project.
Photo taken by Sue Leach
Update on the Alliston Community Gardens 2018-07-16 04:00:00Z 0

Interact Induction meeting 

The Alliston Rotary Club welcomed and introduced our new Interact Club on June 11th at the Gibson Centre that was both informative and inspirational. 
Speaches were given by District 7070 Interact chair: Patti Wright, District 7070 assistant governor: Sam Veerasingham, as well as the Interact President: Amzy Syed.
Pictured in the bottom right-hand corner image (left to right):
Neil Phillips, District 7070 governor
Emily Hawkes, Interact Secretary
Irby Syed, Interact Treasurer
Amzy Syed, interact President
Thanusan Wijawickrama, Interact member
Tharsan Wijawickrama, Interact member
Patti Wright, District 7070 Interact chair
Sam Veerasingham, District 7070 assistant governor
Interact Induction meeting 2018-06-11 04:00:00Z 0

CLASS - Art with Heart Silent Auction May 25, 2018

The Rotary Club of Alliston is pleased to support CLASS.  You can support this organization by attending their Art with Heart Silent Auction Fundraiser May 25, 2018. See the poster for more information.
CLASS - Art with Heart Silent Auction May 25, 2018 2018-05-19 04:00:00Z 0

Help us ...help CLASS

The annual golf tournament for the Community Living Association of South Simcoe is being held at Nottawasaga on 15 August.  This is their major fundraising event of the year, which has in the past produced down payments for new group homes to serve intellectually disabled residents of New Tecumseth.  This year, their goal is the acquisition of a wheelchair-accessible van.


Please help us help CLASS by registering a team or volunteering to help with the tournament.   Please contact Rotarian George Scott if you can help.


To register a team download the registration form HERE:

Help us ...help CLASS 2018-05-10 04:00:00Z 0

Darling Bequest - Habitat for Humanity Gala

Posted on May 08, 2018
The Rotary Club of Alliston is pleased to support the Darling Bequest- Habitat for Humanity 2018.  You can support this endeavour by attending their Charity Gala on Sunday May27, 2018. See the poster for more information.
Darling Bequest - Habitat for Humanity Gala 2018-05-08 04:00:00Z 0

Highway Clean up Spring 2018

We had great weather and a great turnout of volunteers to help with the highway clean up.  Thanks to Trillium Ford for letting us use their business as our base and the Town of New Tecumseth for picking up the many bags of garbage collected along Hwy 89.  Thank to all the volunteers. Job well done.
Highway Clean up Spring 2018 2018-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Interact - Youth making an impact with the Alliston Rotary Club

Posted on Apr 24, 2018

Take action, build international understanding, and make new friends around the world.

Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.

Here are some of our Interactors with the Alliston Rotary Club:

Alliston Rotary Club Interactor Executive:
Pictured are Treasurer Irbaaz Syed, President Amzy Sayed and Secretary Emily.  

Learn more about Interact

Interact - Youth making an impact with the Alliston Rotary Club 2018-04-24 04:00:00Z 0

Would you like to be a Rotarian for 1 Day?

Alliston Rotary Club is offering 5 FREE PASSES to prospective members. Be the first to request your pass by sending your information to the email address below.
As of now, we have over 35,000 registered attendees, from 180 different countries or geographical areas! As comparison - this is twice as many as the last convention in Canada, held in Montréal in 2010. We could not be happier.

For Convention Information please visit www.riconvention.org/en and for full information of what Rotary is all about and how you can become a member and help in your community and around the World visit www.rotary.org/en or visit the website of our local Club in Alliston at www.rotary-alliston.org/en
Would you Like to be a Rotarian for a day?
If you are interested please email MEMBERSHIP CHAIR ALLISTON ROTARY CLUB leo.kleiss@rogers.com • www.rotary-alliston.org/en
Would you like to be a Rotarian for 1 Day? 2018-04-11 04:00:00Z 0

Global Grant is approved to support the visually impaired in Ukraine

The Rotary Club of Alliston has just been approved for a $65,500 US grant by The Rotary Foundation Canada and The Foundation of Rotary International for a project to focus on education and job creation in Ukraine.  
Last September Rotarians from Alliston visited The Rotary Club of Rivne, about a 3-hour drive from the border between Poland and Ukraine.  Rivne is a 3-hours’ drive west of the capital, Kiev.  Since Ukrainian independence from the USSR, little money has been available from the central government.
The first part of the program deals with helping blind school-aged children learn Braille.  The Rivne Rotarians have developed a unique cube that allows young children to learn the Ukrainian alphabet and numbers through Braille.  The school system is moving to an integrated program, accommodating all children with disabilities into regular classes, not unlike the Ontario model.
Children in Ukraine learning braille with the new cubes
All children of school age who are blind will receive their own Braille cube and their teachers will receive training on how to use the cube with their students. At the same time this is happening, a small recording studio is being set up to make audio CDs of Ukrainian books to be distributed to local libraries in Rivne Province.  Other teaching aids will also be made available to blind children as shown in the picture.
In Ukraine there is a blind association similar to our CNIB.  It is very poorly funded.  There is a residential facility in Rivne that has about 80 clients who are either blind or visually-impaired and have at least one other disability. These clients will benefit from the grant because of jobs that will be created.  This will be done through the purchase of a tissue paper cutting machine which will allow the clients to produce toilet rolls for sale to local distributors.  In addition, a small sewing facility on this site will be expanded by the purchase of new sewing machines, modernization of the sewing room, and a new embroidery machine for making simple uniforms with embroidered logos and names.  There is a large cottage textile industry operating in Ukraine so clients will be taught sewing skills that should allow them to get jobs in this industry.
At least 6 Rotarians will be returning to Rivne, Ukraine this coming September to audit the project and find other opportunities to work with Rivne Rotarians and support projects that they will identify.
Global Grant is approved to support the visually impaired in Ukraine 2018-03-30 04:00:00Z 0

Ongoing Support to Contact

Co-President Maureen presents a cheque to CONTACT staff, Emily Harrison, Executive Director and Jennifer Fleury, Housing Access Worker to support Housing First Program.  
Contact are also looking for volunteers to help with the upcoming Homeless Enumeration program in Simcoe County.
Ongoing Support to Contact 2018-03-29 04:00:00Z 0
Tickets are SOLD OUT! 2018-01-23 05:00:00Z 0

A Thank you from Sweet Charity Medical Assistance Dogs

Posted on Jan 08, 2018
Here's a lovely Thank You letter from Sweet Charity to the Rotary Club of Alliston for their contribution to their Diabetes Support Dog program. Below is  a tidbit of information on what the program is, and how greatly it impacts the children taking part.

What is a Diabetes Support Dog or DSD?

A Diabetes Support Dog is a dog trained to provide emotional support and companionship to children and youth with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. These dogs will accompany their Friend for Life to medical appointments and hospital visits in order to provide the child/youth with a distraction from procedures, and help to mitigate their feelings of anger, frustration, and alienation. Diabetes Support Dogs provide unconditional love and create a sense of purpose while promoting attention to self-care and responsibility to care for their Friend for Life.
A Thank you from Sweet Charity Medical Assistance Dogs Marnie MacKay 2018-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

It was a Cold and Windy Night - Jan 5, 2018

Posted on Jan 08, 2018

A group of hardy Rotarians, friends and families braved the cold and windy night so they could share a cup of hot chocolate around an enormous bonfire. Big thanks to all who attended the 12th Night Celebrations in Alliston. 

Special thanks to:

  • Country Meat Cuts for cooking and supplying the hot dogs
  • Tim Horton’s Angus for the Hot Chocolate
  • The firefighters who volunteered to start the fire and stayed to the end to make it safe. 
  • Nu-Tek Electric for the generator and lights
  • Gord Gallaugher - for the hay bales
  • Town of New Tecumseth for their support of the event
  • MyFm for advertising the event on the radio
  • Rotarians for helping serve and greet everyone


Especially the hardy families who came out and had fun.

It was a Cold and Windy Night - Jan 5, 2018 2018-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Wrap it up for Contact

Posted on Dec 30, 2017
Rotarian Darlene Hunter, Contact volunteer Mary Hook and Rotarian Sue Leach at Tanger Mall wrapping a very large present together to raise funds and awareness for Contact. Thank you to all the Rotarians who took the time this busy holiday season to help!
Rotarian Irene Byrne and other Contact Volunteers on the last volunteer shift before Christmas.
Wrap it up for Contact Marnie MacKay 2017-12-30 05:00:00Z 0

Happy New Year!

Posted on Dec 28, 2017
From all Rotarians, Happy 2018!  Let's make this year an amazing one!
Happy New Year! Marnie MacKay 2017-12-28 05:00:00Z 0

Slate of officers for 2018/19 year

Posted on Dec 28, 2017
Slate of officers for 2018/19 year
President (co) –Bill Wray
President Elect – Sue Leach
Secretary – Irene Byrne & Leo Kleiss
Charitable Treasurer - Bill Wray
Club Treasurer – Ed Zelinski
Foundation – Joan Hayward
Past President(s) – Maureen Royle and John McFarland
Current Club Positions
Membership – Punnapa Hartley, Leo Kleiss and Suzanne Mckay,
Interact – Judy Irwin and Maureen Royle
PR and Club Communications – David Green and Marnie
Club Projects - Paul Foster
WCS International Projects – Roger Hayward
Club Service-Pod Co-coordinator– Colleen Kotnisz and Kelly McCague
Community Service – David Green
Coordinator - Events – Patricia Middlebrook
Slate of officers for 2018/19 year Marnie MacKay 2017-12-28 05:00:00Z 0

Update on the Rotary International Convention in 2018

As you well know the next Rotary International Convention is being held from June 24 through June 27, 2018. Rotary along with six supporting districts and Toronto Tourism are pulling out all stops to make Toronto one of the best and most memorable Rotary Conventions ever.
I don’t want you to miss out so here are a few reminders:
  • As of December 15 (that is this Friday) the registration fee will jump by $100 US. Go to http://www.rotary2018.org to register today.
  • For those of you travelling some distance to Toronto 2018 please note that the Host Hospitality registration is now open and there are still spots available. This is a tremendous opportunity for fellowship and I cannot recommend it enough.
  • If you really want to be in the convention spirit, go to http://www.rotary2018.org and order some Toronto 2018 clothing. We have shirts, hats and even socks!
  • The Host Organizing Committee have organized three terrific parties.
    1. Rock at the Distillery District  Saturday evening
    2. Jazz at the Aquarium Saturday Evening
    3. ROTARYFEST Tuesday Evening
All 3 HOC Ticketed Events have limited capacity so register today. Also keep in mind that even if you cannot make it to the Convention itself you can still go to the HOC Ticketed Events.
You just have to go to http://www.rotary2018.org to sign up for Host Hospitality or the 3 great HOC Ticketed Events.
Update on the Rotary International Convention in 2018 Marnie MacKay 2017-12-28 05:00:00Z 0

12th Night Celebration Bonfire - Friday January 5, 2018

Last years great bonfire! Fire will be lit this year at 6:30 pm

We we are a go for tonight. Dress warm. Fire starts at 6:30. 

The Rotary Club of Alliston, the Firefighters of New Tecumseth and The Town of New Tecumseth invite people of all ages to joi n us at the Rotary Pool parking area in  Riverdale Park, Alliston for an evening of family winter fun on January 5th, 2018.  The huge bonfire will be lit at 6:30 pm.  The Rotary Club of Alliston will be selling hot dogs and cups of hot chocolate for 25 cents.  You will not find a better deal in 2018.  Hot dogs provided by Country Meat Cuts and hot chocolate provided by Tim Hortons - Angus.
You can help by dropping off your Christmas tree for the bonfire at the Rotary Pool Parking area on or before January 4, 2018. 
Parking access at the site will be limited to emergency service and people with limited mobility. Please park at the ball diamonds and the pavilion on Fletcher Crescent.
This is a fun evening for the whole family.
12th Night Celebration Bonfire - Friday January 5, 2018 2017-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Christmas Party

Posted on Dec 12, 2017
Last night was the Rotary Christmas party! - I'm posting a bit late  It was a lot of fun!  We played games, did some trivia, and decorated some Rotarian's as Christmas trees! Yay!
Rotary Club Christmas Party Marnie MacKay 2017-12-12 05:00:00Z 0

District 7070 Update

Posted on Nov 30, 2017
To ALL Active Rotarians in District 7070:
IMPORTANT:  the next early-bird deadline for discounted registration to the Rotary International Convention in Toronto next June is December 15th.  Registration goes up USD$100 after that date.  As cancellation fee is only $50 - even if you're worried you might be travelling and out of the country then - it's a better deal to register now!  :-)   At present, we have about half the registrants expected from our district.  Please don't wait until next May.  Register here:
Have you registered to volunteer?  You don't need to decide in what area or what days yet - but the Host Organising Committee DO need you to sign up online.  They're working extremely hard planning things, so I know it would relieve their stress greatly if they had a few hundred more people sign up now.  Remember, volunteers are needed both INSIDE the convention (registered delegates) and also OUTSIDE -- so spouses, siblings, friends, colleagues, Rotaractors and Rotarians-to-be are most welcome as well!  Sign up here by entering your info in just a few clicks:
Still thinking about helping host a dinner for Monday, June 25th - Host Hospitality night?  It's a highlight event for many going to conventions, and you'll meet a truly international group of guests.  We should have 5,000 spots available, so please register your event - you don't need to have full details finalised.  (I'll be sending a separate email to Club Presidents re potential joint events for those clubs outside of the city.)  Sign up with even fewer clicks here, so they know you're hosting a dinner:
Lastly, exciting news:  HOC event tickets are now on sale.  People from around the world are already starting to purchase - and of course everyone here is welcome as well!  More info here:
The HOC is getting updated on a regular basis, and includes info on all aspects of the convention, and a link to RI as well.    So bookmark this one-stop resource...
District 7070 Update Marnie MacKay 2017-11-30 05:00:00Z 0

Motions passed at the November 20, 2017 meeting

Posted on Nov 30, 2017
Board Meeting (New Board)
November 20, 2017
At Gibson Centre
Present: Maureen Royle, John McFarland, Sue Leach, Leo Kleiss, Irene Byrne, Ed
Zelinski, Bill Wray, Ralph Jones
Regrets: Joan Hayward
1. Reviewed board minutes from June 14 th , 2017. Motion to accept the minutes
moved by Leo Kleiss, 2 nd by Ralph Jones – carried.
2. Motion to accept the agenda, moved by Sue Leach, 2 nd by Ralph Jones –
3. Motion to accept the Financial audit of the charitable account and financial
statements for the Dec 04/17 AGM moved by Sue Leach, 2 nd by Irene Byrne -
4. Club Budget presented by Ed Zelinski. Motion to accept budget as presented
moved by Ed Zelinski, 2 nd by Bill Wray – carried.
5. Charitable Fund Budget presented by Bill Wray – motion to accept as
presented moved by Maureen Royle, 2 nd by Leo Kleiss – carried
6. The charitable fund budget showed there are funds in excess of the budget
set out for this fiscal year. Bill will initiate a discussion with the club to
decide how to allocate these excess funds.
7. Christmas Float report submitted by Paul Foster – motion to accept as
presented moved by Leo Kleiss, 2 nd by Maureen Royle – carried. The final
budget/cost for the float will be presented to the club
8. Slate of officers for 2018/19 update – Leo Kleiss. In progress
9. Foundation Report  - Joan Hayward and Ralph Jones. Accepted as presented,
moved by John McFarland, 2 nd by Leo Kleiss – carried
10. World Community Service report – motion to accept as presented, moved by
Maureen Royle, 2 nd by Sue Leach - carried
11. Community Service report - Sue Leach . Motion to accept as presented,
moved by John McFarland, 2 nd by Irene Byrne - carried
12. Remembrance Day donations from Ted Barris event   - Maureen Royle & John
McFarland. Report was accepted as amended and will be posted in club
runner under ‘event reports’.

New Business:
Nancy Ward is making a donation of $1000 in memory of her husband. It will be
deposited into the charitable account and a future discussion will be held to decide how to
allocate these funds.
Motions passed at our regular club meeting on that same date
The Rotary Club of Alliston to provide $2500 towards the weather proof doors on the Octagonal Shed at
the Banting Homestead.
Moved by Sue Leach
Club Seconder: Paul Foster
- Carried
Rotary Club of Alliston fund Contact Housing First Client Support Relief fund up to $2500 on a needs basis.
Moved by Sue Leach
Club Seconder: Ralph Jones
- Carried
Motions passed at the November 20, 2017 meeting Marnie MacKay 2017-11-30 05:00:00Z 0

Christmas Party Food Bank Donations

Posted on Nov 30, 2017
Please help support the local food bank and bring non perishable food stuffs to the Christmas party. You can also make a monetary donation to the food bank on the night of the party by cheque payable to  The Good Shepherd Food Bank and the food bank will purchase the supplies required.
Christmas Party Food Bank Donations Marnie MacKay 2017-11-30 05:00:00Z 0

Cenotaph Committee Cheque Presentation 

Posted on Nov 28, 2017
Maureen Royale and John McFarland co-presidents of The Rotary Club of Alliston  presented a cheque to the Cenotaph Committee chair Mr. Hart Holmstrom  in the amount $1,235.00 to further improvements at the Cenotaph located at  Albert and Paris streets in Alliston.
Funds were raised by a generous donation from Royal LePage RCR Reality Alliston,  Frank Grey Jr. and staff, and public donations from the speaker presentation of The Great Escape by  Professor and author of The Great Escape and frequent contributor to the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star Ted Barris. Event was held on Oct 04/17 in Honda Hall at the Gibson Centre.
Photo curtesy of John Heydon.
Thank you,for your help
much appreciated!
Cenotaph Committee Cheque Presentation 2017-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

Night Lit Santa Claus Parade - WINNERS

Here are the 2017 Rotary Club of Alliston Night Lit Santa Claus parade winners...
Best overall - CIRCLE THEATRE
Thank you to all the organizations, companies and groups that entered the parade your support and participation is appreciated.
A few video highlights...
Night Lit Santa Claus Parade - WINNERS 2017-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Alliston Santa Claus Parade

Posted by Marnie MacKay on Nov 18, 2017
Tonight was a very WET and cold night, but the parade still happened and it was AWESOME!
The star of the show!!! Santa! and our amazing Rotary float!
Alliston Santa Claus Parade Marnie MacKay 2017-11-18 05:00:00Z 0
Santa is Coming to Town - November 18, 2017 2017-11-07 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellowship presentation

Posted on Oct 31, 2017
Janet Clayton, Don Smith and Patricia Middlebrook all received Paul Harris Fellowships at the Rotary Club of Alliston on Monday Oct, 30th.
Paul Harris Fellowship presentation Marnie MacKay 2017-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

Alliston Community Garden Clean Up Despite the Weather

Posted on Oct 30, 2017
Thank you to all the folks who braved the rain and cool weather to help clean up the 24 raised garden boxes at the Alliston Community Gardens. The Women's Institute and the Town of New Tecumseth supported the building of the Garden Boxes on Town land 3 years ago. The Rotary Cub of Alliston, the Women's Institute and the Town of New Tecumseth helped in the clean up of the boxes that were not used this year. The boxes are free to residents of New Tecumseth to grow their own vegetables. Residents do need to sign an agreement with the Town to maintain their boxes. Thanks to all the Rotarians who came out to help!
Pics above: (top, left)Boxes all done...Coffee anyone?, (top right)Kelly McCague and Sue MacKay, (2nd row left)Deputy Mayor Donna Jebb representing the WI, (second row right)Outstanding in his field...Ralph Jones celebrating a birthday by helping Rotary, (bottom left)Patricia, Sue and Kelly, (bottom right)Bill and Jack hard at work 
Alliston Community Garden Clean Up Despite the Weather Sue Leach 2017-10-30 04:00:00Z 0

Alliston Community Garden Clean Up

Posted by Sue Leach on Oct 30, 2017
Bill and Jack hard at work
Thank you to all the folks who braved the rain and cool weather to help clean up the 24 raised garden boxes at the Alliston Community Gardens. The Women's Institute and the Town of New Tecumseth supported the building of the Garden Boxes on Town land 3 years ago. The Rotary Cub of Alliston, the Women's Institute and the Town of New Tecumseth helped in the clean up of the boxes that were not used this year. The boxes are free to residents of New Tecumseth to grow their own vegetables. Residents do need to sign an agreement with the Town to maintain their boxes. Thanks to all the Rotarians who came out to help!
Kelly McCague and Sue MacKay
Outstanding in his field...Ralph Jones celebrating a birthday by helping Rotary
Deputy Mayor Donna Jebb representing the WI
Patricia, Sue and Kelly 
Boxes all done...Coffee anyone?
Alliston Community Garden Clean Up Sue Leach 2017-10-30 04:00:00Z 0

Foundation Walk 2017 Report
October 16, 2017

Posted by Marnie MacKay on Oct 18, 2017
Foundation Walk 2017 Report
October 16, 2017
Amount raised for the Foundation Walk (APF) = $8805 CDN = $7063 USD
Average per member = $214 USD
Percentage membership donating = 76%
1. 50% of this money is used by The Rotary Foundation to fund global grants.
2. 50% of the money raised each year comes back to the district for matching grants, vocational training teams, scholarships
3. Our club will be using both district money and global grant money this year for the Ukraine project. This grant money’s effect is to greatly increase the amount of money available for the project.
4. Thanks to all who donated at the time of the Foundation Walk. The cheques were mailed in mid-September.
5. If you wish to help further in the Foundation being able to do humanitarian international work, you can still donate to the Annual Programs Fund;
a. Write a cheque and send it in (in Canadian dollars) to The Rotary Foundation Canada c/o 911600 PO Box 4090 STN A, Toronto, ON M5W 0E9
b. Donate on-line as President John did. c. Arrange for automatic withdrawal from your bank as Bill Wray does. d. Use Canada Helps to direct your funds as Roger and I do.
Foundation Walk 2017 ReportOctober 16, 2017 Marnie MacKay 2017-10-18 04:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day, October 24, 2017

Posted by Marnie MacKay on Oct 18, 2017
TO:          All Alliston Rotarians
FROM:    Joan Hayward, Club Foundation Co-Chair
As I announced at our meeting of October 16, next Monday, October 23rd at 11:00 a.m. His Worship the Maor of the Town of New Tecumseth will proclaim the week of October 23rdEnd Polio Now Week.  We will raise the flag and it will fly until October 30th to bring awareness for the need to "Drop Polio to Zero".
Please join the Mayor and councillors in this event and wear, if weather permits, your red golf shirt or your red End Polio Now t-shirt.  We will obviously be outdoors.
I'm also sending you a note President Maureen received from District Governor Neil about an e-event happening on National Polio Day, Tuesday, October 24th.  This is a very interesting take on raising both awareness and funds for the polio effort.  Those comfortable with all things "e" may like to participate.

This Message is being sent to All Rotarians in D7070:

To Celebrate World Polio Day this coming Tuesday October 24th, Canadian e-clubs will march across Canada in 5 hours!  You  can participate in the meeting - and Make a Pledge Donation - and help Rotary accomplish its goal of eliminating polio.

Of course, if your Club has an event, or you can make a District event, I would encourage you to participate in person.  This effort is for the curious and those Rotarians and Rotaractors who cannot be actively involved with a local WPD event.

The meeting will start at 7:00 pm Tuesday October 24 local time in Halifax. It will then roll across all time Zones starting at 7:00 pm in your local time zone.  On hand to promote the fund raising efforts will be...

Bob Scott

A driving force behind Polio Eradication since 1986

Mike McGovern

Chair of the Polio Plus Committee

Ann Lee Hussey

An organizer and promoter of more than 25 National Immunization Days

So if you are not involved locally, still in the office, or just curious:  mark your calendar and join us online 7 pm local time World Polio Day October 24.  Maybe slightly different in Saskatchewan.  Meetings will start at 7 pm Central and 7 pm Mountain.

Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/371359687

Pledge Link to follow next week.

See you at 7 we have room for 200!!!!

Your World Polio Day Online Committee

Brian Carmichael

PDG District 7080 2011- 2012

Ass't Rotary Coordinator Zone 24E 2017-2018

DG Neil

Rotary and Gates Foundation Celebrate 10 Years of Working Together to End Polio

Since 2013, the Gates Foundation has matched every $1 Rotary commits to polio eradication 2-to-1.


World Polio Day, October 24, 2017 Marnie MacKay 2017-10-18 04:00:00Z 0

Monday night meeting (Oct 16)

Posted on Oct 16, 2017
We had a great meeting tonight where we discussed which charities/projects the Rotary Club of Alliston would contribute funds to. Also, our team from the Ukraine has returned!  They gave a short presentation on their experience and provided some gifts for the club and our club presidents. 
Top Image: the Ukraine trip team, Bottom left Image: gifts from the Ukraine Rotary Club, Bottom right image: pamphlet about the Ukraine Rotary Club
Monday night meeting (Oct 16) 2017-10-16 04:00:00Z 0

Mommy, what's Polio?

Posted on Oct 04, 2017
“Mommy, what’s Polio?”
On Monday, October 23rd New Tecumseth’s Mayor Rick Milne will declare the week of October 23rd to 3oth as End Polio Now Week in New Tecumseth.  To mark the start of this special week, the End Polio Now Flag will be raised on Monday, October 23rd and will fly at the municipal offices in Alliston all that week.  If you live within New Tecumseth, please join members of The Rotary Club of Alliston as we participate in this event.
We in Canada are so fortunate that the question, “Mommy, what’s polio?” can still be asked by our children.  Polio has not been a health problem for many decades, thanks to proof of immunization being required for school attendance.   Some of us still remember members of our families and friends suffering from polio and, indeed, having to spend most of their days in an iron lung. 
The developing world has not been so fortunate.  Today there are three countries where the polio virus is still endemic:  Afghanistan; Pakistan; and now, again, Nigeria.  According to recent reports, there have been nine new cases this year.  We need to stop this spread quickly.  In June, at the Rotary International Convention, Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced another CA$100 million in the fight to eradicate polio.  This brings Canada’s total contribution to nearly US$650 million.  We can be very proud of our government’s significant help in this endeavour.
To sustain this progress, and protect all children from polio, experts say $1.5 billion is urgently needed. Without full funding and political commitment, this paralyzing disease could return to previously polio-free countries, putting children everywhere at risk. Rotary has contributed more than $1.6 billion and countless volunteer hours to fight polio. Through 2018, every dollar Rotary commits to polio eradication will be matched two-to-one by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation up to $35 million a year.
If you or an organization with which you are affiliated would like to do your part, please go to
www.clubrunner.ca/trfc/ and follow the link to donate.  For approximately $1 you can immunize a child against this crippling disease.
Mommy, what's Polio? 2017-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

District 7070 Newsletter information

Posted by Marnie on Sep 29, 2017

The SEPTEMBER 2017 Rotary District 7070 Newsletter is packed with information on our many Rotary programs such as:

·  Letters from District Governor Neil Phillips and from District Governor-Elect Mary Lou Harrison

·  Letter from R.I. President Ian Riseley AND Rotary Foundation Chair Paul Netzel

·  September is Basic Education and Literacy Month. One of the Rotary Foundations 6 Areas of Focus. What is your club doing to attract and retain members?

·  Are you getting ready to tell the world about your club's participation in World Polio Day on October 24 and why we celebrate?

·  Are you contributing to the District 7070 Speakers Bureau? How about MOBI ?

·  Newsletters from ShelterBox Canada , and Honoring Indigenous People, and WASRAG

·  A new section called Clubs In the News . A great opportunity to showcase your club and assist other Rotary Clubs.

·  Have you registered for Rotary Friendship Day in Oshawa on Sept 25?

·  Have you volunteered for Toronto2018 yet? Any thoughts on the entertainment? Break out sessions?

·  Don't forget the new section called ROTARY INFORMATION TO HELP LEAD YOUR CLUBS..... like Rotary Leadership Institute (you can now register for Belleville on Sept 30) , Club Visioning, the Mobile Business Directory, our Speakers Bureau and many more

·  Are you going to the Rotary District Conference? Have you registered? Have you booked your hotel room?

·  and many more news items and Reminders

In addition, all editions of this year's Newsletters will be available on the District 7070 website. Look at the left hand column of the District Website and scroll down. You may wish to include a copy the link to your own Club website and your own Club Facebook page. This Newsletter is a good look at Rotary in Southern Ontario and around the world and just may attract new members to your site and to your Rotary Club.

We will continue to email a newsletter out to you perhaps as many as 12 times in the 2017-18 Rotary year (we will try for one a month as our goal).

This is a "no charge" endeavour so that our District Rotary Dues are kept in check. Please send all of your articles to me Dave Andrews, Public Relations Chairman.

It is with great pleasure that Linda Grey-Noble, a member of the Rotary Club of Toronto Twilight is on the District 7070 Newsletter Team. Linda is welcoming the opportunity to help bring a "new look" to the District 7070 Newsletter. We look forward to seeing the "New" Newsletter. Thank you, Linda, for volunteering and "Making a Difference" in 2017-18.

District 7070 Newsletter information Marnie 2017-09-29 04:00:00Z 0

Christmas float Work Bee

Posted by Marnie MacKay on Sep 29, 2017
Here are some images from our work bee meeting on Monday Sept 25, 2017: A video with additional pics will be added to the site at a later time.
***Important note***
On behalf of Paul Foster, the work bee for this Saturday Sept 30 has be rescheduled to Oct 28/17.   It will take place immediately after the garden clean keep up that Sue has organized which starts at 9:00a.m. With a good turn out, we should be done weeding and able to start on the float by 11:00. Please check the calendar for more information.  Rotary in action making a difference in our community!
Christmas float Work Bee Marnie MacKay 2017-09-29 04:00:00Z 0

Allocation of donation from Ted Barris event

Posted by Marnie MacKay on Sep 29, 2017
Email sent out to Rotary members from John:
We have some options as to where we allocate the free will donation collected at
the Ted Barris talk night scheduled for Nov 06/17.
Thanks to Sue for doing the leg work here our options:
I called Hart Holstrum back today. Hart said they need about $1000 to complete the mural project at the Cenotaph…. the Rotary club name would be on a plaque that recognizes all donors. The mural will be completed by November 11. Next year they plan to put a fence around Cenotaph and an underground sprinkler system. There are no estimates on that work yet.
The Family Resource Centre is a not for profit and they have a charitable number. I spoke to Lynn Sorel and she said we can donate to a 1) general operational fund or 2) a program fund like childcare or support for families that have a parent deployed or 3) a new program launching in April that will provide all kinds of services to young veterans families(like respite care, support for families if they have to travel to specialist appointments, modifying homes to make accessible for injured veterans). She did say they have no immediate need at the moment.  She said might be better to give the money to Matthews House or SMHF.
Please email me (as Sue is away in the Ukraine) the program you would like to support. Sue will announce the recipient to the club first and then a  PR presentation after the event.
Allocation of donation from Ted Barris event Marnie MacKay 2017-09-29 04:00:00Z 0

Auction Update

Posted by Marnie MacKay on Sep 29, 2017
The auction is fast approaching! All tickets and items must be to Janet so she can finish cataloguing and get the book to the printer....and get seating numbers to the Nott. If you are thinking of donating an item the sooner it arrives here the less cranky I'll be....and the sooner your tickets are here the closer you can be to the bar!!
Auction Update Marnie MacKay 2017-09-29 04:00:00Z 0

Alliston Community Gardens Clean Up 

Posted by Sue Leach on Sep 27, 2017
Join us for the Alliston Community Garden Clean Up on Saturday, October 28 at 9am at 66 Elizabeth Street. The Women’s Institute, the Rotary Club of Alliston and the Town of New Tecumseth are working together to clean up the 24 raised box gardens on the Town of New Tecumseth property at the west end of Elizabeth St. The Community Gardens were built 3 years ago by the Women’s Institute to promote healthy lifestyle choices for residents of New Tecumseth. Please wear old clothes, gloves and sturdy footwear. Bring along your gardening tools. Parking is along Elizabeth Street. Map to location 
Alliston Community Gardens Clean Up Sue Leach 2017-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

*Important Update from Ukraine Trip Team

Posted by Marnie MacKay on Sep 24, 2017
Below you will find two updates on our pending trip to Ukraine.  Please read through to the end.  There are two motions that will come to the club once the team has returned and assuming they are satisfied that the project should be undertaken.  These motions have been bolded. 
Update on the Rivne Blind Project (August 2017)
Everything is on track for the Alliston team to leave for Ukraine on Friday, September 29th and return on Thanksgiving Saturday, October 7th.  All members, at their own expense, are spending two days in Warsaw on the way to Rivne.
Our team (Jack, David, Sue, Irene, Bill, and Roger) had a meeting to discuss some of the specific details of the trip.  Since then we have learned that our government is offering Rotary clubs in certain countries (Ukraine is one that has been approved) additional grants.  So if the team approves our project for the blind, we will be asking the club to consider the following motion: (note that the wording is slightly different than the one you saw at our initial presentation in July)
“That the Rotary Club of Alliston be the lead club in a proposed global grant, together with a Government of Canada grant totaling $65,000 USD, to improve the education and socialization of the blind and visually impaired children and adults of the Rivne province and use $5,000 USD of Alliston’s World Community Service funds designated from team donations”
The new funding for the grant is as follows:
                Rotary Club of Alliston                                                       $  5,000
                Rotary Club of Richmond Hill                                          $  2,000
                 Rotary Toronto                                                                   $  3,000
                District Designated Funds (DDF)                                    $ 10,000
                Government of Canada                                                      $ 20,000
                World Fund of The Rotary Foundation (TRF)              $ 35,000
                                                                                        Total             $ 65,000
NB.         The $5,000 from Alliston does not come from the 2017-18 club charitable account for funds raised.  The money comes from both team money left over from Tanzania 2014 and the Ukraine team 2017 money.
The team was not aware of the government grants but after a discussion we felt that we could not overlook this opportunity, since we will not have to use any more money than originally proposed for a total of $35,000.  This will mean that we can do the entire project as outlined by the Rivne club originally.
If anyone has any questions about the project and missed the club presentation in July, please contact Roger for further information.
Update on the Rivne Project (September 2017)
We all leave this Friday night, September 29th, en route to Ukraine with a 2-day stop in Warsaw.
It looks as if we have the funding in place for the complete project provided the team feels comfortable with our on-site visit in Rivne.  Assuming this is the case then to complete our funding we will partner with the Toronto club.  To do this we will need to support one of their Foundation global grant projects (something we have done in the past).  The following motion needs to come to the club:
“That the Rotary Club of Alliston support The Rotary Club of Toronto, providing $3,000 USD towards global grant #1529550 which is for building 30 blocks of toilets for girls in rural and slum schools in India” 
This money will come from the Alliston World Community Service budget of $6,000 CDN.
The highlights of this Toronto project are as follows:
  1. This project is worth $35,000 USD with all of the appropriate Foundation matches;
  2. It is in the communities of Palghar, Jawhar, Dahanu and Vidarbha with a total population of 500,000;
  3. It is part of a long-term project which the Indian Rotarians will be undertaking in similar geographic areas within the next 2 to 5 years;
  4. Training for the use of the toilets will be provided; and
  5. The total number of toilets to be built is 120 which means the cost per toilet is $291.
Pictures of similar toilets are shown below.
This similar problem we saw in Tanzania but these Indian schools do have access to running water.
More details can be provided since we have a copy of the proposal as approved by the Foundation in our files.  Bill, David, and I have looked over the details and are pleased to recommend the project, especially with the support of The Rotary Foundation which will multiply our money to $10,500 USD.
*Important Update from Ukraine Trip Team Marnie MacKay 2017-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

SUCCESS! Community Gardens in Alliston

Posted by Sue Leach
Community Gardens on Town of New Tecumseth property at west end of Elizabeth Street in Alliston.
The weather wasn't very cooperative, but that didn't stop our dedicated Alliston Rotarians.  Thank you to the team of individuals for making this day a success and making the Gardens look great!
Information about the Community Gardens:
The Community Gardens in Alliston were built on Town property by the Women's Institute 3 years ago to help promote healthy lifestyle of town residents. The Women's Institute's goal was to make growing your own vegetables accessible and affordable for people that live in Alliston. Many apartment dwellers in the area have taken advantage of this program for the the first 2 years, with some residents donating extra produce to the food bank in Alliston. The lack of advertising this year meant that some of the boxes were not used and became weedy. Councillor Donna Jebb has promised to get advertising out early for next season.
The Town of New Tecumseth provides the land, grass cutting around the 24 raised boxes, water in large tank and road access to the site. Residents that book a box garden must sign a form to agree to certain requirements set out by the Town. No fee is charged, so it makes for an affordable choice to grow vegetables. 
 Strawberries planted by one resident for 2017.Yum!
SUCCESS! Community Gardens in Alliston Sue Leach 2017-09-19 04:00:00Z 0

District 7070 Foundation Walk

Posted by Sue Leach on Sep 19, 2017
Ralph Jones, Art Kovats, Jenny Kovats and Sue Leach walked at the 100th Anniversary Walk for the Rotary Foundation.
Our Rotary Foundation is celebrating it's 100th Anniversary this year. Each year Rotarians from our district walk together to raise funds for our Rotary Foundation. This years walk was in Whitby, Ontario and was hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Whitby and Whitby Sunrise. There were about 250 Rotarians walking this year the 5 km trail along the beautiful shoreline of Lake Ontario.
The walk featured many stops along the way to highlight the work of the 2 host Rotary Clubs. Many families participated and there was a passport to get stamped and a trivia contest with questions to answer along the route. We finished the morning with a lunch and music from students in a song writing program from local schools. Over $100,000.00 was raised by Rotarians, family and friends. Congrats to the organizers for a wonderful day!
District 7070 Foundation Walk Sue Leach 2017-09-19 04:00:00Z 0

Monday Sept 11th Rotary Meeting

Posted by Marnie MacKay on Sep 11, 2017
We had visitors tonight: District Governor Neil Phillips, and Assistant District Governor Sam Veerasinghsm.  They were both presented with our New Rotary Club of Alliston golf shirts as a thank you for their support.
Top Left:  District Governor Neil Phillips, Top Right:  Assistant District Governor Sam Veerasinghs Bottom(from left to right): Co President Maureen Royle, District Governor Neil Phillips, Co-president John McFarland, Assistant District Governor Sam Veersinghs
Monday Sept 11th Rotary Meeting Marnie MacKay 2017-09-11 04:00:00Z 0

Art Exhibition

Posted by Marnie MacKay on Sep 01, 2017
The Artists at the Gibson are having an Exhibition in the Gallery beginning September 8 with the opening on that evening.  Rotarians are invited to be at the opening.  Tickets are available at the Gibson Centre front desk or on the website:  www.gibsoncentre.com
Art Exhibition Marnie MacKay 2017-09-01 04:00:00Z 0

Annual District 7070 Walk

Posted on Sep 01, 2017
Rotarians – before your long weekend settles in, don't forget to mark your calendars and make plans for the following weekend!  Come out and celebrate 100 years of the Rotary Foundation at the 2017 District 7070 Foundation Walk in Whitby on Sunday Sept 10.   Join fellow Rotarians & Rotaractors with friends and family on Sunday Sept 10, 2017 for the annual District 7070 walk in support of the Rotary Foundation.  Enjoy a leisurely walk along the beautiful waterfront trail in Whitby.  (Long-range weather report looks lovely.)  The walk will feature live music, local craft beer, prizes and trivia.  Dogs welcome, or any other animal on a leash.  A continental breakfast and lunch will be served.  It's a day of awesome fun for the whole family.  Doors open at 8:30 am for breakfast and welcoming ceremonies.  Walk (5Km or less) starts at 10am with lunch and closing ceremonies.
While a fun event on its own, remember it's a key opportunity to raise funds for our Foundation - half of which comes back to our own district in three years to support Club projects through District Grant funding.
If you haven't already done so, please go to the Rotary 7070 website this week to register or click this link: Register Online.  We welcome you to bring friends and family to this event, you can add them as guest through your registration.
District 7070 Rotary Foundation Walk
Sep 10, 2017  Breakfast and welcome ceremonies: 8:30 a.m. Walk:10:00 a.m, Lunch and closing ceremonies: Noon
No fee - it's FREE (but please collect pledges for Rotary Foundation and register)
Heydenshore Pavilion
589 Water Street
Whitby, ON Canada
L1N 0C1
Your Club President (or designate) should be organising pledges and bringing total funds to the walk.  Alternately, if you have any questions re donating or the event itself, do not hesitate to reach out to the Event Chair, Mark Chipman:  mark.chipman@rbc.com
Look forward to seeing many of you there!
DG Neil.
Annual District 7070 Walk 2017-09-01 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Christmas Float Construction has begun! Marnie MacKay 2017-08-31 04:00:00Z 0

Lions  -  Christmas in September

Please consider helping our fellow service members in the Lions with their Christmas in September Golf Tournament.  Funds go to the Christmas Hamper Program.
Lions - Christmas in September 2017-08-29 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians and Lions Unite

Posted by Marnie MacKay
Tonight was a an opportunity for the Lions Club of Alliston, and the Alliston Rotary Club to get to know each other.  It was a celebration pub night at the Gibson Centre in Alliston. The Rotary and Lions Club will be working on some future projects together.
Rotarians and Lions Unite Marnie MacKay 2017-08-28 04:00:00Z 0

Potato Festival Parade 2017

Posted on Aug 13, 2017
Despite threatening weather and brief downpour the 2017 edition of the Potato Festival Parade was a great success.  This year's parade had a great variety of floats, vehicles, bands and entertainment. A big thanks to the organizing committee and the volunteers for another great evening of family fun.  
Here are the winners:

Commercial:  1st place Honda, runner-up Alliston Auto

Non-Commercial:  1st place Next Step Literacy, 

Children's:  1st place Girl Guides, runner-up Creative Kids 


Thank you to all the organizations and businesses that had and entry in the parade.

Click here for a gallery of parade photos.  More great photos on the Alliston Herald webpage here.
Potato Festival Parade 2017 2017-08-13 04:00:00Z 0

Thank you email to the Alliston Rotary, from the Amarok Society

Posted on Jul 31, 2017
The following email was forwarded by member, Irene Byrne, who attended the event, One Book One New Tecumseth, on behalf of Rotary Club of Alliston:
Dear Sue,
I hope you'll convey our appreciation to your club for its continued support of our work in the developing world. Our Amarok Society mothers are showing a lot of bravery and dedication by taking a stand for peace and education in Bangladesh and Pakistan, but it wouldn't be possible without the stand being taken by so many Rotarians across Canada and the US. It means a great deal to us that the Rotary Club of Alliston has continued its support of our operations - please pass along our gratitude, as well as that of the communities who are benefiting through your club's generosity.
With best wishes,
Thank you email to the Alliston Rotary, from the Amarok Society Marnie MacKay 2017-07-31 04:00:00Z 0

The Annual Rotary Potato Festival Parade

Posted by Joan Hayward on Jul 18, 2017

Save the Date for the Parade

Friday, August 11th – 7:00 p.m.

President Leo and Punnapa leading the 2016 Parade

As usual, this year’s parade is shaping up to be an exceptional event.  The entry spaces are filling up fast and we are receiving new applications every day.

The committee has decided to have no more than 85 entries, including commercial, non-commercial and children categories.  Participants are encouraged to decorate their floats in a potato theme and to be as original as possible.  The floats will be judged beginning at 6:00 p.m. and there will be two winners in each of the three categories.  Look for the banners declaring the winners as the parade passes by!

This year’s parade includes 8 bands, many floats with music, entertainment by the various Shriner groups, a stilt-walker/accordion player, and a unicyclist/juggler.  Watch for amazing feats of balance from these two unique characters!

So, get ready for another exciting parade as it makes its way through the heart of downtown Alliston.  What a great way to kick off yet another awesome Potato Festival!

The Annual Rotary Potato Festival Parade Joan Hayward 2017-07-18 04:00:00Z 0
Celebrating Canada's 150th in Alliston! Marnie MacKay 2017-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

New Members speeches

Posted on Jun 20, 2017
New member Judy Irvine during her speech
Last Monday evening, on June 16th, two new members were welcomed into the Rotary Club of Alliston. Last night, Judy Irvine gave her speech to introduce herself and provide insight to the other members about who she is and why she's become a Rotarian. Judy is a lovely person and the Rotary Club of Alliston is pleased to have her working with them. Welcome Aboard Judy!
New Members speeches Marnie MacKay 2017-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

Club News

Posted by Sue Leach on Jun 16, 2017
June is Rotary Foundation's 100th Anniversary and Rotary Fellowships Month

The pod members for June are Art and Jenny Kovats, Paul Kerr and Don Smith.  

Coming Events:

Monday, June 19- Judy Irvine- Classification Talk 

                                    -Business meeting 

Monday, June 26- Changeover Night @ 6:30pm at the Gibson Centre- Partners Night- Please wear Red and White (or Canada shirts etc) to help celebrate Canada's 150th  Birthday. Please register yourself and your guests. Cost is $30/member and $35/Guest.

Saturday July 1- Canada Day Celebrations in Riverdale Park(near the Rotary Splash Zone)- 10am-2pm- 16 Rotary Members(4 for each hour) are needed to hand out Chocolate Milk and Rotary Beach Balls to children and answer questions for the adults. Please wear a Rotary shirt if you have one.  Please contact Maureen via text, email, or phone her at 705-817-5540 if you can help that day. 

Monday, July 4- No Rotary

Monday, July 10- Rotary Meeting

Monday, July17- No Rotary

Monday, July 24- No Rotary

Monday, July 31- Rotary Meeting with Board Meeting to follow

Rotary VIP
  • Please send in your May VIP orders asap to Jack. Please encourage friends and colleagues to purchase gift cards through Rotary.  Click here to download the excel format order form.